We are an inclusive community committed to living and teaching the love of Jesus Christ.

Safe Ministry Policy for Work with Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults

The congregation of the Davis United Methodist Church (DUMC) is committed to Safe Ministry Procedures and to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth, vulnerable adults and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. The following policies and procedures reflect our congregation’s commitment to preserving this church as a holy place of safety and protection for all who would enter, and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationships with others.

“We will surround these people (children) with a community of love and forgiveness that they may grow in their trust of God” (from the congregational commitment at baptism).

This commitment calls for all congregants to:

· Be attentive and aware of the safety of children, youth and vulnerable adults while at DUMC and on activities sponsored by DUMC.

· Report concerns about the safety of children, youth and vulnerable adults to the Pastor or their designee.

· Listen to our children, youth and vulnerable adults.

· Provide the support necessary to make adherence to this policy possible.

This commitment calls for congregants to consider:

· Attending a yearly program on preventing child abuse sponsored by the Staff Parish Relations Committee.

It is the purpose of this policy to put safety first, to protect the children, youth, and vulnerable adults that come to us. The second purpose of this policy is to protect our staff, both paid and volunteer, from false allegations of abuse. Additionally, we seek to protect our ministry from the loss of our good reputation in the community and from the loss of large sums of money paid in settlements or verdicts.

Policies and Procedures

This document includes policy that covers the following five topic areas: screening, training, supervision, reporting procedures and a response plan.

The following policies and procedures govern all paid staff and volunteers who work with children and/or youth and vulnerable adults.

1)  Definitions:

a) Adults are defined as individuals who have reached their 18th birthday.

b)  Child means any person from infancy to 11 years old.

c) Youth means any person from 12 years old to 18 years old.

d)  Vulnerable Adult means any person over 18 years of age with diagnosed diminished physical, mental or emotional capacities.

e)  Paid Staff refers to any person employed by DUMC who is responsible for activities for children, youth and/or vulnerable adults

f) Volunteer refers to unpaid persons who assist in conducting activities, under the supervision of a staff person, with children and/or youth and vulnerable adults.

2)  Adults or youth working with children/youth must complete a volunteer application at least 7 days before the first day they work with children/youth. This application will request the following:

a)  Previous experience working with children/youth

b)  Names of three non-related references familiar with the person’s work with children/youth with complete contact information for all references.

c)  Preferences of volunteer activity (i.e., Sunday School, youth fellowship, Children’s choir)

d)  A copy of a valid driver’s license

e)  Information on car insurance

3)  Background checks:

a)  The current Annual Conference TRAK-1 procedures will be utilized for all background checks.

b)  Staff Parish Relations Committee will be responsible for ensuring that:

i)  All paid staff 18 years and older will complete a background check prior to being offered a position of employment and must agree to abide by the policies set forth in this document.

ii)  All current staff 18 years and older will complete a background check within 14 days of adoption of this procedure.

c)  Employees or volunteers that are minors (i.e. childcare workers), do not qualify for a background check butwill complete an application and the Safe Sanctuaries Training.

d)  Background checks must be current for all paid staff and for volunteers who have regular and direct contact with children and youth or vulnerable adults in on-going programs. The Director of Children's & Youth Ministries and the Stephen’s Ministry leader will determine which volunteers are considered to have “regular and direct contact” with children and youth or vulnerable adults in on-going programs.

i)  The staff person in charge of the event /or their designee is responsible for review and approving each application before a person’s service begins.

ii)  Those persons who have not been screened in five years since their last background check shall submit to the screening procedures again.

4)  Confidentiality

Information obtained through the screening, application, reference check, interview, and criminal background check will be kept in confidence, unless otherwise required by law. All information discovered or obtained through the abovereferenced means will be kept in a secure location and access to it will be restricted if possible.

5)  Off-site Events

Parents must give written permission (including a signed medical treatment form and emergency contacts) for their child’s participation in off-site activities. All events must maintain other applicable safe sanctuary policies.

Drivers must attest to meeting the following criteria:

a)  Driver must have current driver’s license and have been a licensed driver for at least 6 years;

b)  Driver must carry adequate liability insurance to protect financial responsibility;

c)  Vehicle used is in good & safe working order.

d)  Vehicle must have a seat belt for each passenger and each passenger is required to wear one. Driver should have no more than one moving violation in the last 3 years and no more than one “at fault” accident in the last 5 years.

6)  For overnight and off site trips with children/youth, adults must reflect the gender of the group as follows:

a)  All female groups must have at least one female chaperone or may have all female chaperones,

b)  Groups with both genders must strive for representation from both genders.

7)  The “Two Adult Rule”: No fewer than two volunteers and/or paid staff should be present at all times during any church-sponsored program, event, or ministry involving children and/or youth. Risk will be reduced even more if the two adults are not related. In the event of a shortage of adults, a “roamer” shall be assigned to drop in where children and/or youth are gathered.

8)  First Aid and CPR Training: all paid staff who work with infants/children/youth will be provided with first aid and CPR training, and at least one person at any event will have completed such training as required. At all children and youth events, at least one of the adults present will have been trained.

9)  The “Five-Years-Older” Rule: Any volunteer or paid staff recruited or hired to work with children and/or youth should be at least 18 years old and five years older than any of the children or youth with whom she/he will work, unless specifically reviewed and approved by the pastor.

10) All volunteers involved with children and/or youth of our church must have been actively involved in the congregation for at least six months before beginning a volunteer assignment unless specifically reviewed and approved by the pastor and shall agree to abide by the policies set forth in this document.

11) Open-Door Counseling: At any counseling session with children or youth, the door of the room used shall remain open for the entire session.

12) Participants under the age of 18 years who attend off-campus DUMC sponsored events, and all who are enrolled in ongoing DUMC programs (such as VBS, Sunday School and Youth Group) will have a Medical Release on file with the Church.

13) A known sexual offender or any person who has been convicted of child or elder abuse [either sexual abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse] cannot participate in any child, youth or vulnerable adult church- sponsored activity or program in any way.

14) All persons involved with children, youth or vulnerable adults of our church shall immediately report to the pastor any behavior that seems abusive or inappropriate.

15) Annual Orientation for volunteers and paid staff: Under the administration of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, all workers who work with children in regular, ongoing church programs and/or youth, whether paid, volunteer, part-time, clergy, or lay will be required to attend an orientation session. Volunteers who were unable to attend the annual training will be required to read orientation materials or to watch a video of the orientation and to meet with the pastor or designee who will assure comprehension. The orientation will cover the following:

a)  The church’s policies for the prevention of child abuse

b)  The procedures to be used in all ministries with children and youth

c)  Appropriate steps to report an incident of suspected child abuse

d)  Details of the state laws regarding child abuse

At this orientation, the volunteers and paid staff will be given an opportunity to renew their covenant to abide by and cooperate with the church’s policies and procedures.

The church will have an updated record that it has informed all of its volunteers and paid staff about its policies. Volunteers and paid staff will be given the church policies in writing.


1)  The Director of Children's & Youth Ministries, under the supervision of the pastor, will be responsible for the selection and supervision of individuals who qualify to provide childcare at DUMC using current personnel procedures.

2)  Individuals selected must meet the following minimum qualifications before beginning work:

a)  Be sixteen years of age. (However, childcare providers can be 15 years of age if they complete a babysitting class and have permission from the Pastor.)

b)  Be eligible to work in the United States

c)  Provide required documentation and complete all employment forms

d)  Provide three references

e)  If 18 years of age or older, must complete and pass a Trak-1 background check

3)  Childcare providers for small groups must be selected from the approved DUMC Child Care Provider list.

4)  A list of qualified childcare providers will be maintained by the Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries.

5)  There shall be two or more persons in attendance when providing child care services, such that one is available to provide emergency service and the second can carry on with the rest of the group.

6)  Pre-printed instructions on what to do in an emergency shall be available to all childcare providers and other staff and volunteers working with children and youth.


Anyone who observes abuse of a minor will take appropriate steps to immediately intervene and provide assistance. Report any inappropriate conduct to the proper authorities and officials of DUMC for handling.

According to California law, every person who has reason to believe that a child or youth under the age of 18 has been abused is mandated to report the suspected abuse. Volunteer leaders and workers are no exception.

At any church event, if an adult suspects the abuse or neglect of a child, youth or vulnerable adult, whether it has occurred at the event or prior to the event, that person must report his/her suspicions to the leader of the event and together they must ascertain the details needed to make an accurate report. This report must be made within 24 hours. The report should include the following information, if obtainable:

1)  The name, address, age and sex of the alleged victim;

2)  The name and address of the alleged victim’s parents or other person responsible for his/her care;

3)  The nature and extent of the alleged abuse or neglect;

4)  Any evidence of previously known or suspected abuse or neglect of the alleged victim or their siblings;

5)  The name, address and relationship, if known, of the person who is alleged to have perpetrated the abuse or neglect; and

6)  Any other information known to the person making the report that would be helpful to the investigation of the alleged abuse.

The event leader shall immediately contact the Sunday School Superintendent and/ or the Pastor; they will determine the actions to take in compliance with state law. A report should be written and maintained on each incident and a copy should be maintained in church files as confidential information. Another report should be sent to the church staff person overseeing the event at which the alleged abuse occurred. This paragraph is not intended to preclude reporting by legally mandated reporters.

The alleged perpetrators of the abuse will be required to refrain from all events involving children, youth and vulnerable adults until the incident report is resolved. In any removal of a person from any activities, care must be taken to handle this in a discreet manner, recognizing that an investigation is still being conducted.


DUMC will respond promptly to investigate any accusation of sexual abuse. All accusations of sexual abuse will be taken seriously. It is important to be appropriately respectful to the needs and feelings of those who allege sexual abuse and those who have been accused of sexual abuse.

When an allegation is made involving sexual abuse, the person reporting the complaint is to be told about the guidelines and the procedures to be followed. The Pastor) or an appointed person will begin investigating the allegations and may use the assistance of legal counsel or other consultants. If the Pastor is the individual accused of sexual abuse, then the Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair, in consultation with the District Superintendent, will conduct the investigation. The investigation will be conducted as follows:

1. Report the incident to appropriate authorities in accordance with the state mandatory reporting laws.

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2. Report the matter to DUMC's insurance carrier.

3. Cooperate with authorities and the insurance carrier.

4. DUMC may suspend (with pay for paid staff) the alleged offender while a confidential investigation is being conducted.

5. An official of DUMC (and legal counsel or other consultants) will then meet with the Staff-Parish Relations Committee of DUMC and present a report on their investigation, which will include findings and recommendations of actions.