All schools under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 are required to produce a local Health and Safety Policy Document. This document should be tailored to each school as it will contain specific information on local risks and how they are controlled. The LA has produced a model statement that each school will need to customise to fit their own situation.
An effective policy document will address three main areas:
- the statement of the employer’s general policy on health and safety (Part One);
- the organisation for implementing arrangements including allocation of functions to individuals (Part Two); and
- the arrangements for carrying out the functions to control risks (Part Three).
Part One
All Community and Controlled schools should adopt the Gloucestershire County Council statement of intent, as laid down in Part One of this model. Foundation and VA schools are recommended to accept the model policy statement but are free to adapt or create their own.
This statement is your headline commitment to managing health and safety by identifying risks in your school and stating how you will mitigate and manage those risks.
Part Two
All Community and Controlled schools should operate to the organisation and responsibilities as laid down in Part Two, section one of this model. Foundation and VA schools are recommended to adopt but are free to create their own version. Section Three can be used to detail schools specific arrangements.
Part Three
This part of the document states howthe school will meet the standards set in the Statement of Intent. It involves procedures and arrangements for controlling risks. In most cases you will be able to summarise the key control measures in a few sentences or bullet points; in some instances, you may prefer to signpost to a separate school policy – in this case simply refer to it and do not duplicate information. Be specific about your local practices and avoid general statements.
Again, Community and VC schools should follow the advice given here. Foundation and VA schools are free to create their own arrangements.
Specific arrangements should be summarised for the subjects outlined in Part 3.
It may be that not all will apply to your school therefore delete those sections that do not apply. The number of procedures in a large school may require an appendix to the main policy document or a local safety manual.
Once the H&S Policy Document has been completed the following should occur:
- communication to all staff in school;
- review – typically annually or if significant changes take place (e.g. new buildings);
- inclusion in any induction arrangements for new staff, student teachers and supply teachers.
The document also will form part of the portfolio of documentation required to demonstrate a robust safety management system e.g. at audit.
This policy statement is the local supplement to Gloucestershire County Council Corporate Health and Safety Policy Document.
The school’s Governing Body and Headteacher recognise and accept their responsibilities both under law and also under Gloucestershire County Council delegation for local management of schools. As responsible employers and/or persons in control of premises, the requirement to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and others affected by its activities is acknowledged.
The school is committed to managing risks by ensuring that risk assessments are undertaken, control measures implemented and systems are continuously monitored and reviewed led by the school’s Governing Body and Headteacher.
In particular the Governing Body and Headteacher are responsible for:
- providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment and ensuring that the premises are maintained in a safe condition;
- maintaining safe access to and egress from the premises;
- preventing accidents and work related ill health;
- assessing and controlling risks from curriculum and non-curriculum work activities including offsite visits;
- complying with statutory requirements as a minimum;
- ensuring safe working methods and providing safe equipment;
- providing effective information, instruction and training;
- monitoring and reviewing systems to make sure they are effective;
- developing and maintaining a positive health and safety culture through communication and consultation with employees and their representatives on health and safety matters;
- setting targets and objectives to develop a culture of continuous improvement;
- ensuring a healthy working environment is maintained including adequate welfare facilities;
- ensuring adequate resources are made available for health and safety issues, so far as is reasonably practicable;
- ensuring safe use, handling and storage of substances at work.
In addition to the above commitment, the Governing Body and Headteacher also recognise their obligations to non-employees and provide trainees, members of the public, pupils, contractors, etc, or anyone who is or may be affected by the schools activities with the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision available to ensure the safety of those affected.
The Governing Body and Headteacher will ensure adequate resources, including finance to implement the Policy.
The Governing Body and Headteacher are committed to this Policy and all staff are required to comply. They are encouraged to support the Governing Body and Headteacher’s commitment to continuous improvement in the schools health and safety performance. For the Policy Document to be effectively implemented, the school requires the full cooperation of employees and others who use the premises.
This Policy Statement and the accompanying organisation and arrangements will be reviewed at least annually and revised as and when necessary.
This Policy Statement, together with the organisational structure and the following arrangements and procedures, has been approved by the school’s Governing Body.
Signed:J Clements / Signed:
S Matthews
Headteacher’s name:
Mr John Clements / Chair of Governors’ name:
Mrs Sara Matthews
Date approved / Date for review
15th March 2017 / March 2018
Organisation – Introduction.
