Master of Arts – Integrated Studies

Program Application Questionnaire

Name: ______

(Last name)(Middle Initial)(First/Given Name)

MAIS Program applicants MUST complete Parts A and B of this questionnaire. Failure to complete these sections may result in a delay in the processing of your program application. Please submit completed documentation with your application form.

Part A: Academic Background:

1. Have you ever taken a course at AthabascaUniversity? Yes No

If “Yes”, please provide your AU student ID number: ______

2. Are you currently enrolled in another university program? Yes No

If “Yes”, please specify: ______

3. List in order, beginning with the latest, all completed degree work:

Degree: ______

Dates Attended: ______

College or University ______/

Area of Specialization: ______

Date Convocated: ______
Location: ______
(Prov./State & Country)
Degree: ______

Dates Attended: ______

College or University ______/

Area of Specialization: ______

Date Convocated: ______
Location: ______
(Prov./State & Country)

*If more space is required, please enter on a separate sheet and attach.

Part B: Intellectual Biography:

The MAIS program allows students to design their own program of study across various areas of intellectual inquiry in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Using an essay format, please provide us with a statement of your interests and how you see yourself working and studying in the MAIS program.

Your biography should include:

Your primary reasons for applying to this type of integrated program of study.

Your particular intellectual areas of interest in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

An outline of what you want to achieve through the MAIS program.

What particular skills, resources and experience you have that will facilitate your completion of this degree.

Additional comments that you would like to make.

Length: 3 to 4 pages, double spaced.

Please attach a copy of your intellectual biography (preferably typed or laser printed) to this questionnaire and return both documents directly to the MAIS office.

Part C: Optional Information(To assist the MAIS Program with Recruitment & Planning).

Please take a moment to fill out the following questions:

  1. How did you find out about the MAIS Program? Please check all applicable items:

AU Calendar Internet Friend Co-worker Employer

Relative AU Student AU Employee

Advertisement in print publication (please specify source): ______


Other (please specify): ______

2. Please check all the applicable factors that affected your decision to apply to the MAIS Program:

Cost Ability to study & continue to work

Build own study plan Web component

No on-site requirements Reputation of AU

Flexible study schedule Student recommendation

Distance delivery Integrated curriculum

Other (please specify) ______

  1. What is your current occupation? (Please include job title and industry)


  1. What is your main source of media?

TV Radio Internet Newspapers Magazines

Other (please specify) ______

5. Would you like to see more Paced or Individualized study course offerings? Paced courses are those beginning in September, January and May, in which students proceed through a course with a cohort and participate in on-line asynchronous learning activities. Individualized study courses are those which begin on the first day of every month and are primarily self-directed studies, which may include an on-line discussion component. Please briefly explain your answer: ______

6. Do you have regular access to a computer? Yes No

7. Do you currently have an Internet service provider? Yes No

  1. It is the responsibility of each student to have access to a computer system equivalent to that noted in the current Athabasca University Calendar -(

Does your computer system currently meet these requirements?

Yes No

The personal information collected on this form may be used for program planning, academic research, and marketing purposes. This personal information is being collected under the authority of section 33, part c of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, contact the Program Administrator, Master of Arts – Integrated Studies, AthabascaUniversity, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, ABCanadaT9S 3A3 Telephone: (780) 675-6792.

Should you have questions about this material please contact:

Program Administrator

Master of Arts - Integrated Studies



Toll Free: 1-800-788-9041 ext. 6792 (Canada and the US)

Telephone: (780) 675-6792

FAX: (780) 675-6921

25/11/2018Program Application QuestionnairePage 1

Return ALL documentation directly to the Master of Arts – Integrated Studies Office