
  • Cover
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • UsingtheGuide
  • Spotlight: Whatis ALS?
  • Spotlight on Your Health Care Team
  • 1Equipment for DailyLiving
  • What Kind of Equipment Will You Need?
  • The Role of the Occupational Therapist
  • Help with Activities of Daily Living
  • Beds
  • AdaptableClothing
  • TelephoneEquipment
  • Books
  • Spotlight on Clothing and Dressing Hints
  • 2SavingEnergy
  • Battling Fatigue
  • PrinciplesofEnergyConservation
  • EverydayActivities
  • PersonalCare
  • SpotlightonCareCircles
  • Spotlight: Checklist for GettingHelp
  • 3HomeModifications
  • ArchitecturalBarriers
  • HomeSafety
  • MakingYourHome More Accessible
  • SafetyEquipment
  • BathroomModifications
  • SpotlightonBathroomFixtures
  • 4MobilitySupportEquipment
  • MaintainingIndependence
  • The Role of the Physical Therapist
  • LegBraces
  • HeadandNeckSupport
  • HandSupport
  • Canes
  • Walkers
  • Scooters
  • Wheelchairs
  • TransportationIssues
  • SpotlightonAccessibleVans
  • 5RespiratoryIssues
  • How Does ALS Affect Breathing?
  • The Role of the Respiratory Therapist
  • AssistedVentilation
  • TypesofVentilationandEquipment
  • CoughingandClearingSecretions
  • OtherEquipment
  • Medications
  • SpotlightonFeedingTubes
  • 6SpeechCommunication
  • How Does ALS Affect Speech?
  • The Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist
  • AssistiveTechnology
  • Augmentative, AlternativeCommunicationDevices
  • Computer Access
  • EnvironmentalControlUnits
  • SpotlightonFindingFunding
  • 7Transfers
  • MovingWithHelp
  • Instructions for Caregivers
  • SpecialTransfers
  • BodyMechanics for theCaregiver
  • DependentTransfers
  • MechanicalandHydraulicLifts
  • BedPositioning
  • SpotlightonTransferTipsPrecautions
  • Spotlight on Recovering From a Fall
  • 8Exercise
  • WhyIsExerciseImportant?
  • The Role of the Physical Therapist
  • ExercisePrecautions
  • Staying Active
  • StretchingRange-of-MotionExercises
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning
  • ExerciseEquipment
  • StrengthTraining
  • AlternativeExercises
  • SpotlightonMassageTherapy
  • SpotlightonShoulders
  • 9ExerciseInstructions
  • Guidelines
  • StretchingExercises
  • Range-of-MotionExercises
  • SwimmingWater-BasedExercise
  • Spotlight on Passive Range-of-Motion
  • 10Resources
  • MDA ALS Division
  • General Resources
  • ResourcesbyChapter

MDA Publications Department
© 2005, Muscular Dystrophy Association
The book is available through MDA offices to anyone with ALS who’s registered for MDA services. Copies are offered to others for $15, with a CD-ROM for $10 (see order online form)
Everyday Life With ALS: A Practical Guide
If you have ALS, or care for someone who does, this practical guide will answer many of your questions about equipment, therapies and accessibility that arise over the course of the disease.