Present: Cllr M Blake - Chairman Cllr D Jones
Cllr B Greenall Cllr B Kay – Vice Chairman
Cllr J Simms Cllr C Barlow
Cllr L Sharples
Clerk - Ms G Lack
9 residents were welcomed to the meeting and it was stated that the meeting was held in accordance with the Parish Council Standing Orders and Code of Conduct.
1. To consider apologies:
· Cllr K Harrison sent apologies for absence due to illness. Cllr Barlow proposed a Motion that the apologies and reasons for absence be accepted and Cllr Kay seconded the proposal. After a unanimous vote from the Parish Council IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried.
2. Declarations of interest: Cllrs Jones and Barlow declared a personal interest in the Village Hall. Cllr Jones declared a personal interest in In Bloom. Cllr Kay declared a personal interest in the allotments.
3. Public discussion:
· No issues raised.
4. To receive a report from the County/Borough Councillors:
· Cllr Weymouth noted that, with regard to the comment made in the May minutes regarding the uncertainty of the Code of Conduct Committee, NCC was considering forming its own Committee.
· Grass cutting had been suspended by GYBC due to the weather and the Council was offering to carry out other tasks instead.
5. To receive a report from the PCSO:
· The PCSO was not present and no crime figures were available for the meeting.
6. To agree the minutes of the previous meeting:
· Cllr Jones proposed a Motion that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2011 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting and this was seconded by Cllr Barlow and unanimously agreed by Councillors. IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
7. To report matters arising from the previous minutes:
· There were no matters arising not covered on the Agenda.
8. To consider planning Applications and review planning permissions: -
· 06/11/0315/F. Proposed sub-division of garden to form single plot and construction of detached bungalow. Sunny View, Winterton. It was recommended that the application be rejected for the following reasons: neighbouring properties overlooked; subdivision of garden and building in a garden; close to boundary; the development would not enhance or contribute anything to village. The Council agreed to reject this application.
· 06/11/0288/F. Retrospective application for child’s play fort. 7 James Gray Close, Winterton. It was recommended that the application be rejected for the following reasons: structure is too tall (4 metres); one neighbour had objected. The Council agreed to reject this application.
· 06/11/0317/F. Proposed alteration, extension and roof conversion of existing detached bungalow. Red Cliff, Bush Road, Winterton. It was recommended that the application be rejected for the following reasons: loss of privacy and light to neighbouring properties; over-development of site; not in keeping with existing dwellings and character of area; 5 letters of objection from neighbours had been received. The Council agreed to reject this application
· 06/11/0320/F. Retrospective Application to Retain Chiller Units, Loomes Stores, Market Place, Winterton. The Parish Council agreed to approve this application subject to the chillers being enclosed.
Planning Decisions
· 06/11/0155/F. Alterations and extension at rear to form kitchen/diner with mono-pitched roof. 2 May Cottages, Back Road. GYBC Approved.
· 06/11/0157/F. Single storey extension to front, two-storey extension to rear, erection of garage and oil tank enclosure. 13 Council House, Somerton Road. GYBC Refused
9. Finance: To agree payments in accordance with the budget:
· Cllr Barlow proposed a Motion that the following payments be made in accordance with the budget. This was seconded by Cllr Kay and unanimously agreed by Councillors. IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried.
Date of Cheque / Cheque Number / Payable to / Details / Amount £01/06/2011 / DD / BT / Telephone / 20.30
16/06/2011 / 896 / A Dumpleton / Grass cutting / 122.60
16/06/2011 / 897 / A Dumpleton / Petrol for lawnmower / 10.01
16/06/2011 / 898 / M Blake / Keys cut / 23.70
16/06/2011 / 899 / G Lack / Expenses / 46.94
16/06/2011 / 900 / G Lack / Salary / 604.79
16/06/2011 / 901 / Village Hall / VAT Refund / 77.94
16/06/2011 / 902 / IES / New showers etc / 862.38
16/06/2011 / 903 / GYBC / Newsletter x 2 months / 230.00
16/06/2011 / 904 / P Carver / Litter picking / 113.04
16/06/2011 / 905 / P Lynham / Bus shelter cleaning / 40.00
16/06/2011 / 906 / K Brown / Bus shelter cleaning / 40.00
16/06/2011 / 907 / HMRC / NI / 2.90
16/06/2011 / 908 / Mr D Phillips / Fix steel cladding to doors, install new locks / 101.99
Total / 2296.59
Advert newsletter / £10
· Cllr Jones proposed a Motion that the draft accounts for the year ended 31st March 2011 be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Simms and unanimously agreed by Councillors. IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried
10. To receive an update on Coastal Erosion. Nothing to report.
11. To receive an update from the Village Hall Committee.
· The garage sale would be held on Sunday 24th July.
12. To receive an update from the Parish Council Surgery held last month.
· The Surgery was attended by Cllrs Simms and Blake. A resident had expressed concern about model aircraft being flown on the Beach Road car-park. Cllr Blake had spoken to the owner of the car-park who was not concerned about this but the issue of liability was raised if someone got hit by a plane. Cllr Blake agreed to check if owner had public liability insurance and if, if so, if the insurance covered accidents of this type.
13. Committee Reports
- Finance
§ An extended 3 year warranty had been offered on the new shower units but the committee did not recommended this because it was too expensive. The Parish Council agreed.
§ An estimate of £95 had been received to cut down the dead tree at the side of village hall. The committee recommended accepting the estimate and the Parish Council agreed.
§ A request had been made to repair the fencing around the bowling green but it had been confirmed that this was the Borough Council’s responsibility and that the Parish Council was only responsible for day-to-day maintenance of the fence. The Borough had agreed to put up a new fence about a metre in from the existing fence so that the Bowls Club could trim up the hedges.
- Planning/Administration
§ Four planning applications had been discussed and recommendations made to the Parish Council.
§ A letter had been received from Mr & Mrs Bolton – discussed under Post Log.
§ Cllr Blake confirmed that all conditions regarding the Badger/Empsons Loke development had now been met. However, there had been concerns expressed by residents about trees being felled during the nesting season and it was thought that this might be in contravention of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. Cllr Barlow proposed a Motion that the Council writes a letter to the Borough Council expressing its concern about this which was seconded by Cllr Jones. On a unanimous vote of the Council IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried. It was also agreed that contact would be made with Tony Chaney about wildlife restrictions pertaining to planning and development and to ascertain if there was a document available for future reference.
- Amenities. Cllr Blake noted that the next meeting would be held on the 30th June 2011.
- Community Plan
§ Cllr Barlow noted that the plan had been updated and copies would be available for coordinators and the Chairman for the meeting on June 27th with the intention of getting the plan approved at the July Parish Council meeting. Once approved, letters would be sent to Area and Deputy Leaders. Cllr Barlow thanked Cllr Kay and the Clerk for their input with the revisions.
§ Cllr Barlow noted the disturbing news that the Borough Emergency Planning Officer had been made redundant and that NCC had withdrawn its financial inputs. However, Cllr Barlow understood that GYBC was endeavouring to recreate the post and, in meantime, Simon Mutton would be the Borough contact.
§ A letter had been sent to E-on asking for details of areas serviced by each generator in the village but the company was not able to provide this information.
- Personnel
§ Cllr Barlow noted that the following policies had been distributed at the meeting: Health & Safety; Disciplinary and Grievance, and asked for comments within 2 weeks so that they could be adopted at the next Parish Council meeting. There was one small amendment to the Health & Safety Policy, namely that Risk Assessments would be the responsibility of the Planning & Administration Committee and not the clerk.
§ Cllr Blake informed the meeting that 4 applications for the vacant councillor post had been received and interviews would be held next Thursday and Friday, the 23rd and 24th June.
14. Councillor Feedback.
Councillors to report on any residents’ individual concerns/comments or any other item as required.
