DATE: Friday, September 16, 2016

TIME: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

LOCATION: St. Cloud Hospital – Conference Center
1406 Sixth Ave N, St. Cloud, MN

Board and Members were able to join via Conference Call

At 10:00 AM CST, they dialed 866-365-4406 & entered access code 2512302

Signed attendance list (in person and by phone) is on file at the main office.

10:00 a.m. Call to order - Introductions – Mark Jones, MAA President

I.  Agenda Approval

Agenda was accepted as presented – no motion occurred.

II.  Approval of Minutes – April 1, 2016

Motion by Brad Hanson; second by Marion Larson to accept the June 3, 2016 meeting minutes as written; motion carried without opposition.

III.  Executive Committee Report

2016 MAA Work Plan

·  Debbie Gillquist reviewed the 2016 MAA Work Plan. The Board was provided with a copy of the 2016 MAA Work Plan in their meeting packet. No comments or concerns from the Board. Debbie highlighted….

o  The 2017 Stars of Life Program in cooperation with the American Ambulance Association will be held on March 14, 2017. Info is posted on the MAA website.

o  The Teaching & Learning Conference Dates are set for April 27-28, 2017, to be held at the Best Western Kelly Inn, St. Cloud. Debbie provided the Board with a “Call for Presentations” flyer and information on the TLC conference is posted on the MAA website.

Board Members Only Section on MAA Website + Future Meeting Packets

·  Mark Jones reported. Currently working on creating a Board members only section on the MAA website. Future Board meeting packets will be posted within that section and hard copies will no longer be provided – only a printed agenda will be provided on the meeting day. You are welcome to login, view and/or print the reports on your end.

Savvik Buying Group

·  Mark Jones reported on the recent announcements from Savvik…

§  Press Release: August8, 2016

Dear Valued Customer,

North Central EMS Corporation d/b/a SAVVIK Buying Group, Bound Tree Medical, LLC and Sarnova, Inc., announced today a mutually agreed settlement, resolving all claims raised by Savvik against Bound Tree and Sarnova on June 3, 2015. While the parties maintain their respective positionsregarding the allegations, the settlement allowsSavvik, Bound Tree and Sarnova to return totheir common objective to serve the EMS market. Theterms and conditions of the settlement are confidential. However, each party is satisfied the settlement addresses all potential claims and places each party in the best possible position for future success.

If you have any questions about this settlement, please contact Darrell Hughes, General Counselof Sarnova at 614-760-5000, or Nicole Moen, Counsel for Savvik Buying Group at 612-492-7320. Best Regards, Jeff Prestel, President & CEO, Sarnova, Dane Meyer, President, SAVVIK Buying Group

§  9/8/2016 Letter to MAA: At Savvik Buying Group we strive every day to bring to you, and your members, the things that help make your business life easier and better. Our goal is to bring bids and programs that not only save you time, but serious money as well. Our other objective is that we are very passionate about is giving back to the industry and sharing with our Group Association partners like yourself.

The last two years have been a very exciting time for Savvik. We have changed our name (formally NCEMSC), built a new website, nearly doubled our vendor offerings, and have experienced membership growth of over 20%. We have also initiated an enhanced revenue sharing structure to help our partners earn even more money by using our vendor programs and bids. That is quite a bit of change in a very short amount of time. Through all of this we appreciate your support and business during this very busy time.

With the full support of our Board of Directors, Savvik is proud to announce two important directives that we believe will help strengthen our partnership and foster future growth. First, we will be waiving our Group Association fees through the end of 2020. Our Board of Directors and Savvik leadership feel that without the support of our partners, we would have never been able to attain these milestones. Second, in the spirit of giving back to those who have supported us so well, we will be refunding any Group Association Dues that were paid into Savvik during 2015 and 2016. (MAA received a refund check from Savvik in the amount of $6,435 on 9/8/2016)

We truly appreciate your support and will continue to work hard for you and the industry.

