Supplementary Information Form
Main School
Application Type:
Full ResidentialWeekly ResidentialDay
Please complete and return to:
Admissions Registrar, Gordon's School, West End, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9PT
Telephone: 01276 858084 Fax: 01276 855335 email:
Section 1: Applicant’s Details
First Name: Family Name:Date of Birth: Male / Female:
House Name / Number:
Postcode/Zip: Country:
Home Telephone:
Mobile Number of parent:
Contact email of parent:
Name of Present School:
Name of Head Teacher:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Does the applicant have a sibling at the school?Yes No
If YES, please give their name(s):…………………………………………………………………
Section 2: Academic Information
Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an EHCP?
Yes No
Proposed date of entry:……………………………………………………….
Proposed Year Group (please tick):
Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Section 3: Boarding Information
(Only complete this section if you are making a Full or Weekly Residential Boarding Application)
Please give your reasons for a residential application and highlight any clear need your child may have for a residential place. (Please attach further sides if necessary)Section 4: Declaration
I have discussed the contents of this application with my son / daughter and the information I have given is true.
Name of 1st Parent or Guardian(To whom we will address our reply):
Relationship to child:......
- The address on the form must be your child’s permanent place of residence. It should not be a business, relative or carer/childminder’s address. We will not generally accept a temporary address if the main carer of the child still possesses a property that has previously been used as a home address, nor will we accept a temporary address if we believe it has been used solely or mainly to obtain a school place when an alternative address is still available to that child.
- Please read in conjunction with the admissions policy for the relevant year of entry which is published on the school’s website
- Gordon’s School is heavily over-subscribed especially for Day Boarding places. In practice, this means successful applicants tend to live within around 600 metres, although this will vary slightly from year to year.
- We welcome applications for Residential Boarding places with a strong ‘need to board’. Parents who are applying for a boarding place are asked to give additional information in Section 3, or by a covering letter, saying why there is a need for their child to board. Examples – because parents are in the armed forces, live overseas, or have complicated jobs or shift work, necessitating a boarding requirement.
- The information submitted in this application form may be entered onto our computer database. All information is held under the rules of the Data Protection Act 1998.