Building Your Own Resume

*Your resume is what gets you an interview and is the first step to getting the job you want. It shows basic information including your name, contact info, work experience, education, skills/interests, and references. This basic information gives your potential employer the ability to make decision whether or not they want to know more about you and consider you to be an employee.

*There are many types of resumes and you will be making one of your choice. To do this you will be using the resume templates in Microsoft Word. How do you use this? See below.

*Problems you will find:

·  Some of the templates are better than others:

o  Some are incomplete and will need you to add sections to it to make it more effective. For example: many of the templates don’t have a section for a personal paragraph to describe yourself and also don’t have reference sections. You will need to add these to complete the expectations of this assignment.

·  Some of the templates are more flashy than effective.

o  Remember; the purpose of a resume is to get you the job interview by directly informing your audience (the boss), not to entertain. You might choose a stylish resume but make sure it is more informative than distracting.

·  Editing could be a problem

o  Most employers have a rule: one mistake = no interview

§  You will need to edit this assignment impeccably because very few employers will give an interview to someone who doesn’t take the time to make a flawless resume. It shows carelessness, a lack of respect, and poor personal skills (and who wants to hire someone like that?)

·  Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you can just hand in your old resume.

o  The purpose of this assignment is to give you the experience of making more than one type of resume because there are many types out there and you need to choose the most effective to get you the job over that other guy.

o  You will be submitting this assignment digitally which will include several digital signatures that identify a new documents date and source of origin.

*Sections that your resume must have:

·  Personal contact info

·  Paragraph that tells some information about yourself and what type of job you hope to have

·  Skills and job experience

·  Education

·  References

*Sections that your resume could have:

·  Personal interests – this helps the employer to know a little more about you. It makes the resume a bit more personal and can help them to have confidence in who they are dealing with.

·  Volunteer work experience – This help the employer to know that you are a hard-working individual that does work for the purpose, not just for the money.

·  Accomplishments and Certifications – If you have certain accomplishments or certifications to share that are specific to the type of job you would like to get this is where you may list them.

*Here is how to submit your resume

·  Name your digital file as… “yourname.resume2012

·  You fill out your rubric and hand it in to Mr. E. This signals that you are finished your assignment and then he will search for your document and give you a mark.

DUE: Wednesday, May 22

Resume Assignment Rubric
Date: / Description of Job You Want to Get:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Personal Contact Info / Your contact info is unclear, you won’t get an interview with this / Your contact info may be incomplete or not clearly displayed / You contact info is organized, clear, effective
Personal Paragraph / Your per. par. is incomplete and does not convince the employer you are right for the job / Your per. par. Is missing vital details that relate you to the job and make you an attractive applicant / Your per. par. Is organized, clear, and effectively outlines you personal skills and relates them to the job
Skills and Experience / Your skills and experience may be disorganized or lacking in info. This will not get you the job / Your skills and work experience need some work in order to become better organized and effective / Your skills and work experience are organized, clear, and complete with description and contact info for the employer
Education / Your education is not clearly stated showing a lack of interest in the job / There may be some information missing about your education / Your education is clearly stated and organized
References / Your references are either incomplete, disorganized, or do not reflect a variety / Your references are included but more attention is needed to be effective / Your references are organized, clear, and effective with complete contact information and a variety of sources
2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
Organization / Your resume is very disorganized and the employer will likely not look at it in it’s current form / The organization of your resume needs some touch up. Clutter, structure, or other factors may be a problem / The organization of your resume is fantastic: it is clear, organized, and effective throughout making it easy for an employer to read quickly
Editing / 4 or more errors / 2 errors / Impeccable with not one error
Total / /45