NAME ______DATE ______

Biology: Semester 1 Exam Study Guide

Chapter 1:

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Control group
Experimental group
  1. Factors of Living things









Chapter 2: Principles of Ecology

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Biotic / Give an example:
Abiotic / Give an example:
Heterotroph / Give an example:
Autotroph / Give an example:
Niche / Give an example:
Habitat / Give an example:
Herbivore / Give an example:
Omnivore / Give an example:
Carnivore / Give an example:
Detritivore / Give an example:
Trophic Level
  1. A ______is where an animal lives. A ______is the role or position the organism plays in its habitat, such as predator. When habitats and niches overlap, organisms must ______for the same resources.
  1. The parts of the environment include both ______(living) and ______(non-living) factors. An example of a living factor would be ______, and a non-living factor would be ______.
  1. Which would be an abiotic factor for a tree in the forest?
  2. a caterpillar eating its leavesc. a bird nesting in its branches
  3. wind blowing through its branchesd. fungus growing on its roots
  1. An insect gathers pollens and nectar for food from a plant, but at the same time is aiding in the plant’s reproduction. What does this relationship demonstrate?
  2. Predationc. mutualism
  3. Commensalismd. parasitism
  1. What term best describes the bee’s role of gathering pollen?
  2. Nichec. parasite
  3. Predatord. habitat
  1. Identify, define, and give an example of each symbiotic relationship.

Name / Definition / Example
  1. Identify the following as a food chain or food web, and explain the difference between them.
  1. Tertiary, secondary, primary consumers.
  1. In the food chain Grass  Grasshopper  Chipmunk  Snake, label each trophic level (tertiary, secondary, etc). Which has the most available energy? Which has the least?

Grass  / Grasshopper  / Chipmunk  / Snake
Trophic Level
Most/Least Energy (Label one for each)
  1. Describe the flow of energy in a food web.
  1. Name three things that are recycled in an ecosystem.

Chapter 3: Communities, Biomes, & Ecosystems

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Pioneer Species / Give an example:
Primary succession / Give an example:
Secondary succession / Give an example:
Climax community
  1. Primary vs. Secondary succession

  1. Pioneer species, example, and their role

Chapter 4: Population Ecology

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Carrying Capacity
Limiting Factor / Give an example:
Demographic transition
  1. Which of the following is a density-independent factor?
  1. a severe droughtc. a fatal virus
  2. an intestinal parasited. severe overcrowding
  1. What are density dependent and density independent factors? Give 3 examples of each.

density dependent / density independent
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
  1. Label and draw each form of spatial distribution.
  1. ______b. ______c. ______
  1. Identify things that may impact the spatial distribution of a population.
  1. What is the dispersion pattern of a herding animals, birds that flock together, and fish that form schools?
  1. Clumpedc. uniform
  2. Randomd. unpredictable
  1. Define each of the following and identify how they affect the number in a population. Use increase or decrease.

Factor / Definition / Increase, Decrease, Stable
  1. If angelfish produce hundreds of young several times a year, which statement below is true?
  1. angelfish have a k-strategy reproductive pattern
  2. angelfish have an r-strategy reproductive pattern
  3. angelfish probably have a low mortality rate
  4. angelfish provide a lot of care for their young
  1. r-strategist vs. k-strategist. Give characteristics and an example of each.

  1. What are the three types of growth models? Draw each one. What conditions are needed for each type to occur.

Growth Type / Rough Sketch / Conditions
  1. What is carrying capacity? What happens when the population overshoots it? Be able to identify it on a graph.

Chapter 5: Biodiversity and Conservation

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Habitat Loss
Introduced Species
Genetic Diversity
Species diversity
Ecosystem diversity
Renewable resource
Nonrenewable resource
Biological augmentation
  1. What is biodiversity? What three things contribute to biodiversity?
  1. In which location would you expect to find greater species diversity?
  1. Canadac. Mexico
  2. Costa Ricad. United States
  1. Threats to biodiversity
  1. What is biological magnification? What trophic level is most affected?
  1. How do invasive species affect an ecosystem? Is it okay to introduce one to solve a problem in the ecosystem?
  1. Sustainable use
  1. Why are fragmented populations bad? How can they be corrected?

Chapter 6: Chemistry in Biology

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Activation energy
  1. How are monomers and polymers related?
  1. Explain what catalysts and enzymes do in a chemical reaction. Also explain what they DO NOT do.
  1. endothermic vs. exothermic reactions (focus on the energy of each type)
  1. List the four macromolecules. What is the function of each? Give an example of each. What monomers are used to make each one.

Macromolecule / Function / Example / Monomer
  1. Label the following picture.

  1. Explain what it means for a molecule to be polar. Draw a water molecule and label its polarity.
  1. Identify and define the properties of water that make it so important to life.
  1. What are acids and bases? For each: give an example, list their pH range, list if it has a higher H+ concentration or higher OH- concentration.

Type / Definition / pH Range / H+ or OH- Conc. Higher
  1. Are acids or bases considered alkaline?

Chapter 7: Cellular Structure & Function

  1. Define each of the following.

Term / Definition
Active transport
Facilitated diffusion
Dynamic Equilibrium
  1. Label each cell as prokaryotic or eukaryotic and explain the differences between them.
  1. Compare and Contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  1. Identify if the following are prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Plant cell ______

Animal cell ______

Bacteria ______

  1. What three organelles do prokaryotes and eukaryotes share?
  1. Which two organelles are found in just animal cells compared to plant cells?
  1. Which two organelles are found in just plant cells compared to animal cells?
  1. What is the cell theory?
  1. Explain the structure of the plasma membrane. Draw a phospholipid and label the head and tail. Indicate which part is polar and which is nonpolar.
  1. Explain selective permeability and why it is important to the cell.
  1. Label the following as plant cell or animal cell.
  1. Compare and contrast active transport and passive transport.
  1. What are the three types of solutions? What happens to a cell in each type of solution? Use the words solute and solvent in your answer.

Solution Type / What will happen to a cell place in the type of solution?
  1. What do osmosis, diffusion, and facilitated diffusion have in common?
  1. Describe what type of transportation (Pick from: active transport, facilitated diffusion, diffusion through the phospholipids) each of the following substances would have to do to get in or out of a cell. Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Sodium Ions, Glucose, Amino Acids, Potassium Ions, Water (Use two).

Substance / Type of Transport
Carbon Dioxide
Sodium Ions
Amino Acids
Potassium Ions
Water / Pick two:

Chapter 8: Cellular Energy

  1. What is ATP?
  1. What is the photosynthesis equation in words AND symbols?
  1. Describe chemiosmosis.
  1. What are pigments? What is the major one in photosynthesis?
  1. What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis AND HOW?
  1. Fill in the diagram

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  10. ______
  1. What is an alternative name for dark, or light-independent reaction?
  1. How is photosynthesis anabolic?
  1. What is the equation for cellular respiration in words AND symbols?
  1. List the stages of cellular respiration in order. How much ATP is made from each?

Stage: / 1. / 2. / 3. / Total
  1. How is cellular respiration catabolic?
  1. aerobic vs. anaerobic
  1. Label the diagram.
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  10. ______
  11. ______
  12. ______
  13. ______