Scientific Research in the Deanship

1. Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alomran, Bibliophobia, Alma'alumatiyyah Journal, (Safar 1424) p 4-7.

2. Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alomran, Using Information Resources in the Private Sector: A study in Riyadh, King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, p 63-106 (1430-2009)

3. Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alomran, Websites of Deanships of Libraries Affairs in Saudi Universities and Their role in reinforcing the Digital Content on the Internet: An Analytical Comparative Study, under publication, 1432.

4. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah, Digital Objects: Structure, Organization, and Retrieval in Digital Repositories on the internet: Towards A proposal Conception, Under the supervision of: Prof. Dr. Hasna Mahmoud Mahjoub, Manoufiyyah University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library Sciences and Information, PhD thesis (approved) 2010.

5. Usamah Mohammad Atteyyah Khamees, Frequently Asked Questions as a Tool for Providing Information Services on the internet: Evaluation Study. Under the supervision of: Prof. Dr. Amneyyah Mustafa Sadeq & Dr. Usamah Lutfi Mohammad Ahmed, Faculty of Arts: Almanoufiyyah University, 2008, (Master's thesis).

6. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, Websites of Almanoufiyyah University on the Internet: Evaluation Study, Doctorate Preliminary Research, Department of Library Science and Information, Faculty of Arts, Almanoufiyyah University, 30 ps, March (2008).

7. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, The Role of the Libraries in Ethical Issues Confrontation in the Egyptian Community. The thirteenth National Conference for Librarians in Egypt, 5th-7th July 2009, entitled "Library and Community in Egypt" under a slogan "Library Creates life" available on

8. Usamah Mohammad Atteyah Khamees. The Role of Public Libraries in Egypt in supporting civil Rights and Liberties: The Strike Right as a model. The twelfth national conference for librarians in Egypt, 24th-26th June 2008, entitled "Library and Political Education and Intellectual Liberty in Egypt" under a slogan "Knowledge is the Definite Way to Democracy"

9. Usamah Mohammad Atteyyah Khamees, Information Crimes and Information Security in the Holy Qura'an: Foundation study for Meditation in the Noble Quraan. (20/04/2005) partly published in the librarian's record in Almanoufiyyah. Available on


10. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees. Frequently Asked Questions as an Electronic Service and its Role in Computer illiteracy Elimination. It is the winner of an excellent position in the scientific sessions of the eleventh national conference for librarians in Egypt, 26th-28th of June 2007 in Almansourah University.

11. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees(Co-author). The role of Libraries Science Department in Faculty of Arts at Almanoufiyah University in Community Service within a research entitled: "The History of Department of Libraries Science and information in Almanoufiyyah University during fifteen years" The tenth national conference for librarians in Egypt: The Egyptian society for libraries and information, University of 6 October, 2006.

12. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, Programs of frequently asked questions on the internet: Evaluation study in Mohammad Aman's Fans. Mohammad Mohammad Aman, Alexandria: Althaqafah Alelmiyyah Publishing House, 2009, p129-156.

13. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, Issues of libraries, documents, and information technology in political parties programs: An Analytic Study. Journal of Modern Directions in Libraries and Information, Cairo: The Academic Library (June 2012)

14. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, The Digital Content in the Digital Repository in Arab Countries on the Internet: A Survey Study. Journal of Modern Directions in Libraries and Information, Cairo: The Academic Library (June 2012).

15. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, Multiple Research Service on the Digital Library Website for Union of Egyptian Libraries and the Digital Library for Saudi universities: A Comparative Analytic Study. Journal of Researches in Library Science and information, Cairo: Cairo University, Faculty of Arts, Center of Systems and Information Services (Sep2011).

16. Usamah Mohammad Ateyyah Khamees, Creating a digital library for Intellectual Products for all university employees using Greenstone system: Experimental Study (2012)

17. Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alomran & Usamah Mohammad Khamees, Benefitting Teaching Staff of Almajma'ah University from the Internet in acquiring information: A field Study (2012).