Faculty of Medicine


Postgraduate Studies

Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology &Andrology

درجة الماجستير في طب الامراض الجلدية، التناسلية وأمراض الذكورة

Program Code:DVA600

Program Guide and Logbook

Candidate Curriculum vitae

[Name] / Please attach your recent photo
photo here.
[telephone no]
[mobile no]
[mailing address]
[email address]
[your present job title]
[start date]
[previous job title]
[start and end dates]
[previous job title]
[start and end dates]
[start and end dates]
[school or college]
[any other training that will be useful in your job]

Filled by post graduate authorities

Date of Registration:
First semester: / ______
Second semester: / ______
Third semester: / ______
Fourth semester: / ______


I – Welcome Statement / 4
II - Mission Statement / 4
III– Senior supervisor, affiliated departments &Hospitals / 5
IV – Program specifications / 5
A- Basic Information / 5
B- Professional Information / 5
C- Academic standards / 7
D- Curriculum structure and contents / 7
E- Program courses / 8
F- Program Admission Requirements
G- Regulation for progression and program completion / 8
H-Appendix (courses specifications): / 11
V - General information / 43
VI – Your log book / 45
1 – Introduction / 45
2 – Supervisors / 45
3 - Tables for training records / 46
4 – Log book preview / 54
VII - Head of department approval for the exam entry / 55
Detachable forms:
VIII – Thesis follow up / 56
IX - Evaluation forms / 57

I – Welcome Statement:

The Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrologywelcomes you to the Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology. As a department we are committed to medical student education and continuously strive to improve your educational experience.

This handbook presents information guide and logbook activity of this degree administered by the Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology department, Faculty of Medicine, AinShamsUniversity.

II - Mission Statement:

The mission of the Faculty of Medicine, AinShamsUniversity is “The preparation of a competent graduate, who is able to compete on both national and regional levels, capable of lifelong learning, training and tutoring, while adhering to the codes of practice of medical health services and ethics. The college as well, seeks continuous development of programs and courses. It also enhances expansion of applied scientific research and health programs for community services and environmental development. Moreover, through providing distinguished academic and research cadres of teaching staff, supporting the administrative system and sustainability of own resources, the college is able to achieve goals and objectivesh”.

The mission of this degree is to graduate competent specialists in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

III – Senior Supervisor and Affiliated Departments and Hospitals

Senior Supervisor



E-mail: ------

Affiliated Departments and Hospitals

Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology department – Faculty of Medicine- Ain Shams University

IV – Program Specifications

A- Basic Information

1Program title:

Master of ٍٍScience in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology

2. Program type: Single Double Multiple

3. Faculty: of Medicine

4. Department

Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology

5. Assistant coordinator


6. Coordinator


7. Last date of program approval:


B- Professional Information:

1. Program Aims:

The primary purpose of this program is to provide appropriate level of knowledge, clinical skills, attitudes, research skills and competence to the postgraduate students to be awarded a certificate of completion of Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology which is a prerequisite to a career as a specialist working in hospitals and/or community settings.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

a1- Identify basic Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology, physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology& Immunology, Psychiatry& Sexology, Surgery and Internal Medicine.

a2- Demonstrate awareness of the causes, pathophysiology, clinical features, laboratory findings, treatments, prognosis and preventive measures for the common dermatological and venereal diseases, medical & surgical approaches in management of andrology related problems and infertility in the rapidly changing medical field.

b. Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

b1- Classify patient’s problems according to priority.

b2 -Select appropriate level of care and treatment on individual basis and available resources.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

c1- Perform comprehensive dermatological, venereological and andrological assessment.

c2- Design management and follow up plan for any patient at any age or in patients with multiple co-morbidities.

c3- The ability to communicate knowledge, opinion and health education

to colleagues, paramedical staff, and the public in oral and written forms.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

d1- Demonstrate effective communication with patients, relatives and colleagues.

d2- Inculcate the habit of lifelong learning.

d3- Cope with ethical and legal issues which occur during the management of patients with venereological or fertility related medical problems.

d 4- Educate patients and their families effectively, especially patients with chronic recalcitrant dermatological diseases or sexually transmitted diseases.

d 5- Demonstrate the ability to work in clinical teams and to have the necessary leadership skills.

d 6- Demonstrate competence in the use and management of health information and medical research.

C- Academic Standards: (Benchmarks):

Curriculum for Dermatology, Venereology: The University of California, San Francisco,the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Dermatology Residency Training Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).Curriculum of Andrology & infertility: curriculum of the Andrology Fellowship at Northwestern university, Urology department.

D_ Curriculum structure and contents:

D a- Program duration: 2 years (4 semesters).

D b- Program structure:

المقررات الدراسية / الكود / الساعات المعتمدة
متطلبات الكلية / دورة أساسيات البحث العلمي
الجزء الأول / الكيمياء الحيوية / DVA6001 / 1
الفسيولوجي / DVA6002 / 0,5
علم الكائنات الدقيقة والمناعة / DVA6003 / 0,5
الباثولوجى / DVA6004 / 1
الباطنة العامة / DVA6005 / 1
علم الأمراض النفسية والجنسية / DVA6006 / 1
الجراحة العامة / DVA6007 / 1
كراسة الأنشطة / 6
الرسالة / 6
الجزء الثاني / الأمراض الجلدية / DVA6011 / 9
الأمراض المنقولة جنسيا / DVA6008 / 8
علم الذكورة / DVA6009
عقم الرجال / DVA6010
المقرراتالاختيارية / يختار الطالب مادة واحدة من :
تاريخ الطب
الجوانب القانونية الطبية / E6009
E6035 / 1
المجموع / 36

E- Program Courses:

a. Compulsory:

Code / Course title / No. of hours
Lect. / C/P / SDL.
DVA6001 / Biochemistry / 15 hrs
DVA6002 / Physiology / 15 hrs
DVA6003 / Bacteriology& Immunology
DVA6004 / Pathology / 15 hrs
DVA6005 / Internal medicine / 15 hrs
DVA6006 / Psychiatry & Sexology / 15 hrs
DVA6007 / Surgery / 15 hrs
DVA6011 / Dermatology / 112.5 hrs / 45 hrs
DVA6008 / Venereology / 105hrs / 30 hrs
DVA6009 / Andrology
DVA6010 / Infertility

b. Elective: one of the following courses:

Code / Course title / No. of hours
Lect. / Clinical / SDL
E6009 / Medical statistics / 15 hrs
E6004 / Language
E6108 / Genetics
E6110 / History of medicine
E6034 / Medical Ethics
E6035 / Legal& Medical issues

F- Program Admission Requirements:

المادة(6) : يشترط لقيد الطالب للحصول على درجة الماجستير:

1 - أن يكون حاصلاًً على درجة البكالوريوس في الطب والجراحة من إحدى جامعات جمهورية مصر العربية أو على درجة معادلة.

2- أن يكون قد أمضى سنة التدريب (الامتياز)

3- موافقة جهة العمل

4- تسديد الرسوم ومصاريف التدريب واستهلاك الأجهزة واستيفاء المستندات المطلوبة فيالملحق (1)

5- التفرغ للدراسة لمدة فصلين دراسيين قبل دخول امتحان الجزء الثانيملحق (1) :يقدم طالب الإلتحاق لدرجة الماجستير الأوراق التالية :-

1- طلب إلتحاق 2- شهادة البكالوريوس 3- شهادة الإمتياز4- شهادة الميلاد أو مستخرج رسمي5- الموقف من التجنيد 6- موافقة جهة العمل على التسجيل والتفرغ المطلوب 7- عدد 6 صور فوتوغرافية جديدة 8- بالنسبة للوافدين يقدم الطالب موافقة السفارة ويحدد جهة تحمل النفقات كما يقدم شهادة صحية

G- Regulation for Progression and Program Completion:

المادة (8): يتم التسجيل للماجستير مرة واحدة في السنة تبدأ من أول يوليو حتى أخر أغسطس على أن تبدأ الدراسة في شهر أكتوبر من كل عام.ويجوز قبول تسجيل النواب والمعيدين والوافدين في الفترة من أول نوفمبرحتى أخر ديسمبر على ألا يسمح لهم بدخول إمتحان الجزء الأول إلا بعد إنقضاء فترة الدراسة المطلوبة.

المادة (9): توزع الدراسة فى كل عام جامعى على فصلين دراسيين مدة كل منهما خمسة عشر اسبوعاً . يبدأ الأول فى أول أكتوبر ويبدأ الثانى فى منصف فبراير. مع تنظيم فصل دراسى صيفى مكثف لمدة ستة اسابيع . و يتم التسجيل للفصل الدراسى قبل أسبوعين من بدايته على الأقل بعد استيفاء الشروط حسب المقررات المسجلة. ولاينبغى أن يزيد العبء الدراسى فى الفصل الواحد عن 6 ساعات معتمدة. ويجوز للطالب تعديل المقررات خلال أسبوعين من بداية الفصل الدراسى (بالحذف او الإضافة). كما يجوز له الانسحاب خلال سته أسابيع من أحد المقرارت دون احتسابه راسباً فيه.

المادة (11): مدة الدراسة للحصول على درجة الدبلوم أو الماجستير هى أربعة وعشرون شهراً (أربعة فصول دراسية) على جزئين يجتاز فيها الطالب برنامجاً تدريبياً متكاملاً طبقا للساعات المعتمدة الموضحة بالباب الرابع ويستوفى خلالها المطلوب منه فى كتيب متابعة الأنشطة ولا يسمح له بدخول الإمتحان قبل إستيفاء ثلاثة أرباع المطلوب منه في كل جزء من البرنامج

المادة (12) :مدة الدراسة في الدبلوم والماجستير الجزء الأول فصل دراسي واحد يجتاز بعدها الطالب إمتحاناً ولا يشترط النجاح فيه بالكامل للانتقال للدراسة في الجزء الثاني. والجزء الثاني يتطلب تفرغ الطالب للتدريب لمدة فصلين دراسيين بأحد المستشفيات أو المراكز المعتمدة من الكلية.

المادة (13) : يقوم الدارس لدرجة الماجستير بتسجيل موضوع الرسالة على شكل بحث نظري أو عملي بعد استيفاء فصل دراسي واحد على الأقل ويجوز أن يناقش رسالته بعد ستة شهور من التسجيل على الأقل على أن يكون قد نجح فى مقررات الجزء الأول بالكامل وقبل دخول امتحان الجزء الثاني ولا يخصص لها درجات

المادة (14) : يقوم دارس الماجستير باستيفاء متطلبات الجامعة قبل تسجيل الرسالة ومتطلبات الكلية قبل دخول امتحان الجزء الثاني. ومتطلبات الجامعة هي الحصول على شهادة التويفل في اللغة الإنجليزية بمجموع (450 درجة على الأقل) ومتطلبات الكلية هي حضور دورات معتمدة من لجنة الدراسات العليا بالكلية في مجال مناهج البحث العلمى والإحصاء الطبى أو باجتياز إختبارات خاصة تحددها اللجنة.

المادة (15): يجوز للحاصلين على درجة الدبلوم استكمال درجة الماجستير بتسجيل رسالة الماجستير خلال أربع سنوات من الحصول على درجة الدبلوم ويحصل على الدرجة بعد استيفاء متطلبات الجامعة والكلية ومناقشة الرسالة بنجاح.

المادة (16): الساعات المعتمدة لدراسة الدبلوم والماجستير ثلاثون ساعة معتمدة على الأقل يخصص منها ست ساعات لكتيب متابعة الأنشطة وتشمل ست ساعات على الأقل للجزء الأول وثماني عشرة ساعة على الأقل للجزء الثانيويضاف إليها ست ساعات للرسالة فى الماجستير.

المادة (22): مدة القيد لدرجة الماجستير أربع سنوات.

المادة (24): مجموع درجات الامتحان النهائى للماجستير 1200 درجة منها 300درجة للجزء الأول. ويضاف اليها المعدل الفصلى التراكمى بما يوازى 300 درجة للماجستير.

المادة (25): يعقد إمتحان الدور الأول في أكتوبر ونوفمبر من كل عام ويعقد إمتحان الدور الثاني فى أبريل ومايو من كل عام.

المادة (26): يكون النجاح فى كل مادة من الدبلوم العالى والماجستير بعد الحصول على 60% من الدرجة الكلية لكل لجان المادة مجتمعة ويكون النجاح فى مواد الدكتوراه بعد الحصول على 60% من درجة التحريري والعملي والاكلينيكى والشفوي كل على حدة.

