summary résumé

Full Name:Lloyd Emslie Thomas

Born:21 May 1941, Durban, South Africa.

Schooling:Durban (SA), North Wales (UK), Grahamstown (SA)

Nationality:South African and British.

E-mail: Website:


Raised as a Christian;personally committed in 1956; experienced a call to the preaching ministry at 2am on the 9th January 1960. After completing compulsory national military service, during the years that followed my continuing preoccupation was the preaching and teaching of Holy Scripture. At the time of commencing formal theological training (1968) I was preaching or teaching severaltimes per week.

Throughout the years that followed, whatever the manner of earning a living, the same preoccupation has continued.After the departure of my wife in 2 June 1990, I received sole custody of my three minor children, and continued in the church’s pastoral ministry. The congregation bore with me until August 1991. After this I took employment in the financial services industry and from 1992 began part-time teaching at Salem Assembly, Cape Town. As their pastor became increasingly ill with Parkinson’s disease I was asked to take responsibility for all evening services and later to conduct the funerals, weddings, and crisis counselling of the church. To this end, I started an independent financial brokerage in 1994 to allow me more time to do this. After retirement of that pastor from ill health and the pastoral call of a younger man, I was asked to continue part-time teaching but other ministry was not needed. I then moved to the UK in May 2001, moved back to SA in September 2005 to write and teach, and later moved to the pastorate of Bethel First Baptist church in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada in February 2007.


April 2009 – moved back to Cape Town, South Africa, to be near my daughters.

February 2007 – Pastor - Bethel-First Baptist Church, Prince Rupert, BC, Canada.

(Also: President, Lighthouse Harbour Ministries – Prince Rupert, BC, Canada)

December-January 2007: Preaching / teaching in Cape Town, SA.

Oct0ber-November 2006: Preaching series in Prince Rupert, BC, Canada

August 2005 – Sept 2006:Historicalresearch in Egypt; preaching/teaching on request in SA

March 2005 – July 2005:Concierge, The Grosvenor, Chester, UK

July 2004– Dec. 2004: Courier Owner-driver, Business Express, London, UK

Jan. 2002 – June 2004: Lloyd Thomas Property Consultancy, London, UK

June 2001 – Dec. 2001: Senior Accounts Manager - Elefire Ltd, London, UK

1994 – 2001: Managing Director - Thomas Consultants, Cape Town, SA

1991 – 1994: Consultant - Old Mutual Life Assurance Society, Cape Town, SA

1978 – 1991: Pastor - LivingHopeBaptistChurch, Cape Town, SA

1975 – 1978: General Sales Manager – Pietersburg Bottling Co., Pietersburg SA

1968 – 1975: Pastor - Elim Assembly, Full Gospel Church, Pretoria, SA


2001MIS workshop on Building an Information Security Programme.

2000Microsoft Certified Professional in Internet Protocols.

199451 Club Membership, Old Mutual’s ‘excellence in achievement’ Association.

1993Old Mutual’s Compulsory Training for Representatives

1989University of South Africa, Systematic Theology III, Church History III.

1988Compushare Investment Training Program.

1988Diploma in Theology, The Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa.

1985Certified Marriage Officer and Commissioner of Oaths.

1983Forensic Psychiatry Conference participant, University of Cape Town.

1976Sales Management Diploma from Coca-Cola Export Corporation.

1976Certificate in Dynamics of Interpersonal Skills from Executive Motivation.

19673 Year Diploma in Divinity, Berea Theological College, Irene.


Voluntary work over a period of three yearsapplying biblical principlesin group therapy in the maximum security ward, forensic section, Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital Cape Town, until I became involved in a relief and evangelism outreach to refugee camps in Gaza and Maputo provinces of Mozambique during their civil war, where other relief agencies were unwilling to go.


Historical research to understand the Bible better.

Lloyd Thomas in ASCII binary code is...

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