Help for Essay #4

Prompt: You will argue whether or not The United States functions as a healthy, global democracy based on how effectively it protects all citizens’ rights.

NOTE: I did not set a specific # of paragraphs, but some people may want or need specific instruction on how to set up this essay.

All Introductions should have: / For this essay:
Background information or a “hook” / discuss the purposes of a democratic government and how this connects to the original and modern dilemma
(refer to power points)
A Thesis Statement / make a firm evaluation of how well America functions as a democracy
Expansion of Developing Idea #1 / Consider breaking up each DI into a “purpose of government”
Expansion of Developing Idea #2 / So this would be another “purpose of government”
Expansion of Developing Idea #3 / And this would be your final “purpose of government”
Closing Sentence-hints at RFS / Based on your evaluation of the state
of our democracy, how well will the
U.S. handle potential conflicts looming on the horizon?
All Developing Paragraphs should have: / For this essay:
A Topic Sentence / You would state the MI (how well or not well) and the DI (America functions in a particular purpose of government)
Lead in to DD #1 / Consider a landmark case (any from the multitude presented via power points). The Lead in would contextualize the case (offer where/when it occurred/who was involved/what rights were being questioned)
DD#1 / Give a detail of the decision of the case
Analysis of DD#1 / what were the repercussions of this decision?-whom did it specifically protect or deny rights to? Connect this to your evaluation of how well America is functioning.
Lead in to DD#2 / Consider a current event connected to
this landmark case (any from the multitude presented via power points). The lead in
would contextualize the event (where/when
did it occurr/who was involved
and what prompted it?)
DD #2 / Give a detail of the event, the public’s reaction to it, or the political backlash it has/is causing
Analysis of DD#2 / Based on the social backlash to this event, how responsive is the government to it? Connect this to your evaluation of how well America is functioning.
Closing Sentence / Offer some insight as to how America’s consistent or inconsistent handling of this particular purpose of government (your DI) may resolve or cause future problems.
All Conclusions should have: / For this essay:
A reaffirmation of the Thesis Statement / Restate your evaluation of how well America functions as a democracy. Do not cut and paste your intro’s thesis.
A Summary of your DIs. / Offer insight to which purposes America seems to struggle with over others. Consider the “key points” of the power points.
Reach for Significance / Based on your evaluation of the state
of our democracy, what
potential conflicts on the horizon have the power to keep or destroy America’s reputation as a superpower/progressive nation?

All Students Will:

·  Turn their papers in on time both in paper form and online on by at the start of class time on the due date. Any papers received late in any format will lose five points per day, per medium (digital and paper).

·  Have a proper heading and a header. See the MLA section of my website if you do not know what that is.

·  Have their papers stapled with the rubric on the top and their name clearly marked on it.

·  Include a works cited page with the sources used in the paper. It will be the last page of your essay.

Level 4 Students Will:

·  Have at least 4 citations in the paper from TWO different sources, all of which should be properly cited whether the evidence was paraphrased, summarized, or quoted.

·  Follow the expectations outlined on the attached rubric

Level 3 Students Will:

·  Have at least 4 citations in the paper from THREE different sources, all of which should be properly cited whether the evidence was paraphrased, summarized, or quoted.

·  At least 1 of your 4 citations will be a direct quotation, properly cited.

·  Follow the expectations outlined on the attached rubric
Level 2 Students Will:

·  Have at least 6 citations in the paper from THREE different sources, all of which should be properly cited whether the evidence is paraphrased, summarized, or quoted.

·  At least 2 of your 6 citations will be a direct quotation, properly cited.

·  Follow the expectations outlined on the attached rubric