The Duties of the Governing Body
The Duties of the Headteacher
The Duties of Employees
School Health and Safety Representatives
Temporary Staff
Teaching Staff
Teaching Assistants
The Duties of Off Site Visit Coordinators (OVC)
The Duties of Premises Manager (Bursar, Business Manager, Site Manager)
Volunteer and Parent Helpers
Consultation with Employees
Risk Assessment
School Trips/Offsite Visits
Working at Height
Violence to Staff
Security Arrangements Including Dealing with Intruders
Personal Security/Lone Working
Hazardous Substances (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health CoSHH)
Personal Protective Equipment
School Transport
Manual Handling (typical loads and handling pupils)
Curriculum Safety (including extended schools activity/study support)
Work Experience Placements
Display Screen Equipment
Parent Teacher Association
Playground Supervision/Play Equipment and Maintenance
Section 2 - PREMISES
Mechanical and Electrical (fixed and portable)
Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment
Service Contractors
Building Contractors
Small Scale Building Works
Lettings (shared working – playgroups etc)
Transport Arrangements (on-site)
Bus Duties (supervision of pupils boarding school buses)
Caretaking and Grounds Maintenance (and grounds safety)
Gas and Electrical Appliances
Glass and Glazing
Water Supply/Legionella
Snow and Ice Gritting
Infectious Diseases
Dealing with Medical Conditions
Drug Administration
First Aid
Reporting of Accidents, Hazards, Near Misses
Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation
Crisis and Emergency Management
Section 5 -TRAINING
Staff Health and Safety Training/Competence
Supply and Student Teachers
Volunteer and Parent Helpers
Pregnant Members of Staff
Health and Well Being Including Absence Management
Smoking on Site
Environmental Compliance
Disposal of Waste
Catering and Food Hygiene
Organisation – Introduction.
In order to achieve compliance with the Governing Body and Headteacher’s Statement of Intent the school’s normal management structure will have additional responsibilities assigned to them as detailed in this part of this Policy Document. / The school’s Governing Body and Senior Management Team recognise and accept their responsibilities both under law and also under Gloucestershire County Council delegation for local management of schools. As responsible employers and/or persons in control of premises, the requirement to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and others affected by its activities is acknowledged.The Duties of the Governing Body
The Governing body has overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with this Safety Policy Document. In consultation with the Headteacher the Governors will ensure that there are effective and enforceable arrangements for the provision of health and safety throughout the school, periodically assessing the effectiveness of this document ensuring that any necessary revisions are made to determine the policy and monitor its implementation. / The Duties of The Governing Body- In the discharge of its duty, the Governing Body, in consultation with the Headteacher, will:
- Make itself familiar with the Local Authority’s corporate Safety Policy and the advice and guidance provided by the LA;
- Ensure that there is an effective and enforceable policy for the provision of health and safety throughout the school;
- Periodically assess the effectiveness of this policy and ensure that any necessary revisions are made;
- Identify and evaluate all risks relating to;
- the premises
- school activities
- educational visits
- school-sponsored events
- Identify and evaluate risk control measures in order to select the most appropriate means of minimising risk to staff, pupils and others;
- Create and monitor the management structure to enable the implementation of health and safety.
- In Particular the Governing Body Undertakes to Provide:
- A safe place for staff and pupils to work including safe means of entry and exits;
- Plant equipment and systems of work which are safe;
- Safe arrangements for the handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
- Safe and healthy working conditions which take into account all appropriate
- statutory requirements
- codes of practice
- guidance
- Supervision, training and instruction so that all governors, staff and pupils can perform their school-related activities in a healthy and safe manner. All staff will be given health and safety training which is appropriate to their duties and responsibilities. Wherever training is required by statute or considered necessary for the safety of staff, pupils and others, the Governing Body will ensure that such training is provided. Pupils will receive information as considered appropriate to the school-related activities which they are carrying out. All training will be regularly updated;
- The required safety and protective equipment and clothing together with information on its use;
- Adequate welfare facilities;
- So far as is reasonably practicable the Governing Body, through the Headteacher, will make arrangements for all staff, including temporary and voluntary staff and helpers and those on fixed term contracts, to receive comprehensive information on:
- This policy;
- All other relevant health and safety matters;
- The instruction and training that will be given to all employees so that they may carry out their duties in a safe manner without placing themselves or others at risk.
