Schoolof Public andCommunityHealth Sciences–Collegeof HealthProfessions andBiomedical Sciences–TheUniversityof Montana
Student:UMID:790- Advisor:
Meeting Dates: [/ _/][/ _/][/ _/][ _/ _/][/ _/ _]
Courses / SemesterYear / CreditHours / Grade / To be filled out duringthestudent's
PUBH510Introductionto Epidemiology / 3
PUBH520Fundamentalsof Biostatistics
STAT 451 – Statistical Methods Iand
STAT 457 – Computer Data Analysis I
(4 Credits, Autumn, at UM-Msla)
STAT 452 – Statistical Methods IIand
STAT 457 – Computer Data Analysis II
(4 Credits, Spring, at UM-Msla) / 3
PUBH530Admin,& ManagementintheU.S.HealthCareSystem / 3
PUBH535HealthPolicy / 3
PUBH540SocialandBehavioralSciencesin PublicHealth / 3
PUBH550ProgramEvaluationandResearchMethods / 3
PUBH560EnvironmentalandRuralHealth / 3
PUBH570EthicalIssuesin PublicHealth / 3
PUBH580RuralHealthIssuesin aGlobalContext / 3
PUBH591Practicum / 3
PUBH593ProfessionalPortfolio / 3
PUBH599ProfessionalPaper / 3
MPH Elective Courses
MPH studentsmaytake 6elective creditsofcourses offeredfrom the School ofPublicandCommunity Health Sciencesand/orfromother departments in order to createa plan of studythat tailorsthelearning experience totheirneeds. If a studentwishestotransfer in creditsthatare notalreadyonthelistofapproved elective courses,aTransferCredit ApprovalFormneedstobe filled outbythe student and submittedtohis/heradvisorandthedepartmentchair forapproval.
Current Public Health elective courses include:Current Health Sciences Administration elective courses include:
PUBH 511 HistoryandTheoryofEpidemiologyACTG 509 Financial Rptg & Control
PUBH 515 PublicHealth GeneticsPSCI 504 Organization Theory
PUBH 521 LeadershipinPublicHealthPSCI 503 Policy Analysis
PUBH 525Native American PublicHealthPSCI 525 Strategic Planning & Leadership
PUBH 595 Various Topics
PUBH 596 Independent Study PUBH 597 Research
Current Environmental Heath elective courses include:Current Social and Behavioral Sciences elective courses include:
CHMY 541 Environmental ChemistryHHP 544 Community-Based Participatory Research Methods for Health
BIOS 534 Integrated Systems EcologyHHP 540 Community Health Promotion Strategies
ENST 510 Native American Environmental IssuesSW 465 Social Work in a Global Context
ENST 513 Natural Resource Conflict ResolutionCOMX 425 Communication in Health Organizations
COMX 485 Communication and Health
Current Biostatistics elective courses include:COMX 575 Seminar in Rhetoric and Environmental Controversy
STAT 451 Statistical Methods IAHHS 430 Health Aspects of Aging
STAT 457 Computer Data Analysis I
STAT 452 Statistical Methods IICurrent Global Health elective courses include:
STAT 458 Computer Data Analysis IIGYD 520 Critical Issues in Helping
SOCI 563 Social Data AnalysisANTY 426 Culture, Health and Healing
ANTY 433 Indigenous Global Health and Healing
COMX 415 Intercultural Communication
PSCI 463 Development Administration
PSCI 431 Politics of Global Migration
To befilled out at the culminationofstudent’sprogram
ProgramCompletion Date://_GPA:
TotalCredits Earned:
Advisor’s Signature:
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Student’s Signature:
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