Myths &Legends:

Beowulf Legend

Activity 17-

Beowulf: Adaptation from the Old English version byDr. David Breeden.

Friday, October 15, 2010:Intro to Beowulf

Assigned Reading Schedule

/ The Adventure Begins Here!pPrologue / / / Episode 2 - Grendel Attacks / / / Episode 3 - Beowulf Comes to Herot / / / Episode 4 - Grendel Meets Beowulf /
10/19 / 10/21 / 10/25 / 10/27
/ Episode 5 - The Speeches / / / Episode 6 - The Queen Speaks / / / Episode 7 - The Expedition to Grendel's Mere / / / Episode 8 - Meanwhile, Up Above /
10/29 / 11/2 / 11/4 / 11/8
/ Episode 9 - Beowulf Becomes King / / / Episode 10 - Beowulf's reign / / / Episode 11 - Beowulf Fights the Dragon / / / Episode 12 - The Death of Beowulf/


1. Expect a Reading Check for each reading assignment. (10-20 pts each)

2. Daily in-class discussion activities: (10 pts each) *Episode 6

3. Watch for many opportunities for *extra-credit projects. (5-10 points each) See list below.

4. Beowulf Introductory Power Point posted on my Wiki Website. (Link on school webpage.)

5. Movie Beowulf: November 12/16/18-second half of the period.

6. Beowulf Review Game: Monday, November 29.

7. Beowulf Unit Test: Wednesday, December 1.

* Extra-Credit Possibilities—5-10 points. Must be done on due date or will not count. These topics will help classmates in their assigned readings for the next day.

10/19:/ Cain and Able Bible Story/ Shield Sheafson/Geatland circa 500 A.D./ Grendel/Healfdene/Hrothgar/mead hall/alliteration

10/21: /Herot/ Chain mail suits/kenning/Unferth

10/25:Grendel’s home (lair)/ Grendel’s battle with Beowulf/Sigemond

10/27: King Finn of Frisia/ Hengst, Danish warrior/Jutes

10/29:Queen Wealhtheow/Hrothulf/Grendel’s Mother/ Beowulf’s torque

11/2:Aeschere’s head/Hrunting/ mere-woman

11/4: King Heremond

11/8: Hygelac Beowulf’s Uncle/ Heardred, Hygelac’s son,/

11/10:Beowulf and the dragon

11/12:Wiglaf, son of Woehstan, and Beowulf

11/16: Beowulf’s funeral

In-class Discussions

1. Introduction to Beowulf

2. Reviewing Beowulf

3. History of Beowulf

4. Major Themes

5. Writing Style

6. Monster in Literature

7. Heroic Qualities

8. Vocabulary

9. Suspense

10. Lurid Details to Create Interest.

11. Elements of an Epic

12. Mixing of Christianity and Paganism

13. Blending of Myth and Legend

*Episode 6: Epic Style/Germanic Culture/Plot . In-class Small Group work: 12 Points

Break into small groups (2). Use flip-chart to find one quote from this episode that provides the reader with a clearer picture of the epic style of writing.

Episode 6: Epic Style

  • Kennings-suspense-Theme of Vengeance
  • Vivid Imagery--Culture
  • Heroic Qualities: Faithful to His King, Mild in Spirit, Brave (choose one)