VU ESL 2013-2014

ESL Syllabus

Ms. Vu

Description:This ESL class is designed to prepare students and help them assimilate into regular education classes. This class will teach students the content knowledge they will need and are required to learn in Middle School but at the appropriate pace and language proficiency level of the student. Students will be given support, supplementary material, and other resources to help guide them in understanding the content being taught. In order to acquire language and be able to apply it to academic and social life, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills will be consistently incorporated into lessons and activities. The overarching objective is for students walk away at the end of the year with greater English vocabulary development, more effective communication (oral and written) in English, and enhanced use of English conventions.

Expectations (what I want for you to do!)

  • SPEAK ENGLISH!!!! You cannot learn and become better at English if you do not speak English!
  • RESPECT EVERYONE. You should not talk when the teacher or when another student is talking.
  • RAISE YOUR HANDS. If you have a question, or have something to say, do not shout/yell it out!
  • ASK PERMISSION. If you need to go to the bathroom, drink water, or go to your locker, raise your hand and ask.
  • STAY IN YOUR SEAT. There should be no reason for you to be out of your seat unless the teacher told you to.
  • NO BULLYING. I expect that you will not make anyone in the class feel uncomfortable. That means no laughing at others or making fun of others in class.
  • BE PREPARED. Always have your supplies before class (pencil, eraser, books, binder). Go to your locker before class not during class.
  • HOMEWORK. You are responsible for homework. Before you leave class everyday, look on the board and copy the homework into your agenda book.
  • TEST/QUIZZES. You will have regular quizzes and tests. You are responsible for studying and doing well.
  • PARTICIPATION. You are part of a class. You must talk and be part of group work and class discussions as much as possible.
  • ASK QUESTIONS! If you don’t understand something or have a question, ask a neighbor or ask me!
  • USE A DICTIONARY. You cannot learn by having someone translate all the time. If you don’t know a word, use a dictionary or try to explain using words that you DO know.
  • SOUND IT OUT. If you cannot spell a word, sound it out! I will understand.
  • TRY. Always try your best.


Students are expected to come to class PREPARED everyday. Students are required to keep a BINDER that they will use for class and for homework. The binder will be divided as such:

  1. Student Binder


  • Vocabulary/Idioms
  • Grammar
  • Do-Now
  • Classwork/Notes
  • Homework
  1. Folder. Keep all handouts in this folder.
  2. Highlighter
  3. Pencil
  4. Eraser

Grading: You will be graded on:

  • Class participation (talking in English, helping others, working in groups/partners)
  • Homework (complete and passed in on time)
  • Tests/quizzes (# score)
  • Effort (how hard you try)

Concerns: If you have any problems, need help, need to make up work, or need to talk to me for any reason, come see me BEFORE SCHOOL, or AFTERSCHOOL! My door is always open.