Sofía A. Pérez
Curriculum Vitae
(March , 2010)
Political Science DepartmentBoston University
232 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215 / Email:
Phone: 617 353-3876
Fax: 617 353-5508
1994 Ph.D. George Washington University, Political Science, 1994
1987 M. A. George Washington University, Political Science (with cognate field in Economic Development Theory and Planning in Economics Department)
1985 B. A. George Washington University, (Political Science, Economics minor), 1985.
Academic Appointments
2000 – Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston University.
1994-2000 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Boston University
1993 Researcher, Wissenschaftszentrum-Berlin für Sozialforschung, Labour Market and Employment Division.
1991-1992 Visiting Researcher, Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales, Fundación Juan March (Madrid, Spain)
Books and Book Chapters
“The Left and Immigration in Europe,” in James Cronin, George Ross, and James Schoch, eds., The Future of the Left (Duke University Press, forthcoming).
“Social bargaining in Spain: from post-EMU Boom to Bust,” in David Natali and Philippe Pochet, eds.,Social Pacts in the Aftermath of Monetary Union (Peter Lang Publishers, in press)
“Postwar Economic Strategies and the Timing of Regulatory Reforms in Europe,” in Jose Morilla, Juan Hernandez Andreu, Jose Luis Garcia Ruiz and Jose Maria Ortiz Villajos (eds.) Homenaje a Gabriel Tortella: Las Claves del Desarollo Econòmicoy Social . Madrid: l Lid Editorial and Universidad de Alcalá, 2009.
“Constraint or Motor: Monetary Union and the Construction of a Social Model in Spain,” in Euros and Europeans: Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society, Andrew Martin and George Ross, eds, Cambridge University Press (2004).
“Financial Liberalization in Spain: Success or Failure?,” in Success and Failure in Governance: A Compartive Analysis of European States Mark Bovens, Paul t’Hart, and B. Guy Peters, eds., (Edgar Elgar, 2001).
“Social Pacts in Spain,” in Social Pacts in Europe, Philippe Pochet, eds., (Brussels: Observatoire Social Européen, 2000)
“Monetary Union and Collective Bargaining in Spain,” with Philippe Pochet. In Philippe Pochet, ed., Monetary Policy and Collective Bargaining in the New Europe (Brussels: Peter Lang, 1999).
Banking on Privilege: The Politics of Spanish Financial Reform (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997)
"Economic Policy Strategy and Financial Regulation across two Regulatory Divides: France and Spain in Comparative Perspective,” in Douglas Forsyth and Ton Notermans, eds., Regime Changes: Macroeconomic Policy-Regimes and Financial Regulation in Europe from the 1930s to the 1990s (Oxford, UK: Berghan Books, 1997)
Capital Ungoverned: Liberalizing Finance in Interventionist States multi-authored volume with Michael Loriaux, Meredith Woo-Cumings, Kent Calder, and Sylvia Maxfield (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996)
“Finance and the Macro-Economy: The Politics of Financial Regulation in Europe,” with Jonathan Westrup,“ Journal of European Public Policy, forthcoming.
“La regulación social en España. ¿modelo o consecuencia?,” in El debate político : Revista Iberoamericana de Análisis Político. Año 3 Nº 4/5: 126-143. (2006)
“Banca y poder político en España: un análisis a partir de la regulación financiera,” Historia y Política (Madrid) v.9: 71-94 ( 2003)
“Monetary Union and Collective Bargaining Institutions in the EU: Extrapolating from Some Member State Experiences,” Comparative Political Studies, v.35(10): 1198-1227 December 2002
“Exchange Rate Pegs and Economic Policy Choices: Some Lessons of the Italian and Spanish Experiences in the ERM,” South European Politics and Society v. 5 (3): 1-32 ( 2001.)
“From De-Centralization to Reorganization: The resurgence of National-Level Social Bargaining in Italy and Spain,” Comparative Politics v. 32(4): 437-458 (July 2000).
“International Capital Mobility and Domestic Institutions: Corporate Finance and Governance in Four European Cases,” with Richard Deeg, Governance v. 13 (2): 119-53 (April 2000).
