
“Effective study of the Word of God is basic to the Christian life…if we want to know God through His Word, it is vital to have the right attitude. Effective Bible study takes at least five things: new birth, real desire, constant diligence, practical holiness, and prayer.”

John MacArthur (How to Get the Most from God’s Word, p. 153)

Before you begin…

·  Pray that God would give you understanding before you begin your study each day. Ask God to help you understand the passage, see His character displayed, and glean specific application for your own life.

·  Read the passage several times, in more than one translation of the Bible if possible.

·  Answer the questions on your own first, using only the cross references in your Bible. If there is a question that is challenging, pray for guidance, take a break, and revisit that question a day or two later. If you still need help, use the study notes in your Bible or outside commentaries, and remember that you can always call your leader!

Day One

Read 2 Peter 1–3; Introduction to 2 Peter

1. Remembering that context is important when studying Scripture, skim 1 Peter, paying attention to the paragraph and chapter headings provided by the publisher, then write down some of the main themes of the book.

2. Skim 2 Peter, again paying attention to the paragraph and chapter headings, then write down some of the main themes of the book.

a. How do you think the themes in the two books relate to each other?

3. According to 1 Peter 1:1 and 2 Peter 3:1, who was the author and who was the audience of 2 Peter?

a. From your own knowledge or using the notes in your Bible or other resources, what approximate date was 2 Peter written, and what was the historical context?

Day Two

Read 2 Peter 1:1–21 focusing on verses 1–4; The Source, Substance and Sufficiency of a Believer's Faith

1. From 2 Peter 1:1, how does Peter describe himself? What is the significance of that description?

2. According to verse 2, what does Peter desire for the readers of his letter?

a. How do you think that is accomplished?

3. Do you think the “knowledge” in verse 3 is simply intellectual assent? If not, what do you think this knowledge entails?

4. In your own words, describe Peter’s encouragement to believers in verses 3–4.

5. Last week we learned that if believers are not living godly lives, it’s not because we haven’t been given what we need to do so, but because we choose not to appropriate what we have been given. Prayerfully consider how this relates to your life and write down what needs to change.

Day Three

Read 2 Peter 1:1–21, focusing on verses 5–11; The Believer’s Precious Faith: Its Certainty

1. What “very reason” does Peter give to encourage believers to pursue the spiritual characteristics/virtues listed in verses 5–7?

a. List the spiritual characteristics/virtues from verses 5–7.

2. According to verses 8–9, what are the positive results of possessing these qualities and the negative consequences of lacking them?

3. Consult a dictionary to gain a better understanding of the word “diligent” (translated as “make every effort” in the ESV). Why do you think Peter uses this word twice, in verses 5 and 10?

a. What virtues do you need to pursue more diligently so that you’ll know greater assurance of your salvation?

b. Find at least two other Scriptures that address the topic of assurance of a believer’s salvation and share those with your group.

Day Four

Read 2 Peter 1:1–21, focusing on verses 12–15; Peter’s Legacy Statement

1. Why do you think Peter often used the word “remind,” as he does in verses 12–13?

a. What practical tools do you use to help you remember “the truth which is present with you”?

2. Do you think it’s more important to be able to point to a dramatic “salvation event” or to evidence of present spiritual service and obedience? Explain your answer.

3. What event is Peter anticipating in verse 14?

a. Why do you think he uses the term “departure” rather than “death” in verse 15? How might this help a believer approach the end of her earthly life?

Day Five

Read 2 Peter 1:1–21, focusing on verses 16–21; Grounded in Scripture

1. According to verse 16, what qualified Peter to speak authoritatively about Jesus Christ?

a. To what event is Peter referring in verses 16–18? Why do you think he chose that particular event?

2. According to verse 19, what is even more sure than Peter’s remarkable experience on the mountain?

3. What do the following verses teach about the written Word?

a. Psalm 19:7–11 c. Proverbs 6:23

b. Psalm 119:60 d. John 17:17

4. The word for “moved” or “carried along” (ESV) in 2 Peter 1:21 is also used in Luke 1:70 and Acts 27:15 and 17. How do those images help you understand the origin of Scripture?

a. Do you believe every word of Scripture is inspired by God? Do you think it matters? Explain your answer.

5. How does your view of Scripture affect the way you think and live?

Frields January 21, 2015