Poems by Dorothy Miles
All Dorothy Miles’ poems can be performed in BSL as well as in English. Sometimes they have been written in BSL first, and sometimes in English.
Try to translate one of the poems into BSL or NTS.
Christmas List
When I was just a little girl with Christmas coming near,
Mother called us children to sit around the table,
And write a list of things we hoped to see on Christmas Day
For Santa Claus to bring if he were able.
The lists were done, we circled where the fire was burning bright,
And put them up the chimney to be sucked into the night.
But we of course were children, so we asked for drums and balls,
All kinds of sweets and chocolates, and candy cigarettes
And cannon, and tin soldiers, and cut-out dolls, and swords.
And games like Snakes and Ladders, and games you play with words.
The adults gave us shoes and clothes – perhaps a golden chain.
Then we squabbled over what was whose – till Christmas came again.
I gave a lot of thought this year to my own Christmas list.
I think these should be given to all, and no-one should be missed;
The first and most important is that we should learn to Love…
Ourselves – and then each other as we will in “heaven above”.
And after that Intelligence., growing like a seed;
And then a little Discipline, a scolding when we need!
And last of all, when all these three are working as they should.
The right amount of Humour to make life good.
Christmas Magic
I remember…
In darkness, waking and wondering why
I feel excitement bubbling within,
And suddenly magic is all around me
Like shivery fingers on my skin
And I know at last it’s Christmas Day!
I remember…
Sitting and pushing back the clothes
Groping to find the old black stocking
(Last night on its peg so limply handing)
Now full of strange shapes from top to toe!
I’ve been good! And Sanata has been this way.
The out of bed and down the stairs,
The magic still behind med streaming –
Into the room where the fire’s dim glow
Touches the tree with a gentle gleaming
There’s a pils
Of presents –
Some for me!
For this magic day
Of love and glee.
This Christmas Day, where ever you be,
I wish for you, and I hope for me,
A sprinkling of Christmas magic.
*How does Dorothy’s Christmas morning differ from yours?
Look at some Christmas signs in BSL
The Dream
I had a dream, I had a nightmare,
I saw my clock go tick tick stop
And the hand became
Old Man Time with beard and scythe… standing… still.
The suddenly the wheels turned backwards, backwards
And I was whirling backwards
Backwards backwards backwards
Years gone by came tumbling forwards…
The mists of time dissolved.
And there I was…
Crinolined and bonneted
Standing in a school room,
Looking at the children
Small and sweet.
They looked from their books with mouths agape
Their faces wavered to and fro
Up came their hands
To question and inform
And into their circle
I was drawn.
Then –
The door flew open
The lightening flashed
In came the master, with eyes afire
Tall and powerful, carrying an axe
“Speech is superior, signs are banned.”
He rushed to the children and cut off their hands…!
Ohhh! The mists closed in
Back through the years I whirled again
Seeing the children dumb with pain.
Behind them, faces angry, bitter,
Increased, and determinedly joined together growing strong.
I woke in bed
And lifted my head –
The hands on my clock went tick tick tock…
*“He rushed to the children and cut off their hands…!” is a symbol. What for?
What happenings in Deaf History do you think Dorothy Miles is writing about? Why do you think that? Explain what happened then.
Do you think that could happen again?
Language for the Eye
See the poem: