MELVIN SCHOLARS/American Junior Academy of Science AWARD
Uploadedby Saturday, May2, 2015
Please register and upload (single, Adobe PDF file) reports to ScholarOne at:
The Report shall not exceed 10 typewritten pages with no additional attachments permitted. Clear, concise writing is expected. Omit needless words. Proof carefully. Number all pages except for the cover sheet/abstract (which is page 1).Electronic versions (use your last name as the file name) must contain the entire report in a single,Adobe PDF file.Multiple files will not be accepted.
Please prepare your Report in the following order:
Cover Sheet with Abstract: Page 1 MUST BE a cover sheet with abstract using the following format.
Please leave a 1" margin on all sides of your report pages. The cover sheet with abstract cannot exceed one page. Type all pages "flush left". Do not justify paragraphs. Report may be single or double-spaced. Except in tables or on graphs, please keep type size reasonable, at least 10 points; preferably 12 points like this. We recommend 10, 11 or 12 point Times New Roman, Century Schoolbook or Myriad.
Line 1 - Type your full nameMs. Carol Smith
Line 2 - Type the full and complete name of your schoolJamestown HS
Line 3 - Type your current grade level11
Line 4 - leave blank
Line 5/6 - Type your project title Effects of Rain on Soap Bubbles … .
Line 7 - leave blank
Line 8 - Type your abstract in a single paragraphAbstract starts here … Use complete sentences and NO personal pronouns.
Pages 2 to 10: Include the following sections. Type continuously. There is no need to put sections on separate pages. The report does not have to be 10 pages, but it may not exceed 10 pages including the cover sheet.
Introduction:Include background information including previous studies of your own and others (cite references), statement of the problem,and hypothesis. Disclose and citewhere appropriate the specific source(s) of the idea for the project. Citations must be fully documented with references such as author(s), date, publication and URL (with accessed date) if website.
Methods:Include Materials, Equipment and Procedure(s)
Results: Summarizedata or observations in a narrative description and include appropriate tables and/or graphs.
Discussion:This is the central part of your report. Compare results with previous studies. Discuss differences between your data and published data in similar studies, if available. Discuss possible errors or limits of methods or data collection procedures.
Conclusion(s):State conclusions, if possible, of your research; if not, tell why not.
Acknowledgement(s):Identify those who helped you in any way and tell exactly what they did.
References Cited: Include, alphabetically by last name of authors, COMPLETE CITATION INFORMATION only to literature or sources actually cited in this report. PLEASE DO NOT USE FOOTNOTES IN THE TEXT. Cite references in text like these examples: Smith (1993) or (Smith 1993). Do not use the term Bibliography. Use References Cited or Literature Cited.