
Law of Analogy, or Correspondences

By the knowledge thus imparted, and the progress which the initiate has made in the study of the law of analogy, he can comprehend the manipulation of the same forces on a vastly larger scale in the planetary scheme and in the solar system. IHS 171

The secret of the coherence of the atom is revealed to the initiate, and he then is in a position to study the microcosm under the law of correspondences in a new and illuminating manner. IHS 169

However, under the Law of Correspondence or Analogy, the initiate can gradually come to a true perception of the significances involved. These points of revelation emanate from the world of significances, and not from the world of meaning; they cast light, if truly interpreted and in due time, upon that world of meaning, thereby redeeming and liberating the forms in the world of appearances. DNA2 404

Law of Being

Alignment is produced, the work of discipleship and of initiation becomes possible and proceeds according to the Law of Being. WM 109

Law of Cause and Effect, or Karma

I prefer the word "effect" to the word "result," for the initiate increasingly works consciously with the Law of Cause and Effect on planes other than the physical. We use the word "result" to express the consequences of that great cosmic Law as they demonstrate in the three worlds of human evolution. RI 442

These four stages of the Law of Cause and Effect (as it affects humanity at this time) might be called:

1. The perfecting of form expression ...... Law of Evolution

2. The precipitation of karma ...... Law of Cause and Effect

3. The achievement of personality

(The Dweller on the Threshold)...... Law of Polar Opposites

4. The attainment of planetary initiation ...... Law of Initiation EX 109

The three worlds of material living and the inner world of meaning which the soul has revealed to him [the initiate] are now left behind; he is suddenly confronted with the world of significances, with the true world of causes and of origination, and by the realm of the universal. He discovers that all he had thought anent the Law of Cause and Effect was so limited that--in the light of this Higher Evolution--it has practically become meaningless, accept as the A B C whereby he can teach the children of men. RI 652

Later still, karma in the three worlds is met, overcome and negated; at the same time karma connected with the initiating of causes through world service is added to that which the individual has already experienced, and he shares in the karmic responsibility of the Hierarchy itself. All the stages:

1. Elementary group karma--of the primitive man,

2. Individual karma of the self-conscious developing man,

3. Karma, related to the life of the disciple,

4. Hierarchical karma,

must be added to the well known Karma of Retribution with which the disciple is already familiar; to it must also be added national and racial karma, plus the educational karma which all disciples bring upon themselves when they are desirous of entering an Ashram to prepare for initiation. EH 290-291

The relation of that hierarchy of spiritual beings who are connected with the law of karma as it affects man is demonstrated to him [the second degree initiate], and he knows with first-hand knowledge that the lords of karma are no myth, or symbolical units, but are highly intelligent entities who wield the law for the benefit of humanity, and thus enable men to become fully self-conscious and self-reliant in the occult sense, and to become creators through perfected knowledge. IHS 170

Initiates may, and do, fall, and thereby incur the working of the law in punishment. They may, and do, by this fall injure the group, and thereby incur the karma of readjustment, having to expiate the injury through later prolonged service, wherein the group members themselves, even though unconsciously, apply the law; their progress will be seriously hindered, much time being lost in which they must work out the karma with the injured units. The very fact that a man is an initiate, and therefore the medium for force of a greatly increased kind, makes his lapses from the straight path to have more powerful effects than is the case with a less advanced man; his retribution and punishment will be equally greater. Inevitably he must pay the price before he is allowed to proceed further upon the Way. As for the group he injures, what should their attitude be? A recognition of the gravity of the error, a wise acceptance of the facts in the case, a refraining from unbrotherly criticism, and a pouring out of love upon the sinning brother--all this, coupled with such action as will make clear to the onlooking general public that such sins and infringements of the law are not condoned. To this must be added an attitude of mind within the group concerned which will lead them (whilst taking firm action) to help the mistaken brother to see his error, to work out the retributive karma, and then to reinstate him in their regard and respect when due amends have been made. IHS 83-84

You have, therefore, three aspects of the Law of Karma, as it affects the principle of rebirth:

1. The Law of Karmic Liability, the governing life in the three worlds of human evolution, and which is ended altogether at the fourth initiation.

2. The Law of Karmic Necessity. This governs the life of the advanced disciple and the initiate from the time of the second initiation until a certain initiation higher than the fourth; these initiations enable him to pass on to the Way of the Higher Evolution.

3. The Law of Karmic Transformation, a mysterious phrase governing the processes undergone upon the Higher Way. These fit the initiate to pass off the cosmic physical plane altogether, and to function upon the cosmic mental plane. EH 405

This seventh ray sweeps into organized and directed activity the world of forces upon the outer sphere of manifestation, and produces the precipitation of Karma, which, in this case leads to:

1. The working out into expression of all the subjective evil of the life of humanity, thus producing the world war.

2. The initiation of the Planetary Logos and--with Him--of all who take their stand upon the side of the Forces of Light. This takes various forms as far as humanity is concerned:

a. The initiation of consciousness of the masses of men into the Aquarian Age, bringing them under the new influences and potencies, and enabling them to make a response of which they would not otherwise be capable.

b. The initiation of the aspirants of the world on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship.

c. The bringing about of certain major initiations in the case of those world disciples who are ready enough and strong enough to take them. EA 540

Law of Compensation

A great Law of Compensation comes into play in a peculiar manner and along special lines where accepted disciples are concerned. The emphasis laid upon discipline, upon purification, upon hard demanding work and upon relinquishing that which the personality holds dear, is a needed phase of occult development. This is generally and often sadly recognized. But--paralleling the period of pain and difficulty--is a compensatory activity of the soul which brings all life and circumstance into true perspective and changes attitudes so completely that the recognition of adequate reward supersedes the realization of pain. The Law of Sacrifice and the Law of Compensation are closely allied, but the first to become active in the life and to become a recognized factor in daily living is sacrifice. Compensation comes later into recognition. DNA2 613

Law of Cycles

The Law of Cycles has ever been regarded as one of the most difficult for a man to master, and it has been truly said that when a man has mastered its technicalities, and can understand its methods of time computation, he has attained initiation. CF 1144

Law of Death

We come now to the enunciation of a new law which is substituted for the Law of Death and which has reference only to those upon the later stages of the Path of Discipleship and the stages upon the Path of Initiation.... EH 501

Law of Differentiation

In order to do this, the initiate has to demonstrate his mastery of the Law of Differentiation and arrive at a knowledge of the Seven Paths through differentiating the seven sounds which make up the one Sound, but which are not related to the seven sounds which compose the threefold AUM. EH 690

Law of Economy, Attraction and Synthesis

As a human being, the disciple was ruled and conditioned by the cosmic Law of Economy, along with its various subsidiary laws which were active and conditioning in the three worlds of human evolution. This law is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving man. After the first initiation, he comes under the Law of Attraction which carries and wields the energy of love and--though the Law of Economy is then abrogated--it preserves an habitual control over the habitual process of the form vehicles which are now used under the Law of Attraction; this law works within the consciousness of man and also within the forms in the service of the Hierarchy. This Law of Attraction is a major soul law.

Later, after the fourth initiation, the disciple comes increasingly under the Law of Synthesis, which is the major Law of the Spirit in the universe. DNA2 422-423

The Law of Economy affects humanity as a whole today throughout every phase of its life; the Law of Attraction is beginning to gain some control, particularly in the work which the Hierarchy undertakes to do; and many initiates and senior disciples are becoming aware of the significance of the Law of Synthesis and are reacting to its impact. Later on, when moving to one of the seven Paths, the Master will work with the Law of Freedom. This is not, as you may well surmise, its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and liberation are effects of its activity. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius, and its is to that unknown "sphere of functioning and intelligent activity" what the Law of Economy is to our planet--the lowest of the laws controlling existence in planetary form. RI 417

Forget your own progress in conforming to the rules and in the helping of others. When this is so, sudden illumination may come, and the realization break upon you that the point has been reached when the Hierophant can demand your presence and bestow initiation upon you. You have, by hard work and sheer endeavor to conform to the Law and to love all, built into your bodies the material that makes it possible for you to stand in His Presence. The great Law of Attraction draws you to Him and nought can withstand the Law. LOM 341

At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realizes the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realization, and himself to apply the law, will depend his power to progress. IHS 140

The Law of Attraction persists in its work until another fire is attracted and touched, and the threefold merging is completed. Forget not in this connection the mystery of the Rod of Initiation. Later when we consider the subject of the centers and Initiation it must be remembered that we are definitely studying one aspect of this mysterious faculty of touch, the faculty of the second Logos, wielding the law of Attraction. CF 198

Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion.

The Law of Synthesis, as you know, is the law of spiritual existence, and one of the three major laws of our solar system, as well as of our planet. It is a basic cosmic law, applied from sources of which we know nothing, as are the Laws of Attraction and of Economy. RI 264

Law of Expansion

In occult literature this term "Law of Expansion" is limited to the discussion of the seven Rays, and to the subject of the planetary initiations. When dealing with the expansions of consciousness of the human being, and his initiations, we group them under the second "Law of Monadic Return." CF 1042

Law of Expansive Response and Law of the Lower Four

These two laws are not capable of interpretation as above, because only those who are initiated or in preparation for initiation can begin to understand them. The enlightenment which is the result of initiation is necessary before one can touch the idea behind these expressions of purpose. We shall not, therefore, take any time dealing with The Law of Expansive Response, or with The Law of the Lower Four, beyond giving two ancient stanzas which will convey much to the initiate but may only be sounding words and meaningless phrases to the average reader and student. EP2 199

Law of Free Occult Obedience

The Master imparts the nature of the Plan or the Purpose--according to the status of the initiate--and that is accepted by him under the Law of Free Occult Obedience. DNA2 154

Law of Group Life, or Group Progress

These are the rules for group initiation and I am dealing with them to give you a fuller understanding of the Laws of Group Life with which I dealt in some of my other books. RI 24

The Law of Group Progress can only begin to have a conscious effect in the life of the disciple who has been pledged and accepted. When he has established certain rhythms, when he is working effectively along certain well recognized group lines, and when he is definitely and in understanding consciousness, preparing himself for the expansions of initiation, then this law begins to sway him and he learns to obey it instinctively, intuitively and intellectually. It is through obedience to this law that preparation for initiation is instituted by the disciple. EP2 177