PERU: Global Health, Culture, & Service Learning

May Term 2017 (3 credits)

May 10-May 31

Leaders: Peter Blair and Jose I. Pareja

Application Deadline: Oct. 15, 2016

May Term Description:

Students in this May Term will engage in several different types of service-oriented global health initiatives in an immersive and culturally enriching experience based in Huancayo, Peru. For part of the experience, students will provide non-medical support for clinics, health centers and educational programs. They will have the opportunity to shadow medical personnel in the field and observe available surgical procedures. Our students will also have the opportunity to participate in health education activities relevant to the local community and get involved in public health related volunteering projects. Finally, students will explore historical/cultural sites and participate in excursions/experiences inside and outside of Huancayo.


Peter Blair isAssociate Professor of Biology Co-Director for Global Health.His interests include: infectious disease, particularly the molecular biology and genomics of the malaria parasite. He teaches courses in genetics, microbiology, immunology, and parasitology among others.

Jose-Ignacio Parejais the Director of the Science & Technology Commons. His interests include: Science, Science Education, Biotechnology, Environmental & Health Sciences and the Outdoors. He likes to engage students in thinking about applied sciences across disciplines, and enjoys engaging students in hands-on, experiential learning trying to solve real world problems.

Collectively, Peter and Jose-Ignacio have led off-campus programs to international locations such as: New Zealand, Galapagos, Peru, Kenya, Borneo, Mexico, Mongolia, and Belize.

Other partners:


Location: Huancayo – Lima (Peru):

Peru is located in the central-western of South America and is divided into three large regions: the coast, the mountains, and the jungle. It is a multicultural, multilingual, and multiethnic country, the home to many ancient cultures. Peru has made huge strides towards improved healthcare over the past two decades, but problems still persist with inequalities in rural areas, a lack of trained healthcare providers and sufficient funding to meet the needs of the population.

Located in Peru’s central highlands, Huancayo is a culturally vibrant city surrounded by small artisan towns. Its hiking trails and nightlife make it a popular destination for visitors. It is rich in Andean culture and has a more heavily native population than the more pan-Latino coast. Despite the rich culture and tourism opportunities, a large portion of the population still lives in poverty. The most common health issues in Huancayo are a direct result of the lack of access to clean water, sanitary living conditions and proper nutrition. -FIMRC 2016. PERU, FIMRC

Course Description(OFFC 399, 3 credits):

This immersive experience has four major learning goals: (1) Experience global health in context through active participation and place-based volunteering; (2) Gain interpersonal competencies including, but not limited to service orientation, social skills, cultural competence, teamwork, oral communication (bilingual); (3) Gain intrapersonal competencies including, but not limited to ethical responsibility to self and others, reliability and dependability, resilience and adaptability and capacity for improvement and (4) Gain direct exposure to public health issues that are relevant and transferable to other parts of the world.

Pre-requisites:No formal coursework, although applicants with a demonstrated interest in global health, public health or related fields are preferred. Exposure to the Spanish language would be beneficial but it is not required.

Orientation: Students will be required to take a one-credit* orientation seminar during the Spring 2017 academic semester. This seminar will provide the necessary background and travel logistics for students to maximize the program experience. Class meeting date/time will be determined in the future.

*This credit does not count towards your 18 maximum


During this may term we will use a variety of accommodations, from hostels in Lima–Miraflores, to homestays in Huancayo-Huancaya, and lodge-type accommodations on our return to Lima.Please be prepared to live in modest accommodations. The program will cover all expenses for food, housing and travel in country.

Program Cost:

This May Term is subsidized by the CGH and the course fee is $1,700. Students are responsible for roundtrip transportation costs to and from Miami*. Students are responsible for additional expenses such as passport (required), visa (if applicable) and personal items. Students will be charged a non-refundable enrollment fee of $385.00. Additional scholarships - based on financial need-will be available through the Center for Global Health and Center for Global Education.

Information Sessions:

Sep 22, 12:00pm CST 103 (Lunch provided); Oct 04, 4:00pm CST 103

Applications and Policies: (application deadline is October 15, 2016 @ 5:00pm)

1. Please review May Term Policies before applying so that you have all the information needed

2. APPLY HERE: in the Center for Global Education (CGE), LBC 131. For more Information contact:Peter Blair ( or 765-983-1517) or Jose-Ignacio Pareja ( or 765-983-1612).