Conference Series

Origin of Slovenians

Sixth International Topical Conference


First Announcement and Call for Papers

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008, June 6th and 7th

Venue: Slovenian World Congress, Cankarjeva 1/IV, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ancient Dwellers of Europe

The early history of the European peoples is still not well known. The aim of the conference is to discover and disclose historical, linguistic, cultural and other sources of information about the ancient inhabitants of Europe, taking into account various aspects, which can contribute to an improved knowledge of the events in the distant past.

The core of the conference should be archaeological facts and written documents, toponyms, genetic traces, beliefs, mythology, legends, customs and other data which could help to reveal the organisation, communications and cooperation of the ancient inhabitants in Europe during particular epochs of the distant past.

What is expected and most welcome is to elucidate the changes of the living conditions and activities during the whole period till the end of the first millennium AD. It is important to bring forward all the significant characteristics of the ancient population, which can still be established today.

Main topics

Archaeological traces

Linguistic traces of ancient settlers

Historical traces

Cultural traces

Ethnological traces

Genetic traces

Other traces

Reviewed contributions will be published in Proceedings.

Preliminary registration and instructions for abstracts and contributions

All interested in contributing to the conference are kindly invited to register as soon as possible by e-mail to the address or , and to submit abstracts of their proposed contributions as soon as possible, but not later than October 15th, 2007, to the address , using text processor MS WORD (.doc or .rtf file) or as a text file in ASCII format. The authors will be notified about the provisional acceptance of their abstracts not later than December 1st, 2007. Final acceptance follows after the peer review of the full paper.

The abstract should contain:

Title of the paper

Authors' names and their full addresses including an e-mail address. The name of the author presenting the paper should be underlined.

The main points of the paper should be presented in the abstract as suggested in the instructions to the authors (see the following page).

The full text of the paper should reach the organizer to the address as soon as possible, but not later than February 1st, 2008. The final selection of papers to be printed in the Conference Proceedings will be made by the peer review committee and the results of the review will be sent to authors by March 31st, 2008. The camera-ready text of the papers should be submitted to the organizer not later than April 30th, 2008.

The conference languages are English and Slovenian.

Conference proceedings

The Book of Abstracts will be distributed to the participants during their registration at the conference. The Conference Proceedings will be mailed to the participants later on.


The organizers will be ready to help the reservation of hotel rooms in different hotels in Ljubljana and surroundings (price range between 40 EUR – 200 EUR). Prospective participants are kindly asked to submit the registration forms at their earliest convenience together with the date of arrival and departure, and their preferences regarding the price category of the accommodation. Tourist information including information on Ljubljana hotels and price lists can be obtained on the web sites:


Social events

On the first day of the conference, June 6th there will be the possibility of a joint lunch and dinner, where the participants may meet informally. On special request of interested participants the organizer can help in the organization of visits to various university, scientific and cultural institutions in Ljubljana and in surroundings or elsewhere in Slovenia.

Conference Fee

The Conference proceedings will be provided to authors for a conference fee of 100 EUR. For other participants the fee will be 30 EUR. The students have free attention.

Programme and Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Anton Perdih, programme chairman

Assist. Prof. Dr. Jože Rant, organizing chairman

dr. Duša Krnel-Umek

Andrej Rant, Dr. stom.

Rev. Ivan Tomažič

Mag. Vinko Vodopivec, head of the project

International Programme Committee

Prof. Dr. A. Perdih, Slovenia, chairman

Mr. A. Ambrozic, Canada

Prof. Dr. A. Mavretič, USA

Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Rant, Slovenia

Mr. J. Skulj, Canada

Mr. G. Tomezzoli, Italy, Germany


Registration forms, abstracts, information Abstracts, papers, information

Doc.dr. Jože Rant Prof.dr. Anton Perdih

Ul. v Kokovšek 31a Mala vas 12

SI-1231 Ljubljana SI-1000 Ljubljana

Slovenia Slovenia

Tel. +396 1 561 3577 +386 1 568 3730

Important information and conference announcements will also be available on the web site of The Project Origin of Slovenians: http://www.korenine.si/

as well as:

http://www.veneti.info/, where also links to other web sites are available,




Instructions for authors

The length of the Abstract should not exceed one page (A4 size, 21.0 cm × 29.7 cm).

Margins: Top 3.5 cm; bottom 3.2 cm; left and right 3 cm.

Font: Times New Roman, size 12 pts, line spacing 1.

Style: Normal.dot, only. The use of any other styles as well as of fonts CE, Cyr and YUASCII is strongly discouraged. Shut off all automatic actions and auto-corrections.

TITLE: Capital letters, bold face, centred

Author(s’) name(s): one line space under the title, bold face, centred. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.

Author(s’) address(es): Placed directly under names, centred, font style italic, if possible

Text of the abstract: Two lines space under the address(es) of the author(s), justified.

If using a typewriter left alignment should be used.

The abstract should be given in English and in Slovenian. For contributors, who are not fluent in Slovenian, the Organizing Committee will provide the translation of the abstract. The abstract should not contain any references or notes.

An example of an abstract is given below:


John First1, Joseph Second2

1Institute XY, Street 13, AB-9999 My town, Country

2 Avenue 1a, ABC-7777 Town, Country


The same as above, except for the number of pages applies for the full text of the contribution that is submitted for publication in Proceedings. The language of the contribution (Slovenian or English) decides the author.

Figures and Tables should be numbered subsequently e.g., Figure 1., followed by a short explanation of the contents. The legend of signs used is to be added.

References should be numbered, and ordered sequentially as they appear in the text. When cited in text, reference numbers should be in square brackets, e.g. Novak [1], ... Klepec [2] ......

Footnotes are not acceptable. The essential part of their contents should be included into the text. For the rest, the reference indicates where it is to be found.

References are collected at the end of the text as a separate heading:


1. N1 N2 Surname1, N1 N2 Surname2, Title of the contribution, Abbrev. J. Name. year, volume, first page-last page

2. N1 N2 Surname1, N1 N2 Surname2, Book Title, Publisher, Place year, first page-last page

3. N1 N2 Surname1, N1 N2 Surname2, Title of the contribution, in: N1 N2 Surname3 (Ed.) Book Title, Publisher, Place year, first page-last page

The abstract(s) is (are) a part of the contribution.

Preliminary Conference Registration should be sent to the address:

Doc. Dr. Jože Rant

Ul. v Kokovšek 31a

SI-1231 Ljubljana, Slovenia

fax +386 1 561 5505


»Origin of Europeans«

Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 6th and 7th 2008

Name and Family Name: ______




I intend to contribute a paper(s): Yes / No


Preliminary title(s): ______


Please fill in also the backside questionnaire!

»Origin of Europeans«

Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 6th and 7th, 2008

I will attend the conference: June 6th ( ), June 7th ( ), both days June 6th and 7th ( )

Arrival date: via:

Departure date: via:

I prefer the assistance of the organizer to reserve my hotel accommodation:

Yes( ), No( )

Preferred hotel price category: (*), (**), (***), (****)

Price range: (*) up to 40 EUR, (**) up to 80 EUR, (***) up to 150 EUR,

(****) over 150 EUR

Accomodation: single bedroom ( ), double bedroom ( )

Upon interest the organizer can provide assistance in organizing various tourist trips as well as visits to cultural, scientific and other academic institutions in Ljubljana or elsewhere in Slovenia. Please, do not hesitate to describe your possible wishes in the space given below: