North Shore Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: March 13, 2008 Meeting started at 6:00pm

Location: Centre At Norpoint

Call To Order/Introductions:

Board Members Present: Chuck Buzzard (Vice-President), Chris Cornell (Treasurer), Casey Shurm (President), Maureen Larson Bonck (Safety Committee Chair), Mike Bonck (Secretary, arrived at 6:35PM); Excused Absence: Doug Loates, ACC member.

Community Attendees:

Approximately 21 residents of the NorthShore Homeowners Association were in attendance. There was a quorum present.

Invited Guests:

John Lovelace: Representing Save NE Tacoma

Officer Terry Munson, TPD

Officer Shawn Gustason, TPD

Open Forum:

1. John Lovelace presented an update on the proposed Northshore Golf Course Sale for Save NE Tacoma. He explained the status of the City of Tacoma’s Declaratory Judgment with Soundbuilt LLC and Heritage Bank, the Hearing before the City of Tacoma’s Hearing Examiner coming up on Friday 3/21/2008 from 9AM-5PM (encouraged as many people to attend as possible for a show of force from the homeowners as this is an open session and the public may attend) regarding the appeal filed by Northshore Investors regarding the issuance of the Determination of Significance (DS), and emphasized that fund raising will be starting up again soon. It is very important that we win on this issue and save the values of our home and the integrity of our community!!


1. Casey Shurm and Chris Cornell discussed issues that have been worked on over the past year. They include:

·  Governance – including homeowner complaints, improvement applications, mail box replacements, landscaping issues, and the Northshore Golf Course proposed sale issue

2. Safety Committee: Officer Terry Munson – Liaison Officer, for NE Tacoma, TPD, and Officer Shawn Gustason, TPD, were introduced by Maureen Larson Bonck. They covered the following issues:

·  There are 3 full time policemen in our area, with 3-6 police cars available depending upon the time of the day

·  They emphasized to call 911 for any emergency and/or non-emergent problem. All calls are triaged appropriately

·  9 teens (middle school and high school aged) have been prosecuted for tagging, 9 more are under watch for suspicion of tagging. The tagging is not gang graffiti at this point.

·  Working cooperatively with the Federal Way police department

·  Midnight -6AM there is a strict curfew for kids under 18 unless there is parental permission or job related – the TPD will be enforcing the curfew. Parents will be fined $350 for violations.

·  Contact for Terry Munson: tmunson@cityof

·  Casey Cochrane brought up the problem with car prowling/vandalism at Meeker from 3-6PM time frame on weekends when sports practices and games are going on. These need to be reported to the police,

·  Most care thefts in the area are due to people warming up their vehicles and leaving them open and unattended while they are warming up!! Overall car theft is low.

·  Volunteers are needed at the sub-station. A reminder that meetings can be scheduled at the sub-station.

·  Homeowners brought up selected neighborhood issues such as excessive parties and traffic, speeding, and danger to children with speeding. Both officers reminded homeowners to call 911 for issues such as this.

·  The call load is light in this area so officers are supposed to be out patrolling the community.

·  Reminder to not keep open valuables visible with vehicles. This invites vandalism.

3. ACC Report: No Report Available

4.  Budget Report for 2007 and Proposed Budget for 2008 (see the hard copy that was sent out with the newsletter):

·  Chris Cornell summarized the 2007 budget. Income was approximately $43,000 ($41,000 from dues, $180 per household, $2200 in fines, $600 in interest). Operating expenses were about $41,000 ($24,000 for landscaping, bark and shrubs, $3,300 for liability insurance, $10,000 donated to Save NE Tacoma). Costs are kept down due to administering all costs internally within the Association rather than having an outside management company (saves about $10,000 per year).

·  Chris Cornell then summarized the proposed 2008 budget. There is no proposed increase in the homeowner assessment at this point. It is recommended to remain at $180 per household. Five years ago or so the fee was increased from $120 per year to $180 per year. A $10,000 line item is always in the budget in case we do need to hire an outside management firm. There is a $10,000 line item for another donation to Save NE Tacoma. Also, Chris outlined the proposed landscaping project on the west side of Country Club Drive for the parking strips of about 10 homes – few homeowners in this section maintain their parking strips. Irrigation, tree plantings, and laurel plantings are poposed. The project may be split up. It will cost approximately $35,000. There is a precedent to do this work from previous projects in the roundabouts, Northshore Boulevard trees, laurel and irrigation, and improvements on 47th. Long term maintenance costs will only go up by $100 per month.

·  Discussion ensued at this point concerning the importance of support and stepping to the plate with funds to support Save NE Tacoma’s fight to maintain Northshore Golf course as a golf course. Charley and Nancy Babers, Ken, Tim Lynch, Bill, and others spoke in support of a dues increase or a special assessment for this year. Everyone noted that property values will decrease dramatically should this issue be lost. Casey Cochran suggested that all of the homeowner associations get together so they determine which association will be donating which amount of money. Ken brought up that the CC&R’s exist to protect property rights. After a lengthy discussion, the motion was made to include a special assessment of $120 this year in addition to the normal $180 dues. It was seconded and unanimously approved. The extra funds will be held in reserve should they be required for legal costs. This information will be added to the next newsletter for educational purposes so people can plan ahead for the extra $120 assessed. This money will be held until it is required by Save NE Tacoma. It will be used in addition to the $10,000 set aside for this purpose in the 2008 budget.

·  Another motion was then made to pass the proposed revised budget for 2008. It was unanimously approved.


Two Board members are up re-election to two year terms. Casey Shurm explained how the terms work.

Casey Shurm and Chris Cornell are up for re-election, Casy has been on the board for 3-4 years, Chris has been on the board for 10 years. Both were renominated and approved for new 2 year terms. Chris Cornell reiterated the importance of volunteers for committees on the Northshore Homeowners Board. For example we need a third person on the ACC since there are only 2 members now and we need a quorum.


·  Fence regulations currently require that the bottom be built very close to ground level with a cross board at the bottom. The guidelines will be reviewed by the ACC and Board.

·  Nancy Babers brought up that homeowners should not be allowed to landscape with bark only.

·  Maureen Larson Bonck reminded dog owners that they need to pick up dog feces rather than leaving it. It is unsightly and a nuisance.

·  Jerry Shuur noted that his mailbox still leaks. Chris Cornell will get him a new key and a new box since there is an extra one on Nassau Place.

·  Maureen Larson Bonck reminded all present that they need to get approval for building and painting projects from the ACC prior to beginning the projects as noted in the newsletter that contained the announcement for tonight’s meeting. Building without approval is not wise. Structures may be required to be removed if they are not approved ahead of time.

·  Chris Cornell explained recent discussions with the Board concerning differing roofing materials. Cedar Shake and tile are approved. There are new tiles available, such as rubberized tile. Also, depending upon the division shingles are allowed. There will be ongoing discussion on this issue as more and more homeowners will require new roofs over the next few years.

The meeting was adjourned at 8PM.