AGENDA Heritage Toronto Board Meeting

Date of meeting: January 28, 2015

Start Time: 6 p.m.

Location: St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King St. E., 3rd Floor, East Meeting Room

Enquiry: Karen Czaniecki, Heritage Toronto Administrator

416 338-1338

Closed meeting requirements: If the Heritage Toronto Board wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the Board must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Board has to meet privately. (City of Toronto Act, 2006)

To receive copies of reports or to speak to the Board on an agenda item, please contact Karen Czaniecki at 416 338-1338 prior to the meeting.

Declarations of Conflict of Interest

Confirmation of Minutes – November 19, 2014

CHAIR’S REPORT (Alexandria Pike)

1 1.1 Letter of Resignation – Allan Penning

1.2 Resignation – Darren Wasylucha

1.3 Chair's remarks


2 Audit and Finance Committee – John Belyea

2.1 ACTION: Heritage Toronto Financial Statements to December 31, 2014 (pre-audit draft)

2.2 INFORMATION: Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, November 17, 2014

3 Executive Committee – Alexandria Pike & Kate Marshall

3.1 ACTION: Approval of Heritage Toronto Board Nominating Panel (A. Pike)

3.2 INFORMATION: Executive Director Search (K. Marshall)

4. Executive Director – Karen Carter

4.1 INFORMATION: Verbal report

5. Programming Committee -

5.1 INFORMATION: Report on Heritage Toronto Awards Nomination Forms

5.2 IN CAMERA: INFORMATION:Candidates for the William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture, 2015-2016 (confidential)

5.3 INFORMATION: Minutes from Programming Committee, December 8, 2014

6. Plaques and Markers Committee – Ross Fair

6.1 PRESENTATION: 2014 Plaques and Markers Review

6.2 ACTION: Approval of Four Commemorative Plaque Subjects

7. Marketing/Communications (MarComm) – Kate Marshall

7.1 INFORMATION: MarComm Committee Update

8. Fund Development Committee – Brent Pearlman




NEXT BOARD MEETINGS – Wed. Feb. 25th (City Hall Cmte. Rm. 4)

& Wed. March 11 (Metro Hall, Rm #302)