ECON4925 – 2010
Lecture 3 (OB), Sept. 7, 2010
Introduction to exhaustible resources (and to optimal control)The optimal control problem and its solution (Cf. Sydsæter & Hammond)
with one of three terminal conditions imposed:
(i) (ii) (iii) free
is called the state variable, while is the control variable.
Suppose is an optimal solution. Then there exists a continuous function p(t) such that for all t in [t0, t1], the control function maximizes the Hamiltonian, defined as
Thus for all
In practice we apply the first order condition .
Furthermore, fulfills.
For each terminal conditions there is a corresponding transversality condition:
(i’) p(t1) no condition (ii’) (with p(t1)=0 if x*(t1)>x1) (iii’) p(t1)=0
If the problem is redefined with t1 free, then the conditions are satisfied on [t0, t1*], and in addition
The optimal control problem for a nonrenewable resource
St = Stock of nonrenewable resourceRt = Depletion of nonrenewable resource
Objective function /System /
Terminal state / /
Terminal point / / / /
Present-value Hamiltonian /
[Current-value Hamiltonian] /
Equations of motions /
Max /
Transversality conditions /
No condition on /
Characteristic features of resource markets are related to the exhaustibility
Firstly, when resource scarcity prevails, the market price of the resource will typically exceed marginal extraction costs to reflect the opportunity cost of using a resource unit today rather than conserving it for the future. This gives rise to a resource rent in the extraction activity.
Secondly, due to property rights and limited access, oligopolistic behaviour typically prevails in resource markets. This leads to a monopoly rent, i.e. an additional mark-up. It is difficult to separate empirically between the various kinds of “rents” in resource markets. We shall discuss imperfect competition in.
A third feature of natural resource markets is uncertainty. For instance, individual agents have to make assessments of remaining reserves of the resource. Demand shifts and intertemporal adjustments in such markets complicate market equilibrium and induce uncertainty regarding the actual behaviour and functioning of the market.We shall look at some aspects of uncertainty.
We shall look at taxation of non-renewable resources from the viewpoint of whether tax rules interfere with optimal depletion.
We shall also look at climate issues related to nonrenewable resources.
When to extract a natural resource
Let us start the simplest possible way. Let the resource owner have one unit of the resource with the cost of extracting equal to and his concern is to maximize the present value of his asset. The ban gives the resource owner an interest rate r and he thus takes r as his rate of discount. When is it optimal to extract the resource unit?
Let us for the moment assume that the price is given and constant. What then?
Let us then consider a resource price that increases with a constant rate , i.e. . We must assume that , otherwise we would never extract. Why?
It can be shown that the resource should be extracted when the price path reaches the trigger price
Why? Maximizing wrt. t and solving for the optimal t=t*, we find that this is when the rate of increase of the net price (which we shall also denote as the resource rent) is equal to the interest rate , i.e.
Before the “trigger price”, is reached, the return on postponing extraction exceeds the discount rate, after t*the return is less than the interest rate.
The Hotelling rule derived from profit maximization when unit costs are constant
Let S0 be the total resource stock in the economy and Rt the total extraction at time t. We assume constant unit costs equal to . The market price is . The resource market consists of many small agents each owning a small part of the resource stock an taking the price as given.
The optimal extraction path for the society as a whole is found by maximizing (with T free)
with respect to Rt, over a possibly infinite time horizon , constrained by the condition
The Hamiltonian is
The first order condition is
or, more completely,
The shadow price of the resource stock turns out to be constant.
, i.e.
For positive extraction, i.e.
This is the Hotelling rule in the simplest form: along the optimal path the net price, i.e. the resource rent, should increase at the rate of discount.
The interpretation of the Hotelling condition as a market equilibrium condition. All resource owners are indifferent wrt. time of depletion. The price profile is given but its absolute level must still be determined, say by determining . The length of the horizon is still undetermined.
The Demand Side
We make three alternative stylized assumptions about the demand side.
1) Let assume that the demand for the resource is given by a (linear) demand function, say
Demand falls to zero when price at T reaches , which we shall call the choke price. The transversality condition yields . Solving the demand function wrt. and using the expression
the resource constraint gives us one equation in one unknown, namely T.
2) We assume that at price equal to c a perfect substitute is available. We call this a backstop assumption.
3) We assume that the demand function has constant elasticity, i.e.
Shift analysis in the simple Hotelling model
We have found characteristic properties of the Hotelling price path and how knowledge about the demand side helps us to determine the exact location of the price path.
Let us consider the impact on the price path of changes in
- The discount rate
- The unit cost
- The amount of resource
- Demand shifts
Depletion with stock dependent costs
For many exhaustible natural resources a realistic description implies increasing extraction costs as the stock is depleted. The resource deposit may consist of a layers of different quality, and more costly to extract from deeper layers. A cost function representation of such cases might be
Maximizing discounted profits is in this case expressed as
By solving we find that the resource rent must obey
As , we get . Thus, when extraction costs vary negatively with remaining reserves, optimal extraction implies that the resource rent should increase at a rate less than the rate of interest.
This result is rather intuitive: By extracting a marginal unit of the resource, the net marginal value of remaining reserves is reduced by . Or, holding back a marginal unit at time t, yields a return given by the last term above.
As a consequence, it could now well be the case that the deposit becomes unprofitable at the margin before the stock is exhausted. This gives rise to a meaningful definition of economically exhaustible resources, as distinct from the amount of resources that are physically exhaustible.
Constant, but different extraction costs
Above we assumed price taking firms with homogenous and identical resource stocks and cost structure. In practice, extraction costs may vary. With heterogeneous producers and stocks, an interesting question relates to the succession of depletion of the various resource deposits.
Assume two resource owners, with unit costs and , respectively. From the Hotelling Rule derivation it should be clear that market equilibrium must fulfill the following relations:
where λiis the shadow price related to the resource stock of producer i. As before, the strict inequality prevails for .
With constant unit coststhe equilibrium requires sequential extraction of each resource stock. Assume e.g. that we have simultaneously , implying
What can we deduce from this?
At first, in , the market is supplied by the cheapest resource (say producer 1). Producer group 2 with the higher costs reaps a return on leaving the resource stock in the ground that, since we have
The price path is continuous, but with a "kink" in T1, when producer 2 "takes over" the market.