Floodplain Management Program
New works project ranking form2016-17
Closing date: 5.00pm 17March 2016
This form must be lodged with the Floodplain Management Program application for financial assistance2016-17forthis project. For help completing this form, consult the Floodplain Management Program Grant Application Guidelines 2016-17available at
To complete this form electronically, click in the shaded boxes and enter the required information. A cross in a box is equivalent to a tick.
Answer all questions on project stage assessment sheets 1 and 2.
Complete project stage assessment sheets 3,4, 5 or 6 depending on the type of project stage you have nominated in your application for funding.
Project stage assessment sheet 1:All categories of applications
Project stage name
Contact person
Email address
Please answer all questions based on the planning flood (typically 1-in-100 ARI flood or the flood of record).
C1. Source of flood information. Please place ‘x’ in one box only for information source.
- Recorded flood history
- Flood study
- Anecdotal evidence
C2. Hazard level in area (as defined in the Floodplain Development Manual).Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- Area is high hazard floodway
- Little warning time (less than 2 days)
- Rapid water level rise (more than 0.1 metres per hour)
- Typical depth above floor levels of houses >1 metre
- Typical depth above floor levels of houses >2 metres
C3. Scale of problem – number of dwellings affected. Please place ‘x’ in onebox onlyfor highest number of dwellings affected by flooding above floor level.
- <50 dwellings affected
- 51–100 dwellings affected
- 101–500 dwellings affected
- 501–1000 dwellings affected
- Over 1000 dwellings affected
C4. Scale of problem – percentage of dwellings flooded.Please place ‘x’ in onebox only for the percentage of total dwellings in the area affected by over-floor flooding.
- 80–100% of dwellings affected
- 60–79% of dwellings affected
- 40– 59% of dwellings affected
- 20–39% of dwellings affected
- <20% of dwellings affected
C5. Scale of problem – occurrence of over-floor flooding. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only for the number of times over-floor flooding has been experienced by a significant number of dwellings, where a significant number is 25% or more of the answer to Question C3.
- <3 times
- 3–5 times
- 6–10 times
- 11–20 times
- >20 times
C6. Scale of problem – evacuation requirements. Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- Evacuation centres outside the community (e.g. in an adjacent or external township)
- Evacuation in a hurry due to extreme rate of water rise and associated danger to evacuees
- Evacuation leaves no time for damage reduction
- Evacuation required from area
- External evacuation assistance necessary due to loss of overland evacuation route
Project stage assessment sheet 2:
Detailed data – all categories of applications
Project stage name
Contact person
Source of information
Please answer all questions based on the planning flood (typically 1-in-100 ARI flood or the flood of record).
C7. Community involvement in project. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only for the highest level of community involvement.
- Developed by committee with community membership in accordance with the manual
- Developed by a project steering committee with community membership
- Input from one community meeting during the evolution of the project
- Input from more than one community meeting during the evolution of the project
- No public comment or input
- Public comment invited on environmental impact statement (EIS) or project development application
C8. Strategic planning in place. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only for the highest level of strategic planning in place to manage new development on the floodplain.
- Development control plan (DCP) with specific flood-related controls
- Floodplain risk management plan not supported by other planning controls
- Floodplain risk management plan supported by a local environmental plan (LEP) and DCP
- Individual application assessment and conditions
- LEP with specific flood-related controls
- Policy which provides that floor levels must be above a nominated flood standard
C9.Benefit–cost ratio of proposed works. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only.
- Benefit–cost ratio >4
- Benefit–cost ratio 3–4
- Benefit–cost ratio 2–3
- Benefit–cost ratio 1–2
- Benefit–cost ratio 0.5–1
- Benefit–cost ratio <0.5
C10. Incorporation of environmental considerations/enhancements. Please place ‘x’ inrelevant boxes.
- Environmental considerations included in design or design modified to mitigate environmental impacts
- Hydraulic and geomorphic impacts both in-stream and on the floodplain have been considered
- Hydraulic and geomorphic impacts of works upstream and downstream have been considered
- Project actively incorporates environmental enhancement opportunities
- Project is part of an integrated and balanced mix of structural and non-structural measures
C11. Environmental assessment for compatibility with ecologically sustainable development principles. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only for the highest level of compatibility.
- Alternative options investigated to determine optimum social, environmental and economic solution
- Environmental consideration only addressed after design (i.e. at environmental impact assessment stage)
- Project developed in isolation, structural solution only
- Project is compatible with ecologically sustainable development, balancing environmental, social and economic factors
- Project is strongly compliant with the principles of ecologically sustainable development and makes significant extra provision for environmental needs
Project stage assessment sheet 3:
Specific data – integrated schemes and structural works only
Project stage name
Contact person
Source of information
Please answer all questions based on the planning flood (typically 1-in-100 ARI flood or the flood of record).
C12. Average damage per dwelling.Please place ‘x’ in onebox only to indicate the calculated damage per dwelling (use actual rather than potential damage).
- <$5000
- $5000–$9999
- $10,000–$12,499
- $12,500–$14,999
- $15,000 +
C13. Average annual damage (AAD) per dwelling.Please place ‘x’ in ONE box only to indicatethe calculated AAD per dwelling (use actual rather than potential damage).
- <$100
- $100–$499
- $500–$999
- $1000–$1499
- $1500 +
C14. Percentage reduction in AaD per dwelling. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only toindicate the calculated reduction in AAD per dwelling due to the proposed project.