Mickey Schulte, Executive Director, Savvik Buying Group

o  Mark stated that the MAA is going to continue to work with Savvik to find other ways where the association can benefit from our members and the Savvik relationship. Mark encourages the MAA members to use Savvik – this is a great benefit!

o  Mark shared the current promotion for a loaded cab bag for only $19.99 – limited time – sale ends 11/30/2016! Debbie will post info on the MAA website. In the meantime, please visit the Savvik site at

MAA – McAlpin Consulting LLC Contract

·  Mark Jones reported the MAA Executive Committee signed an assignment of the payment. Effective, September 2016, the payment from the MAA for the McAlpin Consulting contract will go to Libby Law Firm. The MAA is still under contract with McAlpin Consulting; the MAA is not under contract with Libby Law Firm.

MAA – Gold Cross Contract

·  Mark Jones reported he and Debbie met with Cindy Sobania and Tom Fennell at the Gold Cross base / MAA office. Tom presented ideas for a new contract. Looking at making the contract more long term and equitable to both organizations. Mark did not share specific details with the Board as it was just presented yesterday – confirmed that the MAA is currently in negations with Gold Cross. The Executive Committee will review the proposal and present to the Board at the next meeting.

Coordinate Emergency Care

·  Mark Jones reported that he and Buck McAlpin and Tony Spector attended a meeting a few months ago. The approach is to coordinate emergency care. Idea behind it is to bring together a group of state leaders, from Trauma, Stroke to Cardiac Arrest, STEMI, to look at could we coordinate these efforts – coordinate time critical care together. The next step is to bring together a larger group of stakeholders from EMS, Hospitals, Department of Health, etc. More to come on as the group and meetings develop.

MDH – Law Enforcement and Health Care Coalition

·  Mark Jones reported on the new group started by the MN Department of Health. Mark represents the MAA. Marty VanBuren is also on the group. Mark missed the first meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2016. This is the group that was put together by MDH to look at and improve the handling of those Minnesotans in custody.

Minnesota Air Medical Council

·  Mark Jones reported that he spoke with Mike Schultz and asked him if the MN Air Medical Council could be placed on the MAA quarterly Board meeting agendas to give a report. Mike will bring this request back to the MN Air Medical Council.

IV.  Treasurer's Report (Todd Fisk - absent)

·  Mark Jones presented the current financial statements. Board reviewed the statements including the MAA, MN EMS Educators and MNEMS Honor Guard.

·  Motion by Seth Tramm; second by Kevin Lee; to accept the financial statements for the time period 1/1/2016 to 9/9/2016 as printed; motion carried without opposition.

V.  Committee Reports

A.  Legislative – State & Federal

Legislative – Federal Update (Aarron Reinert – Absent):

Aarron was absent; however, Aarron provided the following updates prior to the meeting:

·  Please see the attached information on the current version of the AAA’s bill - AAA September 2016 Medicare Bill Leave Behind Final (if you need a copy, please contact the MAA office at )

·  I meet with key members of the MN delegation (Paulsen, Nolan, and both Senators) on Sept 8th, 2016. The hope is to move our legislation forward before the end of the year using the context of the upcoming elections and or the lame duck session. The MN delegation is very engaged and offered several ways to help, for example, Congressman Nolan will be speaking to members of the House Ways and Means Committee. He will also be sending a letter to the committee leadership expressing his desire for the passage of the legislation before the end of the year. Congressman Nolan is a cosponsor of the bill. Congressman Paulsen is considering cosponsor the bill. I am hoping to convince all members of the MN delegation to cosponsor the bill.

·  There is a bill moving forward to attempt to address some of the issues related to the DEA and the use, control, and storage of controlled substances. I will be learning more about this bill.

·  NEMSAC is currently focusing its attention on making recommendations to FICEMS and DOT on issues related to reimbursement. The have revisited work from 2008 and 2012 and intend to press the federal agencies to take action.

·  Call or email with questions: Aarron Reinert, (651)277-4911 ext. 104, .

Legislative – State Update (Gordy Vosberg / Buck McAlpin):

Gordy and Buck presented the following report.

Committee Members:

·  Membership Open to all MAA Members

Date of last committee meeting:

·  September 6, 2016, Weekly Monday 10AM Conference Call while in session, 1-866-361-4406 Passcode 2513202

Items completed since last board meeting:

·  2017 legislative session MAA initiatives, discussion, and committee approval for September Board Action.

Key items in progress:

·  See attached MAA Board Action Item document of 2017 initiatives.


·  None

Date of next committee meeting:

·  October 4, 2016, Health East Transportation, 799 Reaney Av, St Paul, MN, Conference Call # 1-866-365-4406, Passcode 2513202#


·  Items, concerns, suggestions…. Please forward to Buck at and Gordy at .

MAA Board Action Item

2017 Proposed MAA Legislative Agenda

Gordy Vosberg-Legislative Chair

The MAA Legislative Committee recommends the MAA Board adopt the following 2017 Legislative Agenda:

1)  Actively lobby initiatives:

a.  5% Medicaid rate increase expanded statewide

b.  Expand Inter-Governmental Transfers to all Government Ambulance Services

c.  MNCare 2% tax repeal

d.  EMS Licensure Compact (Replica)

2)  Support lobbying efforts of other agencies relating to:

a.  EMSRB Funding and Technical Bill(s)

b.  Protected Class Transport /NEMT technical changes

c.  Technical fix to Community EMT

d.  Ambulance Rural Sustainability / Copper Sams

e.  Regional EMS Program Funding

f.  Patient Assistant Medications

3)  Monitor, and respond as directed by the Legislative Committee co-chairs and/or the Executive Committee, the following:

a.  No-fault Auto Reform

b.  Opioid funding efforts

c.  Epinephrine efforts

d.  And such other legislative and regulatory activity that may be of interest to or affect the interests of the MAA and its members.

·  Motion by Kevin Lee; second by Joe Sertich; to support 2017 legislative agenda as presented; motion carried without opposition.

B.  Governance / Bylaws / Board Development (Mark Jones / Kevin Lee)

Mark and Kevin provided the following report.

Committee Members:

·  Kevin Lee (Chair) Mark Jones (Chair), Rick Wagner, Marion Larson, Debbie Gillquist, Gwen Olson, Bill Snoke, and Edward Eroe.

Date of last committee meeting:

·  8/15/16 Conference Call

Items completed since last board meeting:

·  Drafted Bylaw revisions related to appointment of Alternate Directors for unexpired terms

·  Revisions to the Election Process

Items in progress:

·  Set up New Board Member Orientation on 1/13/17 from 1000-1300 in St. Cloud


·  Please attend Orientation on 1/13/17 if you are a Committee Chair or Officer

Questions for the board:

·  Notification and approval of Bylaw changes.

·  Board reviewed the following proposed changes:

Election Process – Proposed Addition:

§  Addition – page 2 – Nomination Ballots: The current Board member need not be nominated to be placed on the Voting Ballot.

§  Addition – page 2 – Voting Ballots: Ballots will include the current Board member with a notation regarding their current position. Current Board members need not receive a nomination to be placed on the ballot. Example: Name-Company (incumbent)

Bylaws – Proposed Changes:

Article V. Board of Directors

10.  Vacancies for an unexpired term shall be filled as follows:

Current Language

c. Regional Alternate Directors – elected to the Board through a Special Election

following the MAA Election Process, unless:

i.  The vacancy occurs within six (6) months of the end of the normal term, at which time the position will be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors.

Proposed New Language

c. Regional Alternate Directors – Appointed by the Board of Directors

·  Discussion held.

·  Notification of changes to be voted on at next meeting in December as the MAA needs to notify the members and give them time to review and comment one month prior to meeting date.

·  Motion by Marion Larson; second by Mike Mondor; to accept the proposed changes as presented with Board vote to occur at next meeting in December; motion carried without opposition.

·  Notification of changes to be voted on at next meeting as the MAA needs to notify members one month prior to meeting and vote.

2016 Committee meetings:

·  11/10/16 – 1300 Conference Call

C.  Membership Development (Joe Sertich)

·  Joe Sertich reviewed the Membership Committee meeting minutes from August 23, 2016. The Board was provided with a copy of the minutes in their meeting packet.

Membership Committee Summary, Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 10 a.m. – 11:02 a.m.

Members Present: Debbie Gillquist, Mark Jones Mark Griffith, John Fox, Ann Jensen, and Chair Joe Sertich. Absent: Stan Stocker and Adam Shadiow.

I. Call to Order and Attendance

The Meeting was called to order by Chair Sertich at 10 a.m. with the above present members on the call.

II. Member Check-in & Overarching Comments