Draft Date: ______Due Date: ______


PART A - Safety Pamphlet

Your task is to produce a Tractor Safety Pamphlet A5 in size. The pamphlet should have the following components:-

1. A title page with an appropriate tractor safety picture.

2. A paragraph on “Why safety is important?” It should include specifics about farming and tractors.

3. A section on Risk Assessments. This should explain:-

- What a risk assessment is?

- Why people do risk assessments?

- The two part to a risk assessment?

- The three broad methods to minimise risks.

4. List approximately 15 useful specific safety tips on operating and driving a tractor.

PART B - Tractor Driving

Drive a tractor in a safe manor, including:-

- Start, Drive and Stop a tractor.

- Manoeuvre the tractor including reversing to a set of cones.

Marking Criteria

A / B / C / D / E
Knowledge and Understanding /
  • recise and efficient demonstration of procedures to complete tasks in tractor operations
  • Comprehensive description and explanation of concepts, ideas and processes relevant to tractor operations and safety
  • Precise demonstration of procedures to complete tasks tractor operations.
  • Detailed description and explanation of concepts, ideas and processes relevant tractor operations and safety
  • Demonstration of procedures to complete tasks in tractor operations.
  • Description and explanation of concepts, ideas and processes relevant to tractor operations and safety.
  • Demonstration of skills related to procedures of tractor operations.
  • Description of concepts ideas and processes relevant to tractor operations.
  • Demonstration of tractor operation.
  • Partial description of concepts, ideas and/or processes to agricultural activities.

Analysing and applying /
  • Comprehensive analysis of agricultural information
  • Use of appropriate language conventions and features for coherent and clear communication of agricultural information.
  • Detailed analysis of agricultural information
  • Use of appropriate language conventions and features for clear communication of agricultural information.
  • Analysis of agricultural information
  • Use of appropriate language conventions and features for communication of agricultural information
  • Identification of relationships in agricultural information
  • Use of basic language conventions and features for communication of agricultural information
  • Identification of aspects of agricultural information
  • Use of basic language conventions and features for partial communication of agricultural information

Planning and evaluation /
  • Comprehensive planning of processes for agricultural activities
  • Comprehensive evaluation of processes and decisions regarding tractor safety.
  • Detailed planning of processes for agricultural activities
  • Detailed evaluation of processes and decisions regarding tractor safety.
  • Planning of processes for agricultural activities.
  • Evaluation of processes regarding safety
  • Partial planning of processes for agricultural activities.
  • Consideration of processes and decisions regarding safety and effectiveness.
  • Collection of agricultural information
  • Statements about processes and/or decisions regarding safety.