Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice

A Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the United Nations

Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice

September 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes


  1. Ronald Calissi
  2. Yael Danieli
  3. IlonaGedutiene
  4. Llod Klein
  5. SevanTadavossian
  6. Irene Melup
  7. Heather
  8. Sheba M Shibahara
  9. Karen Smith

Rosalind Harris, Lynette Parkerand Afaf Mahfouz sent regrets.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

Agenda was adopted.

  1. Approval of the July 12th, 2013 Minutes

July Minutes 12th were approved, after the following addition was included: “Yael Danieli sent regrets as she will not be able to attend the meeting”

3. Karen introduced SevanTadavossian, who is a considering interning with the Alliance. Sevan recently moved to New York from Geneva, Switzerland where she graduated with Masters in Humanitarian Law and Criminal Law. She is looking onto the field of international justice and is willing to do some research on civil society’s participation and inclusion here in New York at the UN headquarters.In discussing Sevan’sundertakings during her internship, Karen stressed the importance on focusing on the trend itself (declining civil society’s inclusion by UN.) Alliance members made suggestions regarding the research and methodology attributing to her work.

  1. Chairperson’s Report including Website Report
  2. Report of Meetings with Coalition Heads re. NGO Participation in UN Meetings
  • Karen informed about ongoing discussions with MichaelPlatzer from Vienna Alliance, Gillian Dill from Transparency International, Kate, from Global Women’s Trafficking Alliance and Michel Peron, Chair of NGO Committee on drugs in Vienna. Karen expressed shared concern by the Alliance and its affiliates regarding limited access to some of the UN meetings, and the overall lack of inclusion by civil society. For example, recently Prevention Committee from Transparency International was blocked out of the meetings on Trafficking at the UN.
  • Karen noted thatuneasiness stems from the fact that the leadership of the above mentioned NGO’s became increasingly aware that many NGO’s are being closed out from the meetings that previously were made available to them.
  • Chairwoman also informed that Gillian Dell form Transparency International was willing to write a report on the legal side pertaining to the developments associated with NGO’s participation. She noted that Sevan’s involvement and research would allow us to produce a report detailing shared experience by other NGO’sin New York.
  • Yael reminded that the UN has issued formal Resolutions in the past concerning civil society participation (1996) outlining the rights of ECOSOC NGO’s. The main question raised in this context was why such limitations are taking place.
  • October Event

The following suggestions were made in preparation for Rosalind Harris 90th Anniversary and Celebration of her tireless work with civil society:

  • Interview Rosalind about her work
  • Coordinate with a tribute with annual CONGO reception
  • Institute an award
  • Host a luncheon with Michele Platzerduring his visit in New York around the October 10-16
  • Inform the head of NGO section A. Abramov and see if they want to attend the event or extend their appreciation to Rosalind independently.
  • Website updates:

Karen briefed Alliance regarding developments associated with the Alliance strategy to increase value proposition to its associates and visitors. It was noted that:

  • Alliance needsto encourage Membership regarding the submissions for website, such as directory of experts, reports and articles. Both, organizations and individuals can present submissions. It will be revised manually.
  • There are some 240 unique visitors coming to the Alliance website monthly. 200 of them are returning users, which is indicative of a growing Alliance reputation.
  • The decision needs to be made regarding the Online Directory (review was to be completed by Committee Members.)
  • An official letter needs to be send out to the membership pertaining the updates and the membership fee. It was suggested that Rosalind Harris might agree to undertake this assignment.
  • Karen also stressed the importance of communicating the name of the Alliance. Irene suggested to reaching out to those who are new to ECOSOC. Ronald Calissi proposed to print Alliance flyer.
  1. Vice-Chair’s Report
  • Lloyd proposed to have a discussion regarding collaboration with other committees and Alliance plans for January election. Lloyd invited nominations and advised that he will be getting a letter out advising to the Alliance soon. He intends to finalize the list by December, so the election could take place in January.
  • Yael nominated Karen for another term as Chair.
  • Karen expressed hope that Rosalind will continue with Treasurer’s duties and encouraged inviting more people who could become members-at-large if their terms are otherwise ending.
  1. Treasurer’s Report

There was no report at this time.

  1. Melup Report on Recent UN Meetings

Irene did not submit report at this time

  1. News from Affiliates
  • Heather …from the International Drug Policy Consortium, UK, was in attendance. Sheis responsible for Consortium’s representation at the UN. Its Committee on Drugs and Substance abuse is working on strengthening NGO and UN relations in preparation for Special GA Session on drugs coming up in 2016. Heather noted that following Michelle Peron’s suggestion their Drugs Committee is looking forward to cooperating with Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs.
  • It was proposed that Consortium collaborateswith the New York part of the Alliance.
  • Heather also mentioned that the Consortium is planning to organize a meeting at the end of October. It was suggested that the Alliance could help them to disseminate information regarding the event as part of the projected partnership.
  1. Adjournment

A Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the United Nations