ACE Program of Study
Sample Template
Career Cluster(s): _FACS-Early Childhood Education CareerPathway(s): ACE- Specialized Postsecondary/Secondary Partner(s): _Pikes Peak Community College
Education Levels / Grade / Communication / Mathematics / Other Required Academic Courses(i.e. Science, Social Science) / ECE Career and Technical Program Courses / ACE Career and Technical Program Courses / Supplementary Course Recommendations (i.e. world language, entrepreneurship, etc) / Possibilities of careers relating to this Pathway
State Graduation Requirements: (URL to Page)
MIDDLE / 7 / English 7 / Math 7 / Social Studies 7, Life Science, Physical Education, Health / Combined Exploratory / ACE Exploration / Preschool Assistant, Preschool Teacher, Child/Family Social Worker, Head Start teacher, Kindergarten Assistant, Kindergarten Teacher
8 / English 8 / Math 8 / Physical Education, Social Studies 8, / Combined Exploratory / ACE Exploration
High /Secondary / 9 / Freshman Literature and Composition / Algebra I / World Regional Geography / Teen Choices / ACE Specialized:
Job Readiness
Interpersonal Skills
Work Experience / Art 1, Music 1
10 / World Literature and Composition / Geometry, Algebra II / World History and Geography, Biology / Child and Adolescent Development / ACE Specialized:
Interpersonal Skills
Work Experience
Intentional Career Pathway / Ceramics 1
11 / American Literature and Composition, World Language / Functions, Statistics and
Trigonometry / United States History, Anatomy and Physiology / Living On Your Own / ACE Specialized:
Intentional Career Pathway
Work Experience
Entrepreneurship / World Language
12 / World Language / Business Finance I / Civics, Psychology or Sociology / Elementary School Helpers Program / ACE Specialized:
Work Experience
Capstone / Computer Applications, It’s Your Business
13th year (ASCENT, P-TECH or other): Students may qualify for ASCENT if received 12 college credits by the senior year.
High school courses in the pathway offered locally for college credit should be coded Concurrent Enrollment with CCNS Prefix and Number: ECE
List related Industry Certifications/credentials approved and offered locally:
Colorado Shines Indicators, Qualistar Colorado Credentials, CPR/First Aid, Certified Childcare Professional, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Colorado Early Childhood Certification Early Childhood Education must have high school level of training & learning. / Additional Learning Opportunities:
CTSO organization(s): □ DECA □ FBLA □ FCCLA □ FFA □ CCSA □ HOSA □ SkillsUSA □ TSA □ SC2
Work-based Learning:
□ Career Research □ Cooperative Education □ Internship □ Mentorship □ Job Shadowing x Service Learning Project □ Student Apprenticeship □Industry Certificate
CCPT Placement Assessment:
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) eligibility:
Acceleration Opportunities: ; ASCENT / Other Graduation Requirements:
xCapstone Project
□Assessment (ACT, SAT, Work Keys, ASVAB, locally endorsed, Other)
□ ICAP Quality Indicators
□ PWR Competencies
Industry Certificate / Certificate /
Associates Degree /
Bachelor’s Degree / Advanced Degree
Qualistar: Colorado Shines
Early Childhood Professional Credential 2.0 CPR/First Aid, Certified Childcare Professional, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Colorado Early Childhood Certification / - Basic Early Childhood Education Skills
- Developmental Intervention Assistant
- Director
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool / AAS Early Childhood Education
AA Transfer in Elementary Education (Transfer of articulated courses should be verified.) / Early Childhood Education, Inclusive Early Childhood Education
Insert Program Requirements for Entry:
Gainful Employment Link:
POSTSECONDARY COMMUNITY COLLEGE / Semester / CTE Sequence of Courses / General Education
(Sequence of Courses)
Year 1
1st Semester / ECE 101 Intro to Early Childhood (3)
/ ECE 103 Guidance Strategies for Children (3)
/ ECE 205 Nutrition, Health & Safety (3)
ECE 102 Intro to ECE Lab Techniques (3)
/ ECE 111 Infant and Toddler Theory & Practice (3)
/ ECE 191 School Age Theory & Practice (3)
/ ECE 220 Curriculum Development (3)
/ ECE 238 Child Growth & Development (3)
*Summer: ECE 112 (3) ECE 192 (3)
ECE 260 Exceptional Child (3)
/ ECE 261Exceptional Child Lab Techniques (3)ECE 226 Creativity and the Young Child (3)
/ ECE 256 Working w/Parents, Families& Community Systems (3)
/ ECE 209 Observing & Utilizing Young
Children’s Assessment Instruments (1)
ECE 289 Capstone(5)
/ ECE 240 Administration of Early
Childhood Care & Education Programs (3)
/ ECE 241 Administration: Human Relations (3)
/ ENG 121 English Composition I (3)
/ CIS 118 Computer Literacy (3)
SOC 101 or 205 Intro to Sociology or Sociology of Family Dynamics (3)
MAT 112 Financial Mathematics (3)
/ Summer: PSY 101 or PSY 112 (3)
Summer: PSY 101 or PSY 112 (3)
ummer: PSY 101 or PSY 112 (3)
General Psychology or Psychology of Adjustment
Year 1
2nd Semester
Year 2
1st Semester
Year 2
2nd Semester
Advanced Degree(s) / University/College: Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado State University-Pueblo, University of Colorado – Colorado Springs
Degree or Major: Early Childhood Education, Inclusive Early Childhood Education
Number of Articulated CC Credits: 3 Area Vocational Programs (PPCC): 16 credits
Alignment to ICAP Process and outcome: Please ensure the student’s ICAP postsecondary outcome aligns with this pathway.
Symbols/Codes: Legend: (this POS is coded for the following)
+ GT Pathway o ICAP Quality Indicator Shown
* Hot career field - PWR Competencies Shown
^ Special Pops/ACE @ AVID
~ Concurrent Enrollment / IB
x Badge < AP
Signatures:______(Postsecondary) ______Secondary ______Date______