“From Labor to Finance: Understanding the Failure of Socialist Economic Policies in Spain,” Comparative Political Studies 32 (6): 659-689 (September 1999)
“Systemic Explanations, Divergent Outcomes: The Politics of Financial Liberalization in France and Spain,” International Studies Quarterly v. 42 (4): 755-784 (December 1998)
Book Reviews
Political Economy of Financial Integration in Europe: The Battle of the Systems, by Jonathan Story and Ingo Walter. Governance v. 12 (3) (July 1999)
Gatekeepers of Growth: The International Political Economy of Central Banking in Developing Countries, by Sylvia Maxfield. American Political Science Review (December 1998)
Regulating Europe, by Giandomenico Majone. ECSA Review (April 1998)
Policy Responses to the Globalization of American Banking, by Peter Dombrowski. Governance, (January 1997)
Monetary Sovereignty: The Politics of Central Banking in Western Europe, by John B. Goodman. French Politics and Society (Winter 1994)
Working Papers
“Finance and the Macroeconomy: The Politics of Regulatory Reform in Europe,” with Jonathan Westrup, Harvard Center for European Studies Working Papers Series #156 (2008). Available at
“Collective Bargaining under EMU: Lessons from the Italian and Spanish Experiences,” Harvard Center for European Studies Working Paper Series #72 (Cambridge, MA: February 2000)
“The Resurgence of National Social Bargaining in Europe: Explaining the Italian and Spanish Experiences,” CEACS Working Paper, Juan March Foundation (Madrid: June 1999)
"Central Bank Policy Leadership and Economic Performance: The Case of Spain in the Early Nineties," Working Papers #FS I 94-305, Wissenschaftszentrum-Berlin für Sozialforschung, 1994.
Other Publications
“Spain, Political Parties, “ entry in Europe since 1945: An Encyclopedia, Garland (2001)
“Spain since 1945,” entry in Europe since 1945: An Encyclopedia, Garland (2001)
Conference Papers (most recent)
"The Failure to reconciling Employment and Productivity in post-Monetary Union Italy and Spain," with Martin Rhodes, Berlin Workshop on Reconciling labor market equity and efficiency: The politics and economics of change in European social models" Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, December 7-8, 2009.
“Immigration and Left Party Government in Europe" with Jose Fernandez Albertos, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario, September 2-6
“Immigration Policy Preferences, Welfare State features, and Labor Market Regulation: An analysis based on European data” Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics, Paris, France, July 16-18, 2009
“Divergent Paths in European Immigration: The Role of Left Governments,” European Union Studies Association Bi-Annual Meeting, Marina del Rey Marriott, Los Angeles, CA , April 23-25, 2009
“Immigrationand(Left)PartisanshipinEurope“ with JoseFernandez-Albertosand JulianArevalo. PaperpreparedforpresentationattheAnnualMeetingoftheAmericanPoliticalScienceAssociation,Boston,MA, August28, 2008.
"Welfare States and Immigration in Europe" with Jose Fernandez Albertos and Julian Arevalo. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, August 29, 2008.
“Immigration, Welfare State Institutions, and Partisanship in Europe: Some Hypotheses” first draft `presented at the European Union Studies Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, May 2007; second draft presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 30-September2, 2007.
“Spain and Italy under EMU: Is it Southern Capitalism or the EU’s macro-institutional structure?” paper presented at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA September 2006
“Pension Reform and the Regulation of Financial Markets,” with Jonathan Westrup. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA September 2006
“Italy and Portugal: a Radical Road to Consensualism?” paper presented at the “Consensualism in Europe Workshop,” funded by the EU SmallCons Program, University of Graz, Austria, September 29, 2005
“Markets or Macro Economy: The Politics of Financial Reform across Countries and Time,” with Jonathan Westrup, paper presented at the Centro de Estudios Sociologicos first Summer Seminar, Real Colegio Complutense, August 2005
The politics of Financial Reform in the EU,” with Jonathan Westrup,” paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,” San Francisco, August-September, Chicago, September 2004
Other Academic Appointments and Engagements (most recent)
Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, Center for European Studies, June 2009- June 2010
Affiliate, Harvard University, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Fall 1994 – present
Co-Chair, Iberian Study Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Spring 1996 and Fall 1999- present
Member, Selection Committee, Graduate Dissertation Research Fellowships, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 2009.
Chair, Prize Committee Ernst B. Haas Prize for the Best Dissertation on European Politics and Society defended in 2007, American Political Science Association, 2008
Member, Executive Committee, Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA) Ciencias Sociales, (2006-present)
Member, Scientific Adivsory Board, Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales (IMDEA), (2006-present)
Speaker, Conference on the Transatlantic Relationship at the Dawn of the New Century, Suffolk University, March 5, 2007.
Panelist, “Spain after March 11,” Iberian Study Group, Harvard Center for European Studies,
April, 2005
Member Sage Paper Award Committee (chooses best paper presented in Comparative Politics at the 2002 Annual Meeting), American Political Science Association, 2003
Organizer (with Andrew Moravcik, Harvard University), Conference on the European Convention, Harvard Center for European Studies, January 2003
Division Chair, 2002 Annual Meeting Program Committee, American Political Science Association, (heading Section on the Politics of Advanced Industrialized Countries)
Chair, Panel on “Explaining Change in Labor Politics,” 98th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Boston, Agust/September 2002).
“Explaining Institutional Change in Under-Organized Economies,” talk given in the Visiting Scholars Lunch Series, Harvard Center for European Studies.
Visiting Scholar, Harvard Center for European Studies, Spring 2002 and Chair, Visiting Scholars Lunch Talk Series, Academic year 2001/2002.
Co-Organizer, Conference on 25 Years of Iberian Dem ocracy, Harvard Center for European Studies, October 2001
Co-Chair , State and Capitalism Study Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Academic year 2000/2001
Fellowships, Grants, Awards, Honors
Jeffrey Henderson Senior Research Fellow, Humanities Foundation, Boston University, 2009
European Union, Social Science Information Research Facility, Short-term Vistit grant, 1999
German Marshall Fund Research Fellowship, 1998/99
Humanities Foundation Junior Fellowship, Boston University, Fall 1997
Jean Monnet Fellowship, European University Institute, 1993 (declined to begin teaching position at Boston University)
Social Science Research Council Dissertation Fellowship, 1991
Institute for the Study of World Politics Dissertation Fellowship, 1990
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Department of Political Science, The George Washington
University, 1985-1990
Phi Beta Kappa, 1985
Administrative Engagements at Boston University (most recent)
-- Chair, Search Committee, Junior Tenure Track Position in Comparative Politics with a subfield in quantitative methods, academic year Fall 2008/Spring 2009
-- Director of Graduate Studies, Political Science Department, Boston University, Spring 1999 – Fall 2006
-- Chair, Comparative Political Behavior Search Committee (2008/09)
-- Graduate Research Abroad Fellowships (GRAF) Selection Committee (Graduate School) (2006-2008)
-- Turkish Studies Search Committee (2004)
-- Sociology Department Chair Search Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Spring 2001
-- Nominating Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Spring 2001
-- Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2001/2002
-- Task Force on the International Character of the University. Boston University. Charged by the Provost’s Office to write a report on the Internationalization of the Curriculum for the University’s Accreditation Review. 1997-98.
Dissertations directed as first reader (completed)
“The Political Economy of Liberalizing Reform in Turkey,” Deniz Gungen
“Historical Memory and the Ethnification of Politics in Central Europe,” Dagmar Kusa
Alexandra Hennessy, “The Politics of Pension Reform in the EU” (2008), winner of the EUSA Biannual Best Dissertation prize
Jonathan Westrup, “The Politics of Financial Regulatory Reform and the Privatization of Social Risk (2006)
Zana Citak, “Contrasting Secularizations in Turkey and France: the link to nationalism” (2004)
Jingyang Gao, “Internet-Based Communities and the Transformation of Civil Society in China: An Initial Assessment.” (2003)
Angelika Rettberg, “Corporate Organization and the Failure of Collective Political Action: Colombian Business and the Presidency of Ernesto Samper (2000)
Sebastian Royo, “Social Democracy and the Collapse of Concertation in Spain” (1998) published under the title “From Social Democracy to Neoliberalism: The Consequences of Party Hegemony in Spain , 1982-1996 (St. Martin’s Press, 2000)
Spanish, English (fluent spoken and written)
German (fluent spoken and reading knowledge, good written)
French (good reading knowledge, fair speaking ability)
Italian (good reading knowledge, some speaking ability)
References available upon request