(C.V.) Basha, Asma

Obstetrician & Gynecologist

With Fetomaternal Subspecialty

Personal Data

Name : Asma S. Basha (Obeidat)

Nationality : Jordanian

Sex: Female

Marital Status: Married with three children

Address mailing : P.O.Box 17114 – Amman – Jordan

Mobile : +962795669727

e-mail :


1984, General secondary Education Certificate, Amman –Jordan.

1990, MBBS, University of Jordan.

June, 1995, Master Degree of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Jordan.

August, 1995, Jordanian board in obstetrics and Gynecology (Jordanian Medical council certificate in obstetrics and gynecology).

2001, certificate of clinical training in (fetalomaternal medicine sub-specialty), university of Sydney, Australia.

March, 2002, Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynecology ultrasound (a course held in Amman-Jordan under Ian Donald inter- University School of Medical Ultrasound).

June, 2004 attending the fetomaternal medicine foundation diploma course and congress which was held in Cyprus and passing the Diploma examination.

October, 2004 Certificate of completion of the Educational Program 3D/4D Ultrasound in Clinical Practice by International Academy of Medical Ultrasound in Vienna.

November, 2004 Certificate of successful completion of the theoretical course and examination of the Education Program of Nuchal Translucency which was held in Jordan by Fetal Medicine Foundation / UK.

August,2005 Certificate of competence Ultrasound examination at 11-13 +6 weeks from the fetal medicine foundation.

July,2005 :Certificate of course completion in Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics ( Was run by the AmericanAcademy of Family Physician )which was held in Amman-Jordan .

Conferences and Workshops

1992, Course for family planning, Amman – Jordan.

March, 2002 :Attending the second clinical training course held in Amman-Jordan under Ian Donald inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound).

October,2002: Attending the 6th International Congress Of the Jordanian Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist which was held in Amman – Jordan.

October, 2002: Attending the second perinatal conference for the developing countries which was held in Turkey.

March,2004 : Attending The 2nd Jordanian Perinatology and Ultrasound Conference which was held in Amman-Jordan .(a member of the organizing committee for this conference)

April, 2004 :Attending the third clinical training course held in Amman-Jordan under Ian Donald inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound).

April, 2004 : Attending the 2nd Annual Conference of The Jordanian Menopause Society which was held in Amman-Jordan .

June, 2004 : Attending the Fetomaternal Medicine Foundation Diploma Course and Congress which was held in Cyprus.

October, 2004 : Attending the Education Program of 3D/4D Ultrasound in Clinical Practice which was held by International Academy of Medical Ultrasound in Vienna in Cairo\Egypt ..

November, 2004 :Attending the Education Program of Nuchal Translucency which was held in Jordan by Fetal Medicine Foundation / UK.

July,2005 : Completed the Neonatal Resusitation Course (based on the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics N.R. Textbook )which was held in Amman-Jordan .

September 2005 : Attending the first International Congress of the Jordanian Society for Fertility and Genetics)which was held in Amman-Jordan .

September ,2005 : Participate in the , “Do progesterone make a difference ?” work shopwhich was held in Amman-Jordan by Prof Peter van de Weijer .

March,2006 :Attending the 3rd Jordanian Menopause Conference ,the 5th Combined Scientific Meeting with RCOGwhich was held in Amman-Jordan .

April,2006: Attending the Evidence-Based Medicine Workshop which was held at the Centre for Educational Development At Jordan University ,Amman-Jordan .2005-2007: A member of the national legal team in the National Council For Family Affairs.

June,2006: A member of the committee for the Islamic Legal Guide for Marriage which was issued under the umbrella of the National Council For Family Affairs.

March,2007 : Refreshment course on Amniocentesis and CVS at NepeanHospital in Sydney.

May,2008: Attending the second Arab International Fetomaternal medicine In collaboration with Fetal Medicne Foundatin in Amman.