§ Cllr Greenall had seen 2 people in the churchyard with air rifles shooting pigeons. It was noted that the Parish Council had no knowledge of this and Cllr Blake agreed to speak to Father Adrian to clarify the situation.
§ Cllr Jones noted that the Ivan King sign needed cleaning and/or renovating. Clerk to investigate.
15. Correspondence received. Comments/decisions made at meeting are in italics.
ITEM / DATE / FROM WHOM RECEIVED / CONTENT / ACTION REQUIRED1 / 8 June / NCC / Wildlife & Country Side Act 1981 Modification Order 2010
2 / 25 May / GYBC / Open Space Information – Parish Questionnaire / Completed and returned
3 / 24 May / NCC / Notification of road works 5-9 Sept and 19-30 Sept A1064 Filby. Temporary closure
4 / 27 May / Broads Authority / Notification of Independent examination of Development Management Policies to be held on 12.7.11 at Dragonfly House
5 / May 2011 / Norfolk RCC / Getting to Grips with Governance Course 3.8.11 10am – 1pm
6 / 13 May / Age UK / Letter of thanks for donation
7 / 15 June / NALC / · Norfolk Celebrates Age. 1st October “Older People’s Day”
· Invitation to Summer Picnic & Sustainability Event 27.7.2011 12-3 p.m.
· AGM 1st October 2011. Resolutions for Debate
· Diamond Jubilee celebrations June 2012. Help and/or advice offered
· Norfolk Link magazine Issue 183
8 / June 2011 / Mr & Mrs Boulton / Problem with development re Marram Court / Clerk to reply.
9 / 9 June / GYBC / Agenda for Development Control Committee 14.6.2011 at 6.30 p.m.
10 / 28 May / NCC / Prohibition of Waiting & Parking Places Consolidation Order 2011. Discrepancies on Beach and Back Road need to be advertised
11 / June 2011 / GYBC / Agenda for Standards Committee 7.7.2011 at 2.30 p.m.
12 / June 2011 / GYBC / Council meeting minutes Jan – April 2011
13 / 14th June / Brandon Lewis MP / Request to have a meeting re Localism Bill / Clerk to get more info and meeting dates
16. Items requiring attention/update. Comments/decisions made at meeting are in italics.
No / Details / Action/Item / Update / What has happened1 / Resident / Memorial Clock / Clock not keeping good time / Now working.
2 / Cllr Jones / Bench George Beck Road / Request for siting of Bench on corner of George Beck Road and The Craft. / Approved by GYBC. Cllr Jones to progress.
3 / Cllr Harrison / Siting of Compost bins / Request to site compost bins on playing field between changing rooms and fence / Response now received. Special permissions etc required because of strict compliance to environmental regulations. To be followed up. Cllr Kay to follow up.
4 / Resident / Wall around Marine Crescent / Bricks fallen onto pavement. / Letter sent to all owners. Wall has now been repaired
5 / Resident / Bushes around Church Cottage / Blocking visibility for traffic turning right out of Black Street / Letter sent to owner. Bushes now cut back.
6 / Resident / 2 alleyways off Beach Road overgrown / Alleyways need strimming. / Alleyways now strimmed but one alley needs finishing at Beach Road end.
7 / Resident / Alleyway from Bulmer Lane to George Beck Road / Hedges need cutting back. / GYBC contacted and hedges now cut back
8 / Resident / Bunker in Winterton Valley / Concern about children playing in bunker. / PCSO has now contacted Ivan Denton and he has agreed to seal up the bunker.
9 / Resident / Post at corner of James Grey Court / Request for posts to be taller as cars reverse into them. / Clerk to contact Highways.
10 / Resident / Dead tree on green by Village Hall / Request for tree to be cut down / Estimate received and approved by Finance Committee.
11 / In Bloom / Bench on Village Green / Needs repairing or replacing / To be investigated. Clerk to contact GYBC
17. Next Parish Council Surgery, Saturday 18th June 2011 at the Village Hall. Cllrs Greenall and Blake to attend.
18. Date of the next meeting: Thursday 21st July 2011 in the Church Rooms from 7.30pm.
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