المادة (29): فى حالة استنفاذ مدة القيد يمكن لطالب الدراسات العليا إعادة التسجيل مرة أخرى ولا يعتد بالنجاح فى الجزء الأول أو الرسالة ويجب إعادتهما.

Assessment Schedule and Weighing of Assessments :

Item / Mark / Points / GPA score / Student state
During semester / End of semester / Total
First semester (If present) / 100 / 300 / 400
Second semester / 100 / 100
Third semester / 100 / 100
Fourth semester
Final exam / Written / 900 / 900
Practical /Clinical
Total / 300 / 1200 / 1500

ملحوظة: تعادل درجات الطالب طبقا للنقاط على الوجه التالى:

1- / 90 % فأكثر / : / 4 / نقاط / A
2- / من85% حتى أقل من 90 % / : / 3.67 / نقاط / A-
3 - / من80% حتى أقل من 85% / : / 3.33 / نقاط / B+
4 - / من75% حتى أقل من 80% / : / 3.00 / نقاط / B
5 - / من70% حتى أقل من 75% / : / 2.67 / نقاط / B-
6 - / من65% حتى أقل من 70% / : / 2.33 / نقاط / C+
7- / من62% حتى أقل من 65% / : / 2.00 / نقاط / C
8 - / من60% حتى أقل من 62% / : / 1.67 / نقاط / C-
9 - / أقل من 60% / : / صفر / F

ويتم حساب المعدل الفصلى (GPA) على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب نقاط كل مقرر مضروباً فى عدد ساعاته المعتمدة مقسوماً على الساعات المعتمدة للمقررات التى درسها الطالب فى الفصل الدراسى. كما يتم حسابالمعدل التراكمى للطالب (CGPA) على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب النقاط التى حصل عليها الطالب فى كل مقرر مضروباً فى عدد ساعاته المعتمدة مقسوماً على مجموع الساعات المعتمدة الكلية.

فى حالة الرسوب فى مادة أو مجموعة من المقررات فى الدبلوم أوالماجستير يتم الإعادة فى المادة أو المجموعة فقط. ويتم حساب التقدير الفعلى الذى يحصل عليه فى أول إعادة فقط أما إذا تكرر رسوبه فيحسب له عند النجاح تقدير 60% فقط (اى1.67 نقاط اى -c).

H- Course Specifications:

1- BIOCHEMISTRY Course specifications:

University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

Course specifications

Program in which the course is given: Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Department offering the course: Biochemistry Department.

Academic year: Master – 1st semester

Date of specification approval: July 2009

A- Basic Information:

Title: Biochemistry Code: DVA6001

Credit Hours: 1 hour Lectures: 1hr/week Total: 15 hours

B- Professional Information:

1– Overall Aims of Course:

a- Provide appropriate level of knowledge to understand synthesis and metabolism of different skin components.

b- Be able to understand the molecular biology.

c- Be able to understand the mechanisms of metabolic skin diseases.

d- Identify the importance of diagnostic enzymology and tumor markers.

e- Identify the hormonal biology of male and female and its control on body functions.

2 - Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs):

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a 1- Identify biology of skin, male and female reproductive hormonal biology.

a 2- Understand synthesis and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and mineral and how its disturbances lead to dermatological diseases.

a 3- Recognize the skin as an organ and how it interact with different body systems and homeostasis through hormonal control. .

b- Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1- Differentiate between different metabolic skin diseases and its biologic related pathology.

b2- predict that the effect of disturbance in the molecular biology of skin will affect many organs.

c- Professional Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c 1- Relate biochemical disturbances in skin function with related metabolic diseases and the value of enzymatic and tumor markers in early diagnosis of diseases.

d- General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1- communicate with other departments of medicine.

d 2- Acquire the habit of lifelong learning.

3- Contents:

Topics / No. of hours
L / C/P / SDL
Introduction to metabolism / 5 hrs
Carbohydrates metabolism
Lipid metabolism
Protein content of the body
Metabolism of proteins
Synthesis of important components from amino acids
Hormones / 4 hrs
Heme metabolism
Mineral metabolism
Vitamines and Disease
Hyperuricemia / 1 hr
Blood coagulation
Diagnostic enzymology / 4 hrs
Tumor markers
Hepatitis markers
Free radicals and disease
Molecular Biology / 1 hour

4– Teaching and Learning Methods:

4.1- Lectures & self directed learning (SDL)

5- Student Assessment Methods:

5.1 Written exam: to assess knowledge and intellectual skills

Assessment Schedule:

One assessment at the end of the course

Weighting of Assessments:

Final Written Exam 30

6- List of References:

6.1- Course Notes specific for each lecturer Paper and / or electronic).

6.2- Essential Books (Text Books):

  • Harper's Biochemistry.
  • Lippincott's Illustrated Biochemistry.

6.3- Periodicals, Web Sites, … etc.

2Physiology Course specifications:

University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

Course specifications

Program in which the course is given: Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Department offering the course: Physiology Department

Academic year: Master – 1st semester

Date of specification approval: July 2009

A- Basic Information:

Title: Medical Physiology Code: DVA6002

Credit Hours: 1/2 hour Lectures: ½ hr/week Total: 7.5 hours

B- Professional Information:

1– Overall Aims of Course:

a- Provide appropriate level of knowledge to understand the skin as a multi- functional organ.

b- Be able to understand the mechanisms of barrier function of the skin, as an immune system and as a sensory organ.

c- Be able to understand the mechanisms of skin diseases and how it can reflect systemic malfunctions.

d- Identify how the body systems interact through hormonal and neural influences in different dermatologic diseases.

e- Identify the physiology of male and female reproduction.

2 - Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs):

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a 1- Identify basic physiology of skin, male and female reproductive physiology.

a 2- Describe the sensory function of skin and itching, physiology of skin.


a 3- Recognize the skin as an organ and how it interact with different body systems and homeostasis. .

b- Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1- Differentiate between different functions of the skin, sensory function; pain, itching, pigmentation, sweating, thermoregulation.

b2- predict that the effect of disturbance in the physiology of skin will affect many organs and disturb homeostasis.

c- Professional Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c 1- Relate physiological disturbances in skin function with related disabilities.

d- General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1- communicate with other departments of medicine.

d 2- Acquire the habit of lifelong learning.

3- Contents:

Topics / No. of Hrs / Signature
L / C/P / SDL
Homeostasis / 3 hrs
Urine formation
Renal failure
Acid- Base balance
Disturbance of Acid- Base disturbance
Water and Electrolyte Regulation
Blood elements / 1 hr
Capillary Circulation
Tissue fluid formation
Functions of the skin
Physiology of Itching
Physiology of Male Reproduction / 1 hr
Physiology of Female Reproduction
Skin Circulation / 1 hr
Sensory Functions of skin
Physiology of Pigmentation
Skin manifestation of Endocrinal Diseases
Physiology of Eccrine sweat glands / 1.5 hr
Physiology of Apocrine sweat glands
Physiology of Sebaceous glands
Physiology of Hair
Hair cycle

4– Teaching and Learning Methods:

4.1- Lectures & self directed learning (SDL)

5- Student Assessment Methods:

5.1 Written exam: to assess knowledge and intellectual skills

Assessment Schedule:

One assessment at the end of the course

Weighting of Assessments:

Final Written Exam 30

6- List of References:

6.1- Course Notes specific for each lecturer (Paper and / or electronic).

6.2- Essential Books (Text Books):

  • Review of medical physiology By: William F. Ganong
  • Text Book of medical physiology By : Guyton.

6.3- Periodicals, Web Sites, … etc.

  • www . Pubmed. Com
  • Am. J. of physiology.

3- Microbiology and Immunology Course specifications

University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

Course Specifications:

Program in which the course is given: Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology

Department offering the course: Department of Microbiology and Immunology.

