“For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.” (2Peter 1:4)

Those who hold on to the promises of God are righteous because they believe in the word of God. They trust that the Lord will take care of them and guide them according to His faithfulness. As a result, they have no worries and are able to find pleasure in His sight because they can fulfill the will of God.

Abraham is an example of one who held on to the promise of God. When he was told to sacrifice Isaac, he could because he had faith in the word of God. He remembered the covenant God made with him and this gave him the strength and courage to do what the Lord required. Hence, the Lord was greatly pleased with Abraham.

Faith is made manifest through the promises of God kept in our hearts during times of difficulty. It is only at such times that our faith is revealed and we realize the level of our faith. Unless we hold on to the word of God, how would we base our actions when we encounter troubles ? By what reasons do we react the way we do in different circumstances ? Only through basing it on the promises of God can we find the will of God and receive blessings.

The word of God is life and therefore it must be applied to our daily lives. Our living must manifest this life and this is what becomes our faith. Abraham was able to express this life within him and today, we must do likewise to be worthy of the calling as Abraham’s descendants. The bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Therefore, let us entrust all things to God because He cares for us. He longs to be gracious to us, to have compassion on us. Blessed are those who long for Him.


When we are faced with difficulties, how do we think to solve it ?

In what ways do our daily lives manifest our faith in God ?