Monday, April 20, 2011

Liberal Governing: The Two-Sided Perspective.



After the absence conflict with Liberal Leader Jeffrey Zhou on April 18, the other Parties decided to hold an extra conference. Yesterday, the Federal Parties travelled to their make-up conference location in the Greater Toronto Area. Hundreds of Ontario citizens showed up to support their Parties.

The Liberals were open-minded and showed no offence toward the infamous reports about the absence of their leader in the last assembly. In the timeframe when the Liberals were on stage, Zhou confidently campaigned and answered to the inquiries regarding Canadian issues. However, behind stage, without a script, Zhou needed to turn the reporters over to his consultant to answer their questions. Over a period of only one day, the Liberals have already created additional goal sets to improve Canada. They will “make it clear that the iPod tax aren’t true” and “try to make peace with the Blocs”, which were stated by Liberal media consultant Jennings.

While interviewing the Liberals, a member of the Bloc party frenzied into the conversation to inform the reporters of a message that he thought was extremely significant: “Kimmy’s commercial sucks”. The Liberals were very offended by this negative comment about their advertising consultant. Many Liberal members destroyed their image by shouting at the Bloc with a sequence of uncivilized language. Seeing the quarrel between their two Parties, the well-poised leader of the Liberal Party, Jeffrey Zhou, and the leader of the Bloc Quebecois, Bellal Waseil, started to argue. Without warning, the two leaders left their positions and attacked each other. The setting became exceedingly dangerous, causing the security to get involved. The other Party members, supporters, and the media were asked to leave because of the situation. They were allowed to enter again after an hour, after the Liberals and Blocs were separated to two different lobbies.

“We were arguing for the better of Canada”, defended a Liberal member after asking about the incident. By cause of this event, many news organizations purposely sent paparazzi groups to observe the images of the Blocs when they are behind public eyes, while others searched for the Liberals.

Liberals and their Work “Behind-the-scenes”.


Why is there a script? Was it STAGED?

Liberal Leader likes to help solve citizens’ problems, but he loves to sleep during work time.

When studying about the needs of Canadians, the Liberals are very focused…

On hair braiding?

Friend or Foe? Liberal and Bloc leaders attack each other!

The Block Supports All


The Bloc Québécois has a strong platform that they stand by; interviewed times before they have introduced many issues they plan to tackle. Interviewed again on April 19th 2011, they brought much more attention to the youth and the future of Canada. The proposed after they were elected they would put over 3 billion dollars towards post-secondary education, by reducing the money spent on useless money spent by our wonderful conservatives. They also plan to get rid of GST on educational books, to approach youth who have hard time learning due to their financial stability. Despite many that judge the Bloc and have a set of opinions already laid out towards the Bloc, this party still has hopes to improve the community. Their plans to improve the community include providing more safety to communities and provide safety to communities far away from it; plans are to build more police stations, closer to communities for a safer environment. Building safer environments and providing more opportunities for education, the Bloc Party defiantly brings us closer and makes us a stronger nation. The Bloc stays strong through political wars between the different parties and respects the opinion of the people no matter what their decision is at the end of the election.

Green Party Strives for Change


Yesterday on April 19th/2011, the Green Party was criticized because of their promise to take down pollutive factories and put many people out of a job for Canada’s environment. The Green Party now replies and says they are only trying to make change to better Canada’s future along with changing its old ways to make a more efficient Canada, and other recent actions.

Currently, overtop of the food policy, the Green Party also has promised tax cuts. They have promised to eliminate personal income taxes for people with an income under $20 000. In addition, they also claim that they have found a way to make the economy more efficient and environmentally friendly through a closed loop system and fight debt and deficit. Also, they plan on ensuing reliable pensions for the elderly of Canada. Further, the party has also made plans to make post secondary education more accessible and affordable.

"Young people deserve a quality education that doesn't leave them with a debt sentence. Today students are hit by a double penalty, where they must pay onerous tuition fees and then interest on the money they were forced to borrow to pay for tuition. To make matters worse, this is at a financially vulnerable point of most students’ lives,” says Green Party leader Elizabeth May.

Slowly but surely, the Green Party gives their best efforts to make Canada a more efficient and environmentally friendly country.

Conservative Party is the right choice for you


Stephen Harper has decided on focusing on three main parts. These main points is to get rid of the deficit, ensuring safety in Canada, and stopping human smuggling. These will help the nation of Canada as a whole.

Stephen Harper is currently trying to get rid of the deficit. Stephen Harper plans to get rid of the entire deficit by 2014-2015. He will be controlling spending and cutting down waste in order to achieve his main objective. This is to get rid of the entire deficit by 2014-2015.

