Eat Smart

Level:Grade 3



The students will…

--be able to identify all of the food groups in the food guide pyramid and tell how many servings from each group they need per day.

-- know what nutrients are and what each nutrient is used for in our bodies.

-- be able to determine if their diet is healthful or unhealthful.

-- be able to choose foods that are healthful and communicate the need to eat healthy foods to their family.



1.Begin a discussion about food. Ask students about their favorites and least favorites.

2.Tell students that we are going to keep track of everything we eat for three days. Pass out eating recordingsheetand explain how to fill in the chart.

3.On the recording sheet have students predict if they think their diet is healthful or unhealthful.


1.Show the Eat Smart PowerPoint.

2.Spend some time working through the food guide pyramid. Bring examples of some foods and show the class how much of each food is one serving.

3.Introduce some of the important nutrients and explain what these nutrients do for the body.


1.Students should have completed the eating recording sheet. Have students share some of the things that they have eaten. Discuss weather these foods are healthful or unhealthful.

2.Introduce the class to the website

3.Students will choose one of the days from their recording sheet, and check to see if they are getting the correct amount of nutrients by going to Games/Nutrition Café/Have a Bite Café.

4.The students will enter some information about what they have eaten and then be able to see what nutrients they are missing from their diet. (Some of the food choices are very limited, so encourage students to find a food that is very similar to what they have eaten.)


1.For this activity, students will work in groups of 2-3. They will design a menu for a restaurant that only serves healthful meals.

2.Introduce this by showing some menus from local restaurants.

3.Students will work together to make a plan for the information they will put on their menu.

4.The groups will then enter their information into a template created in Microsoft Publisher.

5.Each group will share the menu they have created with the class.


1.Students will plan a very short report about a healthful snack that they enjoy.

2.The reports should include the nutrients contained in the snack and what the snack does for our bodies.

3.When all the reports have been given, enjoy a healthful snack fair.


Students will be evaluated based on…

--their eating recording sheet

--teacher observation and class discussions

--group menus

--final healthful snack report


Eating recording sheet, a computer for every child, foods to share