Academic year: Master – 1st semester

Date of specification approval: July 2009

A- Basic Information:

Title: Microbiology and Immunology Code: DVA6003

Credit Hours: 1/2 hrs Lecture: ½ hr/ wk Total: 7.5 hrs



B - Professional Information:


a-Provide the knowledge and education about the basic features of general bacteriology, virology and mycology.

b-Familiarize postgraduate students with the common infections dermatological diseases, their microbial causes, as well as laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control.

c-Understand immunologic basis of dermatologic diseases, its role in the patho-physiology of infectious and non- infectious diseases.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a)Knowledge and Understanding:

a1- Illustrate general bacterial morphology, physiology and genetics

a2- Understand the host parasite relationship and microbial pathogenesis

a3- Explain the physiology of the immune system, its beneficial role, as well as its detrimental role in hypersensitivity, autoimmunity and transplant rejection.

a4- Describe the morphology, culture, antigenic structure and virulence factors of microorganisms of dermatologic and outline the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of these diseases.

a5- Describe the basics of antimicrobial uses and resistance.

a6- Understand the impact of molecular technology in microbiology and immunology

b- Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1- Interpret microbiological, immunological, seological and molecular reports

b2 - Formulate a systematic approach for laboratory diagnosis of common dermatologic or venereal diseases and select the most appropriate and cost-effective tool leading to the identification of the causative organism.

b3- Categorize a microorganism as a bacterium, virus or fungus according to standard taxonomy.


b4 - Report and appraise a concise scientific activity according to standard scientific thinking and integrity.


b5- Appreciate the danger of handling and use of infectious agents on community and environment.

c- Professional Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c1- Identify medically important bacteria based on microscopic examination of stained preparations.

c2- Identify culture media and biochemical tests commonly used for bacterial identification and distinguish positive and negative results.

d- General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to

d1- Cope with ethical and legal issues which occur during the management of patients with sexually transmitted diseases.

3- Course Content:

Topics / Sign.
L / C/P / SDL
Bacterial structure, physiology, and classifications
Bacterial genetics, antibacterial agents, mechanism of actions and resistance / 1 hr
Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Enterrococci / (1.5hr)
Clostridia and other Gram positive bacilli(Corynebacteria,Liseria,bacillus group, and Actinomycosis)
Nisseria, Porvobacteria(Haemophyilus,Bordetella,BrucellaLegionellaYerisinia,Pasteurella)
Gram negative anaerobic bacteria
Spirochates, Mycobacteria,Clamydia,Mycoplasma, Rickettsia
Basic mycology: classification and antifungal agents / (1hrs)
Basic virology ,major virus group
Basic immunology: immune response(tissues and cells, types) / (2 hr)
Humoral immunity, Immunoglobulins, Complement,Ag-Ab reactions)
Cell mediated immunity,Cytokines, Immunity to bacterial infections and immunoprophylaxis
Hospital acquired infections and infection control
Autoimmunity and tumor immunology / (1 hr)
Transplantation immunity
Immunodeficiency and infections in immunocomprommized host
Sterilization and disinfection
Sexually transmitted infections / (1 hrs)
Septicaemia, Bacteraemia, FUO
Skin and soft tissue infections

L: Lecture, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning

Assessment Schedule:

One assessment at the end of the course

Weighing of Assessment:

4.1 Written exam 40

4– Teaching and Learning Methods:

4.1- Lectures & self directed learning (SDL)

5- Student Assessment Methods:

5.1 Written exam: to assess knowledge and intellectual skills 40 degrees

5 - List of References:

5.1- Course Notes

5.2- Roitt – Essential Immunology

5.3- Rook, Wilkinson and Ebling – Textbook of dermatology

4-PATHOLOGY Course specifications

University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

Course Specifications:

Program in which the course is given: Master of Science in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Department offering the course: Department of Pathology & Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology.

Academic year: Master – 1st semester

Date of specification approval: July 2009

A- Basic Information:

Title: Pathology Code: DVA6004

Credit Hours: 1 hr Lecture: 1h/w Total: 15 hrs



B - Professional Information:

1- Course Aims:

a-Familiarize candidates with the basic dermatologic disease patterns and their underlying pathologic mechanisms as step to preparing them for clinical rounds and future as a practitioner.

a)To promote lifelong competencies necessary for continuous professional development.

b)Provide appropriate level of knowledge to understand the pathology of dermatologic diseases.


2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a1- Identify basic pathology.

a2- Define and discussthe main dermatological disease categories that may affect the body (general pathology) as well as the basic mechanisms underlying these disorders (etiology, pathogenesis & natural history)

a3- Describe the morphologic (gross & microscopic) changes occurring as a result of dermatologic diseases

c- Professional Skills: