Table I. Supplementary material. List of plant taxa sampled in eight hiking trails in the islands of São Miguel and Flores (Azores). Species categories were defined following the references cited in Table 3.
Taxa / Family / Life form / Species categoryAcacia melanoxylon / Fabaceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Ageratina adenophora / Asteraceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Agrostis azorica / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Ammi trifoliatum / Apiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Anagallis arvensis / Primulaceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Anthoxanthum odoratum / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Asplenium onopteris / Aspleniaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Bellis perennis / Asteraceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Blechnum spicant / Blechnaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Brachypodium sylvaticum / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Calluna vulgaris / Ericaceae / Chamaephyte / Native
Cardamine caldeirarum / Brassicaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Carex hochstetteriana / Cyperaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Carex vulcani / Cyperaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Centaurium scilloides / Gentianaceae / Therophyte / Native
Clethra arborea / Clethraceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Conyza bonariensis / Asteraceae / Therophyte / Invasive
Cryptomeria japonica / Cupressaceae / Phanerophyte / Naturalized
Culcita macrocarpa / Culcitaceae / Chamaephyte / Priority
Cyperus eragrostis / Cyperaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Cyperus esculentus / Cyperaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Cyperus longus / Cyperaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Cyrtomium falcatum / Dryopteridaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Daboecia azorica / Ericaceae / Chamaephyte / Priority
Dactylis glomerata / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Deparia petersenii / Woodsiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Deschampsia foliosa / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Diplazium caudatum / Woodsiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Dryopteris aemula / Dryopteridaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Duchesnea indica / Rosaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Elaeagnus umbellata / Elaeagnaceae / Phanerophyte / Naturalized
Eleocharis palustris / Cyperaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Emex spinosa / Polygonaceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Erica azorica / Ericaceae / Phanerophyte / Endemic
Erigeron karwinskianus / Asteraceae / Chamaephyte / Invasive
Eucalyptus globulus / Myrtaceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Euphorbia azorica / Euphorbiaceae / Chamaephyte / Priority
Festuca francoi / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Foeniculum vulgare / Apiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Frangulaazorica / Rhamnaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Gunnera tinctoria / Gunneraceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Hedera azorica / Araliaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Hedychiumgardnerianum / Zingiberaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Holcus lanatus / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Holcus rigidus / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Huperzia suberecta / Lycopodiaceae / Chamaephyte / Priority
Hydrangea macrophylla / Hydrangeaceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Hydrocotyle vulgaris / Araliaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Hymenophyllum tunbrigense / Hymenophyllaceae / Chamaephyte / Native
Hypericum foliosum / Hypericaceae / Phanerophyte / Endemic
Hypochaeris radicata / Asteraceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Ilex peradossp. azorica / Aquifoliaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Isoetes azorica / Isoetaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Juncus bulbosus / Juncaceae / Therophyte / Native
Juncus bufonius / Juncaceae / Therophyte / Native
Juniperus brevifolia / Cupressaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Laurus azorica / Lauraceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Leontodon rigens / Asteraceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Lotus azoricus / Fabaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Lotus pedunculatus / Fabaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Luzula purpureosplendens / Juncaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Lycopodiella cernua / Lycopodiaceae / Chamaephyte / Native
Lycopodiella inundata / Lycopodiaceae / Chamaephyte / Priority
Lysimachia azorica / Primulaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Endemic
Malva pseudolavatera / Malvaceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Mentha pulegium / Lamiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Mentha suaveolens / Lamiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Mercurialis annua / Euphorbiaceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Morella faya / Myricaceae / Phanerophyte / Native
Myrsine africana / Myrsinaceae / Phanerophyte / Native
Osmunda regalis / Osmundaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Panicum repens / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Parietaria judaica / Urticaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Paspalum dilatatum / Poaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Persicaria capitata / Polygonaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Phormium tenax / Hemerocallidaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Physalis peruviana / Solanaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Phytolacca americana / Phytolaccaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Invasive
Picconia azorica / Oleaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Pittosporum undulatum / Pittosporaceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Plantago lanceolata / Plantaginaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Platanthera azorica / Orchidaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Platanthera micrantha / Orchidaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Polystichum setiferum / Dryopteridaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Potentilla erecta / Rosaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Prunella vulgaris / Lamiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Psidium littorale / Myrtaceae / Phanerophyte / Naturalized
Pteridium aquilinum / Dennstaedtiaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Ranunculus repens / Ranunculaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Rosmarinus officinalis / Lamiaceae / Phanerophyte / Naturalized
Rubia agostinhoi / Rubiaceae / Chamaephyte / Native
Rubus hochstetterorum / Rosaceae / Phanerophyte / Endemic
Rubus ulmifolius / Rosaceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Selaginella kraussiana / Selaginellaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Sibthorpia europaea / Plantaginaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Native
Sida rhombifolia / Malvaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Smilax azorica / Smilacaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Solanum mauritianum / Solanaceae / Phanerophyte / Invasive
Solanum pseudocapsicum / Solanaceae / Phanerophyte / Naturalized
Sonchus tenerrimus / Asteraceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Stegnogramma pozoi / Thelypteridaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Tolpis suculenta / Asteracea / Chamaephyte / Priority
Tradescantia fluminensis / Commelinaceae / Chamaephyte / Invasive
Trifolium glomeratum / Fabaceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Trifolium lappaceum / Fabaceae / Therophyte / Naturalized
Trifolium pratense / Fabaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Trifolium repens / Fabaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized
Vaccinium cylindraceum / Ericaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Viburnum treleasei / Adoxaceae / Phanerophyte / Priority
Woodwardia radicans / Blechnaceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Priority
Zantedeschia aethiopica / Araceae / Hemi. & Crypthophyte / Naturalized