July,2008: Presenting the work which was performed under the umbrella of the National Council For Family Affairs about the Reproductive Health in Jordan by Dr May Al Hadeedi and me in corporation with a specialized team from different fields..

Sep,2008: Attending the Second Conference of the Jordanians and Spanish Society in Spain.

Nov,2008: Participate in the work shop of reproductive health (From Science To Action:Reproductive Health in Arab countries ) which as held in Egypt by the AmericanUniversity in Qairo, Social Research Centre.

Feb,2009 : Attending a work shop of laparoscopic surgery at the IBC training centre ,Dubai.

April,2009 : Attending a work shop on laparoscopy which was held in Jordan.

 March,2009 : Attending the 8th International Congress Of the Jordanian Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist which was held in Amman – Jordan

April, 2009 : Attending the Congress of the Jordanian Society for Fertility and Genetics.

April,2009 : Attending the Second Conference For Faculty of Medicineand 5th Conference For Jordanian Medical Faculties.

April,2009 : Attending work shop on OSCE which was held at the Centre for Educational Development At Jordan University, Amman-Jordan .

Oct, 2009: Attending the BLS (Basic Life Support) workshop held at JordanUniversityHospital.

April,2010: Participating in the (Distance Learning Course On Parotograph), held at Jordan university under the umbrella of WHO.

June,2010: attending the 9th World Cogress in the Fetal Medicne at Rhodes.

Employment and Jobs :

July/1990 – June/1991 Rotating internship, JordanUniversityHospital (the main teaching hospital in Jordan).

July/1991-June/1995 Residency program in obstetrics and Gynecology, Jordan University Hospital.

August/1995 – May/1996 specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at Farah Hospital (the main unit of assisted reproduction in Jordan) during this period and the incoming one in 1997, I was in charge of the delivery room, follicle measurement and follow up of the patients with different programs in assisted reproduction protocols, oocytes pick up and theater where I was performing major and minor operations alone and together with other colleagues mainly Dr. Ziad Keilani .

May/1996 – December/1996 specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at JerusalemHospital (A private hospital in Jordan). Where I was performing a general OB/GYN services.

January/1997 – November/1997 specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology, at FarahHospital, Jordan.

March/1999- March/2001 fellow in Fetomaternal Medicine in Nepean Hospital, Penrith, Sydney University – Australia., during my study I had a job for six months in 1999 where I was working as a senior registrar in OBGYN and responsible for the delivery room and the theater according to a special program.

August 2001- until now working in private practice as Perinatologist at two main private hospitals in Jordan (Jordan hospital, FarahHospital) as shown below.

2003, I was chosen to be the chief of the scientific group in the perinatal group in Jordan. I participated in organizing a Nuchal Translucency course in Novomber/2004 held by Fetal Medicine Foundation/UK.

March, 2005 I was the chairman of the scientific committee of the Second Jordanian Congress of Perinatal Medicine and Ultrasound which was held by the Jordanian Perinatal group, and the Jordanian Ob/GYN Society. This congress was held in co-operation with the Royal college of Ob/GYN, United Kingdom.

Sep,2007: A member of the adminstrative menopausal group which is adivision of the Of the Jordanian Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist .

Feb,2008: Lecturer at JordanUniversity ,Obstetric and Gynecological Departement tell now and at JordanUniversityHospital.

Feb,2009: A member of the scientific committee for the 8th International Congress Of the Jordanian Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.

2009, I was chosen to be the chief of the social and media group in the perinatal group in Jordan.

2009-2010: A member of faculty medical counsel.

June,2010 : Assistant Prof at JordanUniversity ,Obstetric and Gynecological Departement tell now and at JordanUniversityHospital.

Professional Experience

Competent in nuchal translucency scanning.

Competentin cervical scanning.

Competentin ultrasound scanning of placental problems.

Competent in scanning for fetal anomaly, particularly the detailed fetal abnormality scan looking for signs of aneuploidy and/or specific organ defects.

