VHCC Biology

Instructor: Elizabeth Fairbanks

Course Overview:

Dual Enrollment Biology is an advanced biology course taught at the college level. This course explores the fundamental characteristics of living matter from the molecular level to the ecological community with an emphasis on general biological principles. It introduces the diversity of living organisms, their structure, function, and evolution. It is a fast-paced, challenging course. Students are expected to read all chapters and to prepare properly for lecture and lab exams.

Pre-requisites: Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Algebra II

Teaching Strategies:

A variety of teaching strategies will be incorporated in the course throughout the year. They will be involved in independent as well as group activities.

·The major themes will be covered and will be incorporated within each unit.

· Laboratory experiments will be hands-on. When students are allowed to be involved in the actual processes and manipulation of variables, they tend to remember and connect key concepts much better.

Student Objectives:

·Students will gain an understanding of the cell as the basic unit of structure and function of all living things and that cellular processes are based on physical and chemical changes.

· Students will gain an understanding that there is underlying theme of continuity and change in all living organisms that exists with the simplest strand of DNA/RNA in a virus to the most complex strands in a human being, how they can be tied together, and how they have evolved through the years.

·Students will be gain an understanding of major advancements made within the field of biology and the impact they are having and will have on their lives.

Tentative Schedule:

1st Nine Weeks: Chemistry of Life Chapters 1-6

Labs: Identification of Macromolecules

Enzyme Catalysis

2nd Nine Weeks: The Cell Chapters 8-12

Labs: Diffusion & Osmosis

DNA Extraction

Mitosis & Meiosis

3rd Nine Weeks: Genetics Chapters 14-18

Lab: Genetics of Organisms

4th Nine Weeks: Biotechnology Chapters 20,21, 26-28

Origin of Organisms Labs: Molecular Biology

DNA Electrophoresis

Population Genetics & Evolution

Student Evaluation:

Students will be evaluated by a variety of instruments. They will be evaluated on chapter tests, quizzes, laboratory experiments, laboratory tests, and homework assignments. I assign a certain number of points for each assignment students complete and their final average is determined by the percentage of the total points earned during the report period.

Tests= 30% Quizzes= 10%

Lab Experiments= 30% Homework= 20%

Lab Tests= 10%

***No late work will be accepted. If you are present when the assignment is made, then it is to be turned in when due.

Students must maintain a 2.0/C in the course in order for it to transfer.

Make-Up Policy:

If you are absent, then it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Make up work shall be turned in according to the school Make-up Work policy; please refer to the Student Handbook.


Regular class attendance is required. When an absence is necessary, students are responsible for notifying the instructor prior to or soon after the absence. Frequent unexplained absences may result in dismissal from the course. Students are responsible for completing work missed, regardless of the reason for the absence. Any instruction missed and not subsequently completed will necessarily affect the grade of the student regardless of the reason for the absence. Absences cause students to miss more than work assigned—they also miss instruction. Faculty are not obligated to teach one-on-one when students are habitually absent.

Student Misconduct Subject to Disciplinary Action:

All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the College, and the forgery, alteration, or use of College documents or instruments of identification with the intent to defraud.

  1. Plagiarism is the appropriation of passages, either word for word or in substance, from the writings of another and the incorporation of those passages as one’s own in written work offered for credit. VHCC assumes that the written work offered for credit is the student’s own unless proper credit is given the original author by the use of quotation marks and footnotes or other explanatory inserts.
  2. Collaboration with another person in the preparation or editing of notes, themes, reports, or other written work offered for credit is prohibited unless such collaboration has been specifically approved in advance by the instructor. Examples of collaboration include extensive use of another’s ideas for preparing a creative assignment and receiving undue assistance in the preparation or editing of written materials.
  3. Giving or receiving, offering or soliciting information on any quiz, test, or examination is prohibited; this includes the following:
  4. Copying from another student’s document/work and/or submitting a purchased document/work.
  5. Use of prepared materials during the examination
  6. Collaboration with another student during the examination
  7. Buying, selling, stealing, soliciting, or transmitting the contents of an examination
  8. Substituting for another person during an examination or allowing such a substitution for one’s self.
  9. Bribery of any person to obtain examination information.

Consequences of Misconduct:

Upon determination that a student has violated the College’s policies on cheating /plagiarism, the student and their parent(s) will meet with the instructor, the principal of the school and the administrator(s) at VHCC.

Honor Code

On my honor, I pledge to abide by the policies described in this syllabus and the student handbook. I understand that students of this classroom are to be honest in words and actions, in particular, not to lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal. I pledge to conduct myself in a respectful manner and to require the same of my fellow students. I understand that violation of this Honor Code will result in my receiving a “0” on an assignment and may result in further disciplinary action as set forth.


Students and Parents:

Please sign below stating you have read the syllabus and agree to the terms set forth.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Fairbanks

I have read the syllabus and agree to the terms set forth.

Student Signature ______Date______

Parent Signature ______Date ______