Criminal Justice Forum of Interest
Minutes of the Meeting held on
25 July 2013
The Lantern, Shrewsbury SY1 4NG
Robin Durham, Chair / Shropshire Magistrates Assoc. / RDAngela Parton / YSS / AP
Sara Heath / Autonomy / SH
Pauline James / VCSA / PJ
Tom Currie / West Mercia Probation Trust / TC
John McArdle / SIAS / JMcA
Alan Olver / Maninplace Accommodation Provider / AO
Barrie Sheldon / Office of Police & Crime Commissioner / BS
Jane James / Shropshire Providers Consortium / JJ
Gail Naidoo / AXIS / GN
Nigel Archer / Autism West Midlands / NA
Judith Wester / Cedar / JW
Rod Thompson / Shropshire Council / RT
Alison Alexander / CAB Shropshire / AA
Chris Munro / Victim Support / CM
Peter Davies / West Mercia Police / PD
Mark Gibson / Imagematch / MG
Jean Garner Victim Support; Michele Hatfield; Rebekah Jones- Family Solutions Programme.
Item1. / Welcome and introductions.
RD welcomed all to the meeting, apologies were noted and everyone present introduced themselves.
2. / Minutes of the last meeting (2 May)
Item 4 - Wording in minutes states To help manage policing in the face of reducing budget Bill Longmore, West Mercia PCC and Ron Ball , Warwickshire PCC have formed an alliance for the 2 forces to work together should read The previous Police Authority developed the Alliance and Bill Longmore PCC West Mercia and Ron Ball , Warwickshire PCCsigned up to support the Alliance.
Page 2 – Line 2 should read compete replacing complete.
Action – PJ to make amendment to minutes.
RD advised that item 4 & 6 on the agenda would be covered first because BS had to leave the meeting early due to other commitments. / PJ
4. / Item 4: Update on supporting Victims of Crime
BS provided an overview of the recently published Ministry Of Justice (MoJ) document “Victims’ Services Commissioning Framework “May 2013. BS explained that as part of the new process the majority of emotional and practical support services for victims of crime will be commissioned locally by Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), this was originally planned to be implemented in April 2014 but had now been brought forward to October 2013.Witness support will continue to come from MoJ. A discussion took place about the new processes and how this might impact Victims of Crime. The framework document to be circulated to forum members.
Action: PJ to circulate “ Victims’ Services Commissioning Framework “document
Action: All members have been asked to identify groups of people who may fall through the net in support as a result of the changes to feedback at next meeting or via email to the Chair.
Action: PJ Agenda item at next meeting go through these new documents and processes and further discuss issues arising. / PJ
6. / Item 6 : Volunteer development – how can the forum support volunteering in the Police & Criminal Justice sector
To be carried forward to future meeting
3. / Item 3 : Transforming Rehabilitation
TCprovided an update about the ongoing Transforming Rehabilitation strategy. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has launched its competition to find the future owners of the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) who will deliver rehabilitation services in England and Wales as set out in the Government’s Transforming Rehabilitation strategy, competition will continue through 2014 with contracts being awarded and mobilized by 2015.
Forum members voiced concerns about Prime contractors winning the competition to become Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) and then not sub-contracting out work, members were keen to lobby authorities to ensure delivery of services does filter down to local VCS to ensure continued benefit to service users of delivery by local providers. It was agreed that the Chair would write to Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Justice to raise these concerns, this should also be raised as a key issue for the VCSA Board.
Action: RD to raise these concerns in writing to Chris Grayling , Secretary of State for Justice , on behalf of the Forum & to raise at the VCSA Board as a priority.
- Refresh Terms of Reference in the New Year. Send TOR to Peter Davies.
5. / Item 5. CJF Member services & representation mapping .Needs analysis.
RD confirmed that a mapping document had been prepared with details of each forum organisation, which includes services offered and geographical area covered. It was agreed that this would be developed as new members join the forum, the current document will be circulated electronically, this item will no longer be included as a standard agenda item.
- Pauline to send mapping to members electronically.
7. / Item 7. Update from Safer Stronger Communities Partnership ( SSCP)
Rod Thompson (RT) Director of Public Health and Chair, Safer Stronger Communities Partnership Boardprovided an overview of the key priorities of the Partnership e.g. Integrated Offender Management, Challenge 21. A discussion took place about the importance of partnership working with the health sector in supporting people with mental health issues which could have significant positive impact on supporting people in the Criminal Justice system or preventing them offending in the first instance. A holistic approach to supporting people is needed. Members confirmed they are keen to play a part in the SSCP partnership and it was agreed that the forum chair would attend a future SSCP meeting to promote the VCS and to discuss how the voluntary sector can link in with the board.
RT also mentioned the work of Professor Patrick Petreoni, Chester University who is currently working with Public Health and has expertise in psychological therapies. RD suggests Professor Petreoni would be a helpful contact with whom the forum should develop links.
Action: PJ liaise with Partnership Board reference RD attending future SSCP meeting
Action: AP to liaise with RT about linking in with Professor Petreoni. / PJ/RD
8. / Item 8. VCSA Update
RD explained about the impending reduction in the VCSA team structure, this was discussed with the potential loss of forum support role and the graduate post giving cause for concern, the forum recognised the important work of the team in supporting the VCSA Board, Forums of Interest and members. RT acknowledged the important work of the VCS and the key role of the VCS Assembly in supporting the sector. Rod undertook to feedback to Elected Members the concerns of the forum about the possible reduction in staffing of the VCSA Team. / RT
9. / Item 9. Future Forum Projects & Funding
A sub group of the forum are organising Employ with Conviction which aimsto raise awareness with employers, the benefits to the person and to the wider community of employing ex- offenders. The event is planned for 20th September at Willowdene Care Farm, Bridgnorth. Members are encouraged to attend the event and to promote to their contacts, bookings can be made via: www.
10. / Item 10. AOB & date of next meeting
Forum Terms of Reference – The TOR are to be reviewed annually by members, this will be an agenda item on the January 2014 meeting.
Action: PJ to include this as an item at the January meeting.
Next meeting to be held: 10.30 - 12.30, 24th October The Lantern, Shrewsbury SY1 4NG. / PJ
Meeting review- 4 members filled in the feedback forms
Overall, did you find today’s meeting an informative event?
Yes, very X 4
Did you find the presentations relevant to your organisation?
Yes, mostly X 3 Yes , partly X 1
Did you find the presentation by the invited guest – Rod Thompson,Safer Stronger Communities Partnership- relevant and useful?
Yes X 3 Yes, partly X1
Were there enough opportunities to network?
Yes X 3 No X 1 ( I arrived late )
What topics would you like to see covered at future meetings?
-Autism and Offending
Are there any issues you would like the Forum to take forward as a priority to the VCSA Board?
-Secretariat for the forum
What do you think should form the Forums priorities for the coming year?
-Mental Health
-Victims of crime
-Transformation of Rehabilitation
Is your group equipped to respond to future challenges?
Yes X 2 No response X 2
What training does your organisation require to meet future challenges?
Don’t know X 2 No response X 2
Do you have any ideas for working differently that you would like the Forum to explore?
-Working , lobbying together for maintaining services
-PDF will look at funding sources and apply for grants
Based on your experience of the Forum today will you attend future meetings?
No responses
Would you recommend to a colleague?
No responses
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