- Reduction per dwelling >80%
- Reduction per dwelling 60–79%
- Reduction per dwelling 40–59%
- Reduction per dwelling 20–39%
- Reduction per dwelling 10–19%
- Reduction per dwelling <10%
C15. Social improvements resulting from project. Please place ‘x’in relevant boxes.
- Community now protected from major floods
- Business viability in the long term no longer affected by flooding
- Community infrastructure now protected
- Essential services now protected
- Plans in place to deal with long duration flooding (resupply, etc.)
Project stage assessment sheet 4:
Specific data – projects to improve evacuation management only
Project stage name
Contact person
Source of information
Please answer all questions based on the planning flood (typically 1-in-100 ARI flood or the flood of record).
C16. Hazard level in area(as defined in the Floodplain Development Manual).Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- Area is high hazard
- Area is isolated from evacuation destination
- People cannot be readily evacuated before cutting of evacuation route
- Flood depth above evacuation route levels >1 metre
- Flood depth above evacuation route levels >0.5 metre
C17. Evacuation management. Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- External evacuation resources required
- Flood predictions available
- Community education/flood awareness plan in place
- Project supported by the State Emergency Service
- Project reduces need for external evacuation resources
C18. Scale of evacuation problem. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only toindicate the calculated reduction in number of evacuees needing support or assistance.
- >2000 evacuees
- 1001–2000 evacuees
- 201–1000 evacuees
- 101–200 evacuees
- <100 evacuees
C19. Social improvements resulting from project. Please place ‘x’ inrelevant boxes.
- Area able to be evacuated without external assistance within available effective warning time
- Evacuation centre arrangements in place
- Plans in place to minimise restart time for essential services after a flood
- Plans put in place to deal with long duration flooding (accommodation, etc.)
- Warning strategy in place to commence evacuation
Project stage assessment sheet 5:
Specific data – projects to improve flood warning only
Project stage name
Contact person
Source of information
Please answer all questions based on the planning flood (typically 1-in-100 ARI flood or the flood of record).
C20. Hazard level in area (as defined in the Floodplain Development Manual).Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- Area is high hazard
- Area is isolated from evacuation destination
- Flood depth above typical floor levels is >2 metres
- Flood depth above typical floor levels is >1 metre
- Flood depth above typical floor levels is >0.5 metre
C21. Flood warning. Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- Available flood warning time is >6 hours
- Project is part of a total flood warning system
- Community education/flood awareness plan is in place
- Project is approved by the Flood Warning Consultative Committee
- Funding is available for ongoing maintenance
C22. Flood warning – scale of problem. Please place ‘x’ in onebox only to indicate the main issues or shortcomings with the existing flood warning system.
- No existing warning system – evacuation required
- Previous warnings from existing system were inadequate and evacuation required
- No existing warning system – required for loss of trafficable access rather than evacuation
- Existing warning system involves extrapolation from another location and evacuation required
- For supplementing warning for local tributaries only
C23. Social improvements resulting from project. Please place ‘x’ inrelevant boxes.
- Community aware of what to do and time available to do this in event of a flood warning, and can plan and act accordingly
- Effective warning time provided which matches community needs to minimise damage and protect personal safety
- Plans in place to deal with evacuation requirements
- Plans in place to ensure damage to community infrastructure can be minimised
- Plans in place to manage essential service infrastructure
Project stage assessment sheet 6: Specific data – voluntary purchase and house raising only
Project stage nameCouncil
Contact person
Source of information
Please answer all questions based on the planning flood (typically 1-in-100 ARI flood or the flood of record).
C24. Average damage per dwelling.Please place ‘x’ in onebox only to indicate the
calculated damage per dwelling (use actual rather than potential damage).
- <$5000
- $5000–$9999
- $10,000–$12,499
- $12,500–$14,999
- $15,000 +
C25. Average annual damage (AAD) per dwelling.Please place ‘x’ in onebox only to indicatethe calculated AAD per dwelling (use actual rather than potential damage).
- <$100
- $100–$499
- $500–$999
- $1000–$1499
- $1500 +
C26. Hazard level in area (as defined in the Floodplain Development Manual).Please place ‘x’ in relevant boxes.
- Area is high hazard
- Area is in floodway
- Area is isolated from evacuation destination
- Little evacuation time or warning available
- Flood depth above typical current floor levels >1 metre
C27. Social improvements resulting from project. Please place ‘x’ inrelevant boxes.
- Danger to personal safety reduced/removed
- Land rezoned to appropriate community use or evacuation strategy in place regarding flooding
- Personal trauma due to flooding significantly reduced or removed
- Potential for significant debris loadings due to house destruction removed from the floodplain or over-floor flooding substantially reduced
- Social disruption resulting from flooding significantly reduced or removed
Lodging applications
This form must be lodged with the Floodplain Management Program application for financial assistance 2016-17 for this project.
Email to: / /- Electronic applications are preferred.
Post to: / Senior Team Leader
Contestable Grants, Coast, Estuary & Flood
Regional Operations Group
Office of Environment and Heritage
PO Box 644
Parramatta NSW 2124 /
- If posting, please send a USB or CD with your saved form and any attachments. No hard copies please.
- Please do not email and post your application.
- Before submitting your application, please make sure that you have included all the necessary information.
- Applications must be submitted by 5 pm17March 2016.
Published by the Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 644, Parramatta 2124 Phone: 02 9895 6494
Email: bsite: OEH 2016/0001January 2016
New works project ranking form 2016-17Page 1 of 9