INSTRUCTIONS – Please read these instructions and notes overleaf before completing this form

1The completed form should be submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from the Vice-President and Executive Dean of the College in which the Fellow is located.

2The College Finance Officer must be notified of the application.

3Applications must be submitted by 30 April and 30 November each year.

Applicant Surname / Given Name(s)
Academic (Teaching and Research) level
Status: continuing or contract
(please attach CV) / College
Details of leave taken / From / To / Type of leave
Proposed dates of Fellowship / From: / To:
PROPOSED RESEARCH PROGRAM Attach additional pages if required
Description/nature of the research activity; research aims and significance; research plan/methods and techniques, and intended outcomes and outputs
Description of current research record including evidence of research output and income
Project budget; budget justification; proposed timetable and source of funds
Ethics approval required (if applicable)
Applicant signature / Date
Vice-President and Executive Dean (or delegate) Signature / Print Name / Date

Flinders University Re-entry Fellowship


  • To provide funds to Colleges to relieve some of the pressure on academic staff returning to the University following a period of parental leave by paying for research assistance (or other research support, including funds for teaching relief), to allow staff members to focus on the re-establishment of their research program.


  • The Fellowships are available to academic staff, with research and teaching duties, (i.e. not for research only staff),with a current contract of three years or longer with at least 18 months remaining. Fellowships may be awarded on a pro rata basis to part-time applicants. Fellowships may be awarded to:
  • Female academic staff in their first year back from parental leave and who wish to re-establish and resume their well-established academic research careers.
  • Any candidates, including males, who can provide evidence that they have taken a substantial period (at least 6 months) of parental leave in the preceding 12 months, to care for a new baby.
  • Applicants must demonstrate significant research prior to the period of leave.


  • Funding up to $50,000 will be available for each Fellowship, according to discipline and individual circumstances.
  • The funds provided are additional to those available under the return to work provisions of the University’s Parental Leave policy.


  • Applications must be made to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)and submitted by the Vice-President and Executive Dean of the College, by 30April and 30 November in each year. The application should detail the leave taken, a research plan, a statement of research track record, a budget and a Curriculum Vitae.
  • Selection will be made by a selection committee nominated bythe Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).


  • The recipient must submit a report on the outcomes of the Fellowship, including a budget acquittal, through the Executive Dean of the College to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) within three months of completion of the Fellowship. Any unspent funds must be returned to the fellowship budget.

Professor Robert Saint

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)


Flinders University Re-entry Fellowship updated 7 October 2018Page 1 of 2