Welcome to Geometry with Mrs. Latitia Thomas. This is going to be an awesome class. Geometry is different that Algebra. This class does require excellent Algebra skills. But, those concepts are then augmented with theorems and definitions about numerous shapes. This is a visual class. Also, this class is where you are introduced to the concept of mathematical proofs. For some students, this class is easier than Algebra, for many others it is far more difficult. If you find yourself struggling with the concepts, I will be here at 7am each morning for math help and stay after school for a short time each day if you are interested in math help.
Homework will be given EVERY night. It will be worth 400 points. You will get 400 points on each assignment if you TRY every problem and you put the correct heading on your paper. A incorrect heading is minus 40 points. It is minus 40 for every problem that you skip or do not complete. If you receive less than 200 points on an assignment you can redo it for a maximum of 300 points. Late homework can be turned in until test day. No work for a chapter can be turned in after the test for that chapter. That includes any assignments that you want to redo. Late homework is worth a maximum of 300 points if it is one day late and a maximum of 200 points if it is more than one day late.
Homework must be done in pencil and you will be expected to correct your homework each morning with pen (any color).
There will be at least one quiz per chapter. Each quiz is worth 400 points. There will always be advanced notice for quizzes. If you know you are going to be absent for a quiz let me know in advance. I will try to let you take it at another time instead of taking a more difficult make-up quiz.
Tests will be worth 2000 points. There will be a final exam at the end of each semester that covers only the material from that semester. The final exam will be worth 4000 points.
Your test average will constitute 60% of your grade and your homework average will constitute 40% of your grade.
I use a traditional grading scale: 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, less than 60 F. (90-92 A-, 93-99 A, 100 A+, 88-89 B+, 83-87 B, 80-82 B- and so on)
This is a great subject. I want you to get the most out of it that you can. Participate in class, ask questions, do your homework thoughtfully, don’t be absent or late. I will be in my room for math help in the morning and after school. Come in anytime!
Cheating is a serious detriment to your ability to learn the material. Do not copy other people’s homework and do not let others copy your homework. The consequences for these two actions are the same: a cheating contract and a call home to the parents and a zero on the assignment or test on the first offense, more serious actions for second and third offenses.
Necessary Materials:
Bring your book to class everyday, notebook with paper to take notes, a pen and a pencil, also ruler, protractor and compass, and a calculator that has trig functions on it. If acquiring these supplies is a problem for you for any reason see me privately asap and we will work around that problem.