Table. S1 Cultural characteristics of strains YIM 77502T and YIM 77510T incubated at 45 °C for 21 days

Colours are according to the ISCC-NBS colour charts (standard sample no. 2106; Kelly, 1964). ++++ and +++, Abundant; ++, moderate; +, poor; -, no pigment.

Strain / Medium / Growth / Aerial mycelium / Vegetative mycelium / Diffusible pigment
YIM 77502T / ISP1 / ++ / white / light orange-yellow / -
ISP2 / +++ / white / dark orange-yellow / -
ISP3 / ++ / white / pale orange-yellow / -
ISP4 / ++ / white / yellow white / -
ISP5 / ++ / white / yellow white / -
Gause’s synthetic agar / +++ / white / yellow white / grayish yellowish-brown
Nutrient agar / + / white / light orange-yellow / -
Czapek’s agar / +++ / white / yellow white / -
Reasoner′s 2A agar / +++ / white / pale orange-yellow / -
YIM 77510T / ISP1 / ++++ / white / light orange-yellow / -
ISP2 / ++++ / white / moderate yellow / -
ISP3 / ++++ / white / light yellowish-brown / -
ISP4 / ++++ / white / light orange-yellow / -
ISP5 / ++ / white / moderate yellow / -
Gause’s synthetic agar / ++++ / white / pale orange-yellow / -
Nutrient agar / ++++ / white / pale yellow / -
Czapek’s agar / ++ / white / yellow white / -
Reasoner′s 2A agar / ++++ / white / pale orange-yellow / -


Fig. S1 Scanning electron micrographs of both strains after being grown on ISP 2 agar medium for 4 days at 45 oC.

A: Strain YIM 77502T, Bar, 10 μm; B: Strain YIM 77510T, Bar, 5 μm.



Fig. S2 Polar lipids of strains YIM 77502T (A), YIM 77510T (B), Actinomadura echinospora BCRC 12547T (C) and Actinomadura umbrina KCTC 9343T (D), stained with molybdatophosphoric acid after separation by two-dimensional TLC. The plates were heated at 120 oC for 15 min.

Abbreviations: DPG, diphosphatidylglycerol; PIM, phosphatidylinositol mannoside; PI, phosphatidylinositol ; UL, an unidentified polar lipid; PL, an unidentified phospholipid.

Fig. S3 Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree showing the relationships between strains YIM 77502T, YIM 77510T and their closest relatives. Bootstrap values (expressed as percentages of 1000 replications) of above 50% are shown at the branch points.

Fig. S4 Maximum-parsimony phylogenetic tree showing the relationships between strains YIM 77502T, YIM 77510T and their closest relatives. Bootstrap values (expressed as percentages of 1000 replications) of above 50% are shown at the branch points.