Downscaling/Model Analysis

expert judgment

easier downloads

who else is doing this? topic pod request

boundary conditions

analysis grids available. NCL, but also specific scripts, like Matlab, R, etc.

quantifying uncertainties (associated w/ outfield concepts?)

derived variables, value-added, specifically vertical - vertically integrated moisture flux

observations. regridding. UDEL to RCM so we aren't always redoing it.


wiki/email list - how use? share papers/bibliography/analysis scripts so we're not reinventing the wheel.

what programing languages are we using? guidance/advice. IDV, R, Matlab, NCL etc.

also to write papers together/proposals/CFPs

methodologies. use each other as expertise.

sector specific needs, use experience of others so we do it right the first time and not guess.

prefer smaller community than general community. focus questions. wiki password protected? notification of updates

quantitative uncertainty.



diverse interests. topics. research oriented, spatial/temporal scales, stakeholders, etc

GIS friendly formats/data. NARCCAP data more accessible...derivations

one-stop shopping for observations. linked and comparable to NARCCAP data format so we can use the same tools.

Derived variables. Regridded datasets to remove a step/save researcher time

Opportunities/Barriers for collaboration:

share knowledge, methods, tools, codes, references, citations, lead to new projects?

save us time!!! please!

tough to have a discussion with such a diverse group. we have too much email already, so feels like a barrier.

must be useful! (don't launch until it's ready)


communication came up. NARCCAP provide graphics? something for basic communication. suite of communication products. Pre-prepared netcdf files?

(perhaps a prepared intro to our program for 3 different levels of audiences?)

Chuck - wikis should be a specific task for a specific time window.

available data from users - not stored on our hard drives

links to outside datasets

tools (ie: matlab code)

ask a statistician!

references that may be overlooked

why can't do it?

"impacts" is too specialize in subgroups

yet another mailing list/email that i have to read/check. i don't have time. will it save me time?

is it actually useful for the effort?

having an expert that I don't have to hire would be a HUGE benefit! so identifying other collaborators would be great.

could Toni give a weekly email to mailing list about what was updated?

what about people outside the inner circle? the less sophisticated circle?

using the data...potential user primer?


we're more narrowly focused than other groups.

Water cycle, service hydrology

spatial and numerical hydrologic models

expand user base.

Hydro balances, energy usage, water levels, river stages for native species,

quantification of uncertainty. i.e. between models

We focused on creating best practices:

sharing source code from models. More distributed models, water sheds or user groups lead to problems for future projections?

Temp and evaporation. Reducing stream flow or water availability on the surface given spatial distribution.

Evapotranspiration...what variables to calculate? Double check hydro model w/ NARCCAP output?

Build bridges to other communities b/c so many topics use/need hydro

biological, economic and other impacts groups can certainly benefit from hydro