Competent in the 3D and 4D scanning looking for surface rendering of the fetus, in particular with cases of spinal bifida, cleft lip and palate and skeletal dysplasia.

Competent in the management of high risk pregnancies including pregnancies complicated by thrombophilia, IUGR, severe pre-eclampsia, medical disorders and recurrent miscarriages.

Competent in the Counseling women with previous pregnancy loss or complicated pregnancy in preconception clinics.

Competent in the prenatal diagnosis including amniocentesis, chorion villus sampling, and cordocentesis.

Competent in labor ward management including performance of scalp pH and interpretation of CTG.

Competent in the use of color flow Doppler in normal and abnormal pregnancy including the use of vessel anomalies, middle cerebral artery anomalies and anomalies associated with flow in the ductus venousum of the fetus.

Competent in the management of patients with congenital anomalies and fetal infection.

Competent in the management of patients with rhesus isoimmunization including assessment of fetal anemia assessment of the onset of hydrops and assessment for the requirements of fetal blood transfusion.

Competent in the assessment of fetal well-being in the third trimester scanning and also fetuses in the second trimester with poor growth.

Competent in the assessment of twin pregnancies particularly in the presence of oligohydramnios.

Competent in the assessment of twin to twin transfusion and amnio reduction techniques.

Competent in the management of normal and abnormal pregnancies together with their labors and deliveries (Instrumental Deliveries and Caesarean Sections).

Competent in general gynecology covering outpatient clinic operative theatre sessions and pre and pos-operative assessment and care.

Competentin diagnostic laparoscopy as well as on some of their operative uses. Participated in a workshop on operative hysteroscopy directed by professor Jack Hamou.

Competent in the field of infertility and assisted reproducing including induction of ovulation, monitoring and oocytes pick up.

Competent in providing services in a family planning clinic.

Participated in the teaching of 5th and 6th year medical students in addition to junior resident at Jordan university hospital during the residency program at JordanUniversityHospital.

Participated in the teaching of 4th year medical students introducing them to clinical medicine at JordanUniversityHospital.


1.Neu–Laxova Syndrome: A New Patient With Detailed Antenatal and Post-Natal Findings ,Am J Med Genet Part A 152A:3193–3196. Al-Lawama Manar1* and Basha Asma .

2.مسح تقييمي للمشرعين و واضعي السياسات والجهات ذات العلاقة حول مدى المعرفة والاتجاهات والدعم لبرنامج الصحة الإنجابية وتنظيم الأسرة دراسة بتنظيم و دعم من المجلس الأعلى للسكان, رئيس فريق الباحثين الدكتور مروان الزعبي,باحثة رئيسية و مستشارة طبية للبحثالدكتورة أسماء الباشا.مساعدي البحث و جامعي البيانات:تالين جاك سابيلا,يسرى محمد خير الكيلاني.الأردن 2009

Accepted for publication

The prevalence of thrombophilic factors in pregnant women with subjectively oligohydraminous during the gestational age of 18 - 27 weeks.Jordan medical Journal .Basha Asma1 MD, Kelani Zaid2 MD, Awadi Abdallah MD3, Mohammad

Al -Khateeb B.SC4Abu Kader Ilham MPH, MBA5.

Supervising master thesis

Reproductive and birth control among diabetic women, at National Centre for Diabetes ,Endocrine and Genetics. 2007.

Ongoing research

1.Sonographic Fetal Weight Estimation in Jordanian Pregnant Women

2.Long Bone Neonatal Fractures

3.The prevalence of Hepatitis B&C in Jordanian pregnant women.


Dr. Henry Murray


Division of Women and children’s health

The chairman of OBGYN department at NepeanHospital


P.O. Box 63

Penrith NSW 2751


Professor Ronald Benzie




Director of C.C.department of perinatal ultrasound department at NepeanHospital

P.O. Box 63

Penrith NSW 2751


Dr. Ziad Keilani


Owner of FarahHospital

P.O. Box 5323

Amman 1183
