Environmental Issues of Africa – Poster Project Directions

Your group will be creating a poster that describes and illustrates one of Africa’s environmental issues based on the readings and video clips from the past week.


NOTE: EACH EXPLANATION SHOULD BE AT LEAST TWO TO THREE SENTENCES. They should be COMPLETE sentences. Make sure you completely explain your idea. Remember the example of the Aswan Dam blocking silt. What does that mean?

Your poster should have the following components. YOU MUST PUT TOGETHER A ROUGH DRAFT.


A description / definition of the issue your poster is addressing.

Two causes of this issue and an explanation for each one.

  • Make sure each explanation is accurate and explains WHY this is a cause.
  • At least one cause must be due to human influence.

Two effects of this issue and an explanation for each one.

  • Each explanation must be accurate and explains WHAT the effect is.
  • At least one effect must be about how this issue affects humans.

Two possible solutions for this issue and explanation for each one.

  • Each explanation must be accurate and explain HOW it addresses the problem.
  • Include any difficulties or issues that need to be addressed when implementing the solution.


  • There should be three pictures – one for a cause, one for an effect, and one for a solution.
  • Each picture needs to be clearly labeled and in proximity to the appropriate explanation.
  • Pictures must be hand drawn and use multiple colors.
  • Pictures must clearly illustrate what is described in the explanation – no abstract art.


  • Writing is LEGIBLE. The teacher is the judge. If you have bad hand writing, you can type it out and pasted it to the poster.
  • Use of color in your writing. Do not just use black ink. Be careful to use colors that stand out – do NOT use yellow for your explanations.
  • Use of color to decorate / design you poster. Make it visually appealing.
  • You can write and draw directly on the poster or paste separate, smaller sheets onto the poster.

TEAMWORK: You need to work together. Divide up the work evenly. Part of your grade is based on how much you contribute to the team and stay on task during class.

See the rubric on the other side.

RUBRIC for Poster Project
Title, Headers, Definitions / 10 points / 5 points / 3 points
Poster has a title and each section is clearly identified. The issue is clearly defined and written under the title. / Title and definition are included. Each section is clearly labeled. / Title and definition are included, but sections are not clearly labeled. / Title included, but no definition or sections are not clearly labeled.
Explanation of the problem / 40 points / 35 points / 25 points / 15 points
Poster includes two causes, two effects, and two solutions with an accurate description of each. / All six ideas are clearly explained. / All six ideas are present, but all explanations are not accurate or clear. / 4 to 5 ideas are present, the explanations may not be clear or accurate. / 3 or less ideas are present, the explanations may not be clear or accurate.
Pictures / 25 points / 15 points / 5 points
There are hand drawn pictures representing ONE of the causes, effects, and solutions. Pictures use multiple colors, are labeled, and clealy indicate the topic they are addressing. / Three images are included, labeled, are colorful, and express the topic. / 2 -3 images are included, but are either not labeled, colorful, or express the topic. / There is only one image. It is labeled and expresses the topic. No use of colors.
Appearance / 10 points / 5 points / 2 points
Information is neat and legible. Different colors are used to distinguish topics / ideas. / Poster can be read with no problem. Colors are used to distinguish between ideas. / Poster can be read with some difficulty, there is some use of different colors. / Poster can be read with difficulty and there is no use of different colors.
Teamwork / 15 points / 8 points / 0 points
How well did you work with others? / Worked well with the team and did your share of the work. / Helps to complete poster but needs 2 prompts to stay on task. / Needed 3 or more prompts to stay on task. / Did not help complete the project. No credit for any section.