Friday, October 20, 2017

Main Stage

3:30 pm

Tony Isabella

Tony’s Tips

Join Tony Isabella, creator of Black Lightning, co-creator of Misty Knight and Tigra, 44-year veteran of the comics industry for a lively discussion of well, everything. We'll talk comic books, giant monster movies, blogging and the development of his characters for television shows including Netflix’s “The Defenders” and the upcoming “Black Lightning” on CW (well, what he is allowed to tell us).

5:00 pm

Julian Glover

He’s been a right hand man to Darth Vader, sent his spider children to kill Harry Potter, and attempted to end both James Bond and Indiana Jones. Learn what it takes to have a villainous career in Hollywood.

6:30 pm

Kane Hodder

It takes a special guy to play Victor Crowley in the Hatchet films and Jason Voorhees in four Friday The 13th movies. Learn how Kane Hodder became one of the greatest cinematic monsters of all time and what is ahead for him in the future.

Grand Gallery A-C

4:00 pm

Source Point Press

Description coming soon

5:30 pm

Douglas Paszkiewicz

The Secrets Of Comic Book Illustration

A great comic book is great art that tells a story, and this requires the learning of many simple but important techniques. In this panel Eisner Award-nominated illustrator Douglas Paskiewicz (Arsenic Lullaby, Mad Magazine, The Tick) shows you the secrets behind the magic: how to lead the readers eye,

create mood, make sure they see important elements without making it obvious. Why and when to use certain panel sizes. The inside and outs of perspective and vanishing points. If you are hoping to break into the field, or just have a love for comics, this is a great panel to attend and learn the insider tricks that the pros use make a story that sucks in the readers and grabs hold of their imaginations

7:00 pm

Jason Spisak

Kid Flash on “Young Justice” and The Joker in various LEGO straight to video films, Jason discusses the challenges of giving a voice to such well known characters and where his career is headed next.

Grand Gallery D

3:30 pm

R2-D2 Builders Club

Ever wanted to build your own R2-D2 unit or another droid from the Star Wars universe? Members of the R2-D2 Builders Club will be available to answer your questions and let you know how to join them.

5:00 pm

That ONE Team

Introduction to FIRST Robotics

FIRST Robotics team #4967 That ONE Team will be demonstrating their competition robots and talking about FIRST Robotics and their team. FIRST is a program to get students ages K-12 to pursue engineering and STEM interests.

6:30 pm

Film Screening: Space Debris

Inspired by classic sitcoms and low-budget sci-fi, Space Debris follows the inept crew of the rocketship Typhon as they travel the galaxy eliminating pesky bits of space junk, all the while encountering aliens, black holes, and the captain's angry ex-girlfriends. Cast in attendance.

Grand Gallery E-F

5:15 pm

Robert Pope

Playing in Somebody Else's Sandbox: Cartooning Famous Characters of Animation and the Comics Page

Robert draws numerous classic charactres, including Scooby-Doo and the Peanuts gang. In this panel Robert will discuss working with characters such as these professionally and legally.

6:45 pm

Allen Stewart

Comics in World War II

During World War II, GI's read more comic books on the front lines than children in their neighborhoods back home. Allen, the curator of the Hall Of Heroes Museum in Elkhart, Indiana, will reveal some of the most interesting historical facts that happened during this tie that made The Golden Age of comics so great! If you enjoy or are interested in the Golden Age of comics then this is a must attend!

8:00 pm

Adrienne Barbeau

Adrienne Barbeau discusses her lengthy career in horror and sci-fi films such as Creepshow and Escape From New York and TV shows such as “Maude” and “Carnivale”.

Grand Gallery Overlook C

3:15 pm

Royal Mantcoran Navy

Come Sail Away With Us

The Royal Manticoran Navy is a newer cosplay club in the area which is the Official Honor Harrington Fan Association based on David Weber’s Honorverse and other sci-fi reading. Check out what the club has to offer in the area.

4:45 pm

James Lowry

Lightsabers for Every Budget: How to Find a CosplayLightsaber to Meet Your Needs

Practical advise on how to make or purchase a lightsaber for costuming or dueling purposes to meet and budget. This panel will cover everything from empty costume hilts starting at about $20 all the way to sourcing custom dueling sabers with sound, lights, etc. that can cost over $1,000. Presented by an experienced saber smith and 501st Legion member.

