National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA)
presents its
2006 Northeast Regional Conference
Leaders Among Us: Asian-American Women
Hosted by the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY)
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Conference Panels:
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP - Four Times Square, New York, New York10036
9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Ethical Dilemmas
When lawyers need lawyers. This panel will offer practical advice for attorneys and firms when facing a grievance or disciplinary proceeding. A panel of attorneys will present firsthand experience defending and investigating attorneys and law firms that are the subject of Grievance Committee and Disciplinary Committee investigations.
Panelists: Andral Bratton, Deputy Chief Counsel, Departmental Disciplinary Committee, Appellate
Division, First Department
Richard Supple, Partner, Litigation and Legal Professional Responsibility and Ethics,
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Moderator: Jerry M. Cooke, Associate, Cheven Keely & Hatzis
A View from the Bench: Overall Tips for Litigators
Join a panel of federal and state judges in an informative discussion for skilled litigators. The judges will speak to best practices in all areas of litigation: brief writing, oral argument, and trials.
Panelists:Hon. Denny Chin, United States District Court, Southern District of New York
Hon. Nina Elgo, ConnecticutState Superior Court, Hartford, Enfield and Rockville Districts
Hon. Randall Eng, New YorkState Supreme Court, QueensCounty
Hon. Patricia Medina Talbert, New Jersey Superior Court, Essex Vicinage
Moderator: Yang Chen, Partner, Litigation, Constantine Cannon PC
10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Asian American Voting Rights and Political Participation
In the past two years, an unprecedented number of Asian Americans have won political office – Jun Choi for Mayor of Edison, New Jersey; Sam Yoon for Boston City Councilor; and Jimmy Meng for New York State Assembly. Yet at the same time, major news media have overlooked the Asian American vote. On the legal front, Asian Americans have had to overcome a series of obstacles to exercise their right to vote, just like other minority voters in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. High profile lawsuits protecting the right to vote for Asian Americans were filed to ensure compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act.
This panel will survey Asian American political success and voting patterns, discuss the expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act and their impact on Asian Americans in providing language assistance to voters, and explore ways that local bar associations can get involved in monitoring elections to defend against anti-Asian voter disenfranchisement.
Panelists:Susan Kang,Associate, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, LLP
Susana Lorenzo-Giguere, Special Litigation Counsel, Civil Rights Division Voting Section,
United States Department of Justice
Philip Olaya Voting Rights Public Education Coordinator, Asian American Legal Defense and
Education Fund
Cesar Perales, General Counsel and President, Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund
Moderator: Glenn D. Magpantay, Staff Attorney, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
GC Roundtable: The View from the Top--The Evolving Role of the General Counsel
Our GC panel will discuss wide-ranging topics including: the evolving role of the GC; the dual role of a GC as the chief legal officer and a business advisor; challenges faced by GCs in their companies and industries; how the Legal Department interacts with internal business clients; what business executives want from in-house attorneys; how to effectively navigate corporate politics; hallmarks of a successful in-house lawyer; and how one becomes a GC.
Panelists:George P. Chang, General Counsel, Rockbay Capital Management
Myung Kang-Huneke, Vice President and General Counsel, Sesame Workshop
Don Liu, General Counsel, Toll Brothers Inc.
Tracey L. Matura, General Counsel and Secretary,Mercedes-BenzUSA, LLC
Moderator:Andrew Hahn, Partner,Litigation, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
12: 25 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.lunch
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
The Trial of Ethel Rosenberg: Criminal Justice in a Time of National Crisis
In this entertaining and informative program, the Honorable Denny Chinanda team of AABANY members will reenact the trial of Ethel Rosenberg for the crime of espionage. After 50 years of debate, there remains substantial disagreementover Ethel Rosenberg's guilt and the degree of her involvement. Was she guilty of the crime of an unprecedented magnitude that irrevocably compromised national security?Or was she a victim ofnationwidehysteria in a time of national crisis? In the reenactment and the following Q&A session, we will examinethe effect of national crisis on the administration of our criminal justice system.
Featuring:Hon. Denny Chin, United States District Court, Southern District of New York
2:20 p.m. – 3:35 p.m.
Women’s Leadership
Join leaders and coaches of leaders to discover what it takes to be the next generation of women leaders in the courtroom, boardroom, or in the public sector. Panelists will cover the key characteristics of visionary leaders and the methodology they use to aid their leadership: (a) become a more effective leader; (b) employ motivational theories to motivate subordinates to achieve your vision; (c) create a powerful presence using voice styling and create rapport with your audience using non-verbal cues; and, (d) become a successful negotiator.
Panelists:Purvee Kempf, Counsel, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U. S.House of Representatives
Carol Kim, Vice President, Head of Investor Relations, Absolute Return Strategies, Lehman Brothers
Hon. Patricia Medina Talbert, New Jersey Superior Court, Essex Vicinage
Judy Tieh, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Ann Taylor Stores Corp.
Current Issues Affecting Immigrant Communities
This panel will discuss issues ranging from the rights of immigrant workers to roundups of immigrants after 9/11. Panelists will discuss the potential impact of immigration policies, recent cases, and new and proposed legislation.
Panelists:Julie Dinnerstein, Deputy Director for Immigration Advocacy and Training,
New YorkImmigration Coalition
Amy Sugimori, Staff Attorney, National Employment Law Project
Haeyoung Yoon, Staff Attorney, Urban JusticeCenter
Moderator:Margaret Chan, Law Offices of Margaret Chan
3:40 p.m. – 4:55 p.m.
Brand Warriors: The Role of the In-House Counsel in Developing, Refining and Protecting the Global Brand
A company’s assets were once measured by the size of its manufacturing facilities, inventory and cash reserves. All companies today recognize what entertainment companies have always known—a strong brand is essential to marketing the company’s product and to differentiating what the company offers in a highly competitive environment where the consumer has a dizzying array of options and choices. From the Mercedes Star to the Nike Swoop, the corporate brand not only defines the interaction with the consumer but, today, a brand shapes corporate strategy and may well form the basis of the company’s strategic business objectives. Our panel, from the top entertainment companies and advertisers, will explore the role of in-house entertainment counsel in helping shape, refine and protect some of the top global brands. In a highly interactive format, the panel will explore such diverse subjects as branding, product placement, IP protection of program elements and formats, contract negotiation and the dual role of the in-house counsel as both a legal advisor and as a strategic business partner to the other corporate departments.
Panelists:VernonChu, General Counsel, BBC America
Tommy Shi, Head of Media Relations, Mercedes-BenzUSA
Julie Yoo, Vice President of Legal and Business Affairs, Spike TV
Moderator:Arnold Peter, Partner, Labor and Employment Law and Entertainment Law,
Raskin Peter Rubin & Simon
The Insider’s Guide to Working with Clients: In-House Counsel and Outside Lawyers
A discussion of what in-house lawyers expect from outside counsel and what makes for a happy relationship between them.
Panelists:Katherine Choo, Senior Counsel, General Electric Company
Gordon Hwang, Senior Litigation Counsel, TYCO International (U.S.) Inc.
Bobby Liu,Vice President and General Counsel, M.D. Sass Investors Service Inc.
Ike Osaki, Associate General Counsel, Banc of America Securities
Moderator:Jean Chin, Partner, Structured Finance and Capital Markets Group, Mayer, Brown,
Rowe & Maw, LLP
Conference Dinner:
The Princeton Club of New York - 15 West 43rd Street, New York, New York10036
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.Reception
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.Dinner
Dinner Honorees
Joyce Chang, Managing Director, Emerging Markets, Global Currency and Commodities, JPMorgan Chase
Kathy Hirata Chin,Partner, Litigation, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, LLP
Lillian Moy,Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York
Contact Information:
For inquiries about the dinner or sponsorship opportunities for the NAPABA NE Regional Conference please contact:
- Maricar Tinio, , 917.502.7247
For any other inquiries please contact:
- Tristan Loanzon, , 212.760.1516
For registration, sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please visit the NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference website at