Stephen Harper has been improving our security to the safety of Canada. Stephen Harper is strengthening Canadian Armed Forces so we can live in peace. Stephen Harper has made new laws to keep criminals and sexual predators in jail. Furthermore, Stephen Harper has been ensuring that all the Canadian products passes the safety laws before they can be purchases.

Lastly, Stephen Harper is trying to get rid of all the human smuggling in the northern parts of Canada. However, the liberals and the coalition are backing up illegal migrants because they don’t care about the Canadian border security to serious.

In Conclusion, Voting for the conservative is a vote for stopping human smuggling, ensuring safety in Canada, and getting rid of the deficit. However, voting for the Liberals is voting for illegal migrants coming into Canada without fear which will ruin our Canadian border security.

A Better Environment, a Better Canada: Vote Green Party


When asked what the green party is about, almost in unison, the green party replies with enthusiasm “We we love the environment!” They continue by explaining to me “We are not here to attack others, we are here to try and benefit our country without rumours or threats. To change the world and make it greener!” But do they truly believe they can win over Canada? “I think it’s possible,” says Maha Dostmohamad. What most people don’t know is that Green party is focusing on many things to enhance Canada, along with helping the environment. This includes helping the economy through making more jobs through investment in renewable energy sources and changing buildings to create a more eco-friendly society, helping communities by providing programs for the health and welfare of the elderly, and cutting down income taxes for married couples, and by making a better Canadian democracy.

New Democratic party

The conservatives did well to put us in a deficit before going into the election. For example the G-20 summit. Nothing was accomplished. The only thing came with the G-20 summit was the war between the angry public and the government. We of the NDP of Ontario wish to eliminate the deficit by 2014 or 2015. We also plan to cap credit cards and interest rates. We do not want to go back to the recession that the conservatives had put us in. We wish to give benefits to the community. Regulating transactions and fees as well as giving $4,500 to employers for every new hire. With the money given, employers will be encouraged to hire more people thereby raising the standard of living for most Canadians. We will not change the funding of health care. We will also hire more doctors and nurses. This again will give people more jobs and benefit the country with a better health care system. Vote for the NDP because we care about each and every one of you Canadians!

The Bloc Quebecois- For Quebec or For Canada?


Most of us have heard of the separatism rumors from the Quebecois. Unfortunately, these rumors are true, the ideal situation for this party would be to separate from the rest of Canada. This would in no way benefit Canadians, other than to get this demanding party out of the way. The Quebecois have taken advantage of Canada as a whole in many ways. Some might even say they have used their threat to separate as blackmail against the federal government.

The selfish Quebecois party has taken Canada’s anxiety about them separating to their advantage. Citizens of Quebec have advantages that the rest of Canada does not. For example, Quebec insists that French must be put on all English signs put up by the federal government. In contrast to this, very rarely do you see any English on signs in Quebec. Furthermore, if you are an Anglophone visiting Quebec, you may be looked down on.

The Quebecois have not only created the presence of unfair treatment, but they have also hurt the Canadian economy. When threats of separatism are present, countries of the rest of the world become anxious and don’t invest in products for Canada. What does Canada get out of this? Nothing. The Quebecois are a selfish and conniving party only in existence to benefit their own province. They are not there for Canada, they are there for Quebec, hence the name Quebecois!

The truth is, Quebec cannot do it on their own. They want their own rules and way of running things, but want to keep the Canadian dollar. Basically, they want Canada to babysit them as they do as they choose. Canadians do not need this responsibility! Canada has always been a beautiful country to live in, and we can’t let one party create tension throughout!

As Liberals, we plan to keep Canada as a whole united. The provinces and territories of Canada are, and always will be the provinces and territories of Canada! We all benefit from being one big close knit community. We will treat everyone as equal, with no more special treatment.

The leader of the Liberal party, Jeff Zhou is here for Canada as a whole, not one individual province! Our country will benefit when Jeff is elected Prime Minister, whereas Canadians would definitely regret their decision if for some crazy fluke chance of good luck, the Quebecois won the election…but that won’t happen. Right?

Liberals: Working hard or hardly working


Yesterday on Tuesday April 19, 2011 the Liberals were seen in a fight with other party member The Bloc. Shortly after the chat the Liberals power cells began to drain. Liberal Jeffrey Zhou was seen face planted on the desk taking a nap or bored out of his mind while the other party member were discussing what to do next. Soon the other member of the Liberals began looking at each other hairs to. Soon enough they started to look at one of the paintings in the classroom to find the elusive unicorn or pony after one of the member said that she saw it on the wall. .

Should we trust the Liberals with Canada with such behavior? If Canada was a fast working machine then the Liberals will only slow it down.