DOMAIN: Dine Studies
CLUSTER: Clothing
STANDARD: 4th – 6th Grade: Dine Character Building Standards, Dine Culture Standards, Dine History Standard, Oral Dine Language Standards
Standard: I will develop an understanding of Dine way of life.
Concept 1: Nitsahakees- I will acknowledge and value my thoughts and personality.
PO 2. I will organize and keep track of my personal belongings.
PO 3. I will explain the significance of my cultural possessions.
Standard: I will understand and apply the Navajo Nation Laws (Traditional Law, Customary Law, Natural Law and Common Law).
Concept 2: I will sustain myself through Dine teachings.
PO 1. I will practice and follow the cultural teachings.
Standard: I will understand historical/factual events, people and symbols that influence my family.
PO 3. I will explain the Dine historical timeline.
Concept 2: I will understand connections between my culture, sacred sites and historical events.
PO 1. I will research the sacred sites within my community.
PO 2. I will demonstrate my cultural knowledge gained from my immediate family.
Concept 3: I will compare and contrast major events of Dine and neighboring tribes.
PO 1: I will research the cultures and lands of other neighboring Indian tribes.
PO 3: I will identify the captivity and the hardship that affected Dine people.
Concept 4: I will understand the integrity of my culture, language, and values that are protected and maintained by Dine.
PO 4. I will retell major Dine historical events.
Student Friendly: (I, WE…)
Students will need to know academic vocabulary words using Dine bizaad
Students will need to know time line
Students will need to know types of clothing materials.
Students will need to know the social influences that caused the change in clothing styles.
Students will need to know how to research topics using various resources.
Students need to know how to read a time-line
Students need to know how economics relates to clothing
Students need to know to investigatethe protocols of Dine Traditional Clothing
Students need to know the types of fabric & clothing materials
Students need to know what differentiate contemporary clothing styles means.
Students need to know how cause and effect from traditional to contemporary clothing influence by multi-media.
Students need to know what fad or trends means from traditional to contemporary clothing.
Students need to know various fabrics used to make clothing attire.
Dine way of life
Navajo Nation Laws
Navajo Language/Culture / Develop
Critical thinking
taught /
  • Factual
  • Conceptual
  • Procedural
  • Meta-Cognitive
  • Remember
  • Understand
  • Apply
  • Analyze
  • Evaluate
  • Create
DOK Level
4th Grade: Describe the various early Navajo clothing styles (Before the Long Walk)
5th Grade: Identify Clothing from the European and Spanish Decent. Describe adopted clothing of the Dine after the Long Walk. Compare and Contrast Pre-European (Dine Traditional Clothing) to Post-European Clothing. Identify the Protocols of Dine Traditional Clothes (i.e., One set of clothes, shoes, personal items etc….)
6th Grade: Differentiate contemporary clothing styles. Understand the causes and effects of changes in clothing styles
-How would you describe Navajo Traditional Clothing before Long Walk?
-Why do you think the clothing were different before the Long Walk?
-What is your opinion of what clothing were made out of before the Long Walk?
-How would you describe Navajo Traditional Clothing after Long Walk?
-Can you tell me what Contemporary Traditional clothing look like?
-What were the influences for the changing of the Traditional clothing after the Long Walk?
-How would you compare and contrast Traditional to Contemporary clothing?
-What is your opinion of how clothing changed after the Long Walk?
-How would you adapt Contemporary Traditional Clothing back to its own original Tradition?
Students will not be expected to write and read the Dine language.
Students will not be expected to be knowledgeable in the European and/or Spanish Culture.