6:15 pm

Eric Hodson

One Hour Sketches For Charity

Join Erik Hodson and other great comic artists for a quick, 1 hour sketch! Purchase a $1 raffle ticket for a chance to win original art pieces from Hodson and other various artists. All proceeds benefit the Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter. Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a chronic connective tissue disease, in which the body's immune system attacks its own tissues. Scleroderma affects children, men and women. Scleroderma ranges in severity from mild to life-threatening. The Michigan Chapter helps Michigan patients and their families cope with scleroderma through mutual support programs, peer counseling, physicians referrals, and educational resources. This is a fast-paced family friendly event and audience members are welcome to offer their ideas to the artists!

8:15 pm

Doctor Mortose

Join Doctor Mortose and his odd gang of weirdos as they record an episode of their straight to public access cable TV show and learn more about Michigan’s horror host.

Grand Gallery Overlook D

3:00 pm

Sweets4aSweet Cosplay, Chaotic Neutral Cosplay and KarmadaCosplay

Cosplay Intro to Foam and Thermoplastics

Three of our cosplay guests discuss the sorcery behind making amazing looking armor and accessories for your costume using foam and thermoplastics.

4:15 pm


Found Item and Closet Cosplay

Having troubles sewing a costume from the ground up? Maybe you don't feel like creating everything from scratch? Never fear! Found-item cosplay can help! This seminar focuses on advice and suggestions on how to make costumes out of garments and supplies you find in your house, the thrift store, and more!

5:30 pm

Arie Boon, Caitlin Boon, Audrey Quinn, and Dan Wallace

The Arrow-Verse: A Quiver of Theories

This panel is back for its second Grand Rapids Comic-Con, and has a full quiver of the CW’s Arrow-verse theories to discuss! Be prepared for a group discussion, as participation is encouraged! The panelists will explore theories, as well as the results of last year’s smash hit The Arrow Death Pool. Beware! There will be more spoilers than speedsters on The Flash! We recommend being up to date, because once you know a spoiler, there’s no boarding the Waverider to fix the aberration.

7:00 pm


Find out what it takes to join the MandalorianMercs Costume Club, how they make their armor and hear from the mercs themselves about their group!

Grand Gallery Overlook E-F

3:30 pm

Ken Johnson

The Legacy of “Batman: The Animated Series”

Ken Johnson has written four books on the legacy of the famous animated television show, and here he discusses the show’s impact on pop culture.

5:00 pm

Dirk Manning

WRITE OR WRONG: Creating Comics By The Numbers

Whether you’re a writer or an artist, finding the time, energy, and finances to create comics can be daunting to the point where it completely stifles the creative process. Writer Dirk Manning (NIGHTMARE WORLD, TALES OF MR. RHEE. etc.) not only understands this struggle and has found ways to overcome and thrive by adhering to some simple numbers-based rules that will help you survive and thrive! If you’re interested in creating comics – or you are a current creator looking for some more tips – make the time to attend this informative and entertaining panel and Q&A session by a comic writer whose creator-owned graphic novels have raised over $102,000 on Kickstarter to date! Plan on taking notes...

6:30 pm

Amy Lukavics

Facing Your Fears to Make Your Story Terrifying

Amy will cover why dark themes are worth exploring in horror fiction, how to use person fears to make a story scary, and how to hold the tension caused by those fears throughout the story to keep the audience engaged.

Monroe Rooms A-D

6:00 pm

Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman

Television Production and Its Challenges

Two of the most prominent television producers in animation today whose work includes “Gargoyles”, “The Batman”, and “The Batman Strikes” will discuss the roles and challenges of their career as well as upcoming projects.

8:00 pm

Sonoe Nakajima

Haruo Nakajima, My Father

Sonoe is the daughter of Haruo Nakajima, the famed original Godzilla suit actor who recently passed away. She will be doing a retrospective on her father—not the kaiju actor, not the Godzilla suit guy, but Dad—and will share a deep look at her famous father.