College Council Meeting

February 7, 2014 EC 302


Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN) Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO) Dr. Larry Peel (LP)

Tamara D. Guillen (TDG) Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB) Dr. Jianhong Ren (JR)

Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ) Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM) Dr. Patrick Mills (PM)

Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC) Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC) Eusebio Torres (ET)

Dr. Joseph Sai (JS) Eric Hollingshead (EH) Austin McCoy (AM)

Trisha Gottschalk (TLG) Alma Limas (AL)


Not present: E. Torres, A. McCoy, A. Limas

1. Welcome/Introductions- NA

2. Announcements


-Anyone who has PE license, Dr. Pilehvari is offering ethics class for the PE on Feb. 20th, it is free for faculty. (JS)

B. Bailey

-Working on Title V grant, will need HEF requests as well. Preview day will be on Feb. 15th.

S. Custer

-Date and time of commencement not yet known, we will send out as soon as we hear back from Provost’s office, will probably find out mid-March to end of March.

T. Gottschalk

-Feb. 19th Eweek for Jr High, 20th for HS students, need a few judges, will have some ambassadors, will send out email reminder.

3. Items for discussion/Action

·  2013 Publications- collect electronically as part of annual review process. SJN

·  Annual Reviews, continuation, etc- 1st yr due Feb. 17th to Provost, rest try to get in fast. SJN

·  Engineering Marvels- up next is EECS, then EVEN, after that is EFC. SJN

·  IEPs- have CHNG draft, ISEE will send in. SJN

·  PhD in Sustainable Energy- approved by BoR, coordinating board will need to review before approving. SJN

·  GCS Call Center- city is willing to lease bldg to us, next to Big House Burgers, would like to use for research training lab. SJN

·  Faculty/Staff hiring- 2 CHNG searches for visiting prof (PM), 2 position for CS for asst./assoc. prof (RC), IE faculty search going on now (SO), search for CE asst. prof and replacement faculty (JS), 1 ME search for Razzak replacement (SO), assoc. dean search in process (SJN), new controls position in ME is on borderline for approval (SJN), trying to find admin asst. for 2 big depts. (SJN).

·  Other- we got back space from Univ. in Gross Hall for advance computing lab, waiting to hear back on Dott. training lab. SJN

4. Events

·  Targeting Engineering, Feb. 19th and 20th

·  STEM Coalition (02/21/14) 9am-1pm

5. Rumors, Conspiracies, etc

·  ISEE putting on workshop at Citrus Center this upcoming Monday. KDJ