The Duties of the Headteacher
The Headteacher has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring compliance with this Safety Policy Document. In consultation with the Governors the Headteacher will ensure that there are effective and enforceable arrangements for the provision of health and safety throughout the school, periodically assessing the effectiveness of this document ensuring that any necessary revisions are made to determine the policy and monitor its implementation. The Headteacher will maintain the profile of health and safety within the school by the development of safe working practices and conditions and will ensure that health and safety standards are maintained at all times. / The Duties of the Headteacher- As well as the general duties of all members of staff, the Headteacher has responsibility for the day-to-day maintenance and development of safe working practices and conditions for teaching staff, non-teaching staff, pupils, visitors and any other person using the premises or engaged in activities sponsored by the school and will take all reasonably practicable steps to achieve this end through senior members of staff, teachers and others as appropriate.
- The Headteacher is required to take all necessary and appropriate action to ensure that proper health and safety standards are maintained at all times.
- In particular, the Headteacher will, on a day-to-day basis, be responsible for:
- Ensuring safe working conditions of the school premises and facilities;
- Ensuring, at all times, the health, safety and welfare of staff, pupils and others using the school premises or facilities or services or attending or taking part in school-sponsored activities
- Ensure safe working practices and procedures throughout the school so that all risks are controlled;
- arrange systems of risk assessment to allow the prompt identification of potential hazards, and where appropriate ensure that the Governing Body and the LA are made aware of the findings;
- Identify the training needs of staff and pupils and ensure, that all members of staff and pupils who have identified training needs receive adequate and appropriate training and instruction in health and safety matters;
- Ensure that any defects in the premises, its plant, equipment or facilities which relate to or may affect the health and safety of staff, pupils and others are made safe in a timescale commensurate with the risk;
- Collate accident and incident information and, when necessary, carry out accident, incident and near misses investigations and implement any remedial action to prevent reoccurrence;
- Monitor the standards of health and safety throughout the school, including all school-based activities;
- Monitor the management structure, in consultation with the governors;
- Consult with members of staff, including Safety Representatives, onHealth and safety issues; and
The Duties of Employees
All employees have individual legal responsibilities to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and for others who may be affected by their acts or omissions, and must comply with the school's Health and Safety Policy Document and procedures at all times, co-operate with school management in complying with relevant health and safety law, use all work equipment and substances in accordance with instruction, training and information received, report to their immediate line manager any hazardous situations and defects in equipment found in their work places, report all incidents in line with current incident reporting procedure, act in accordance with any specific health and safety training received, inform their Line Manager of what they consider to be shortcomings in the school’s health and safety arrangements and exercise good standards of housekeeping and cleanliness. / The Duties of Supervisory Staff (This includes Subject Leaders, Office Managers/Supervisors)- In addition to the general duties which all members of staff have, supervisory staff will be directly responsible to the Headteacher or the member of staff nominated by the Headteacher, to have overall day-to-day responsibility for the implementation and operation of the school’s health and safety policy within their relevant departments and areas of responsibility.
- As part of their day-to-day responsibilities they will ensure that:
- Safe methods of working exist and are implemented throughout their area of responsibility;
- Health and safety regulations, rules, procedures and codes of practice are being applied effectively;
- Staff, pupils and others under their jurisdiction are instructed in safe working practices;
- New employees working within their area of responsibility are given instructions in safe working practices; risk assessments are conducted in their area of responsibility as required by the Headteacher or as necessary;
- Regular safety inspections are made of their area of responsibility as required by the Headteacher or as necessary;
- Positive, corrective action is taken where necessary to ensure the health and safety of all staff, pupils and others;
- All plant, machinery and equipment in the department in which they work is adequately guarded, in safe working order and restricted to authorised persons only;
- Appropriate protective clothing and equipment, first aid and fire appliances are provided and readily available in the department in which they work;
- Hazardous and highly flammable substances in the department in which they work are correctly stored and labelled, and exposure is minimised;
- They monitor the standard of health and safety throughout the department in which they work and encourage staff, pupils and others to achieve the highest practicable standards of health and safety;
- All health and safety information is communicated to the relevant persons and they report any health and safety concerns to the Headteacher.