November 22, 2015 CDAA Board/General Session Meeting

7:00 p.m. at Rebel Youth Athletic Building

Board members present: Liz Anderson, Brian Bagwell, Mary Betland, Angie Bloss, Marty Carr, Cindy Dockendorf, Joe Hoffman, Larry Hovind, Jenny Kral, Chad Potter, Chris Ryan, Josh Stahl, Deon Stark, Shane Steffes, Michelle Tentis, Jody Wagner, John Whalen.

Board members absent: Jodi Anderson, Katie Ashburn, Aaron Chladil, Kevin Faulds, Linda Hensel, Todd Hensel, Cass Lundgren, Gina McDonald, John Richter, Tim Ross, Anthony Schaefer, Steve Shellum, Chris Wester.

Other attendees: Doug Baines, Charlie Lehn, Rick Kloeppner, Steve Kelly, Ryan Stupsky.

Executive Board meeting called to order at 7:12 p.m. by John Whalen (in the absence of Gina McDonald):

Approval of the Agenda:

Jody Wagner made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Mary Betland; motion carries.

Previous Meeting Minutes:

Brian Bagwell made a motion to dispense the reading of the October minutes, second by Shane Steffes; motion carries.

City Business:

City of Dayton –

Doug Baines updated the board.

A schedule is needed for field needs prior to seasons starting to make sure the city of Dayton is ready. Doug needs to know which fields each sports wants to use and when they will be used.

City of Champlin –

Charlie Lehn updated the board.

Charlie thanked the football board for cleaning out the warming houses.

Charlie thanked CDAA for their donation to dinner and a movie.

Joe asked Charlie if the city can look at the football scoreboard at Andrews.

Charlie said the city is hoping to do some maintenance on the little field at JRAC to help with the drainage issues.

There was a mention of a roof leak in the storage area of our building at JRAC – Charlie will have that looked at.

Rick Kloeppner mentioned he will probably have a facilities planning meeting with both the city of Champlin and Dayton in January or February.

New Business Public:


Executive Directors Report:

John Whalen updated the board in Gina McDonald’s absence.

John distributed thank you notes to the board.


There were no notifications this month. In January, Volleyball and Football will be notifying.


There were no nominations this month


Ballots were distributed for voting on soccer positions. Results of the voting were as follows: Soccer Director – 18 votes Brian Bagwell, no write in votes - no abstaining votes – Brian is elected to the position; Soccer Director –Elect-18 votes for Steve Kelly-no abstaining votes-no write in votes – Steve is elected to the position; Soccer Director-At-Large – 18 Ryan Stupsky-no abstaining votes-no write in votes- Ryan is elected to the position.

Secretary’s Report:

Cindy Dockendorf was present for the meeting but had no updates for the board.

Treasurer’s Report:

Jody Wagner updated the board.

The CDAA 2014 990 and 990T tax return were filed this week. Waiting for the 2013 audit to be released. The 2014 review is almost done.

The following reports were distributed via email for October:

·  2015 CDAA Admin. Income and Expenses-October 2015

·  CDAA Gambling Income & Expenses-September 2015

·  CDAA Cash Balance Sheet

·  CDAA Profit and Loss Detail - ALL – October 2015

·  Individual Sports Budgets and reports (those with activity)

Jody Wagner made a motion to approve the October reports as presented, second by Marty Carr; motion carries.

Sport reports:


Marty Carr updated the board.

Marty the budget back from Jody – he will update the budget with Jody’s changes and send the budget out for an email vote.

Baseball is working with the Champlin Park Baseball Association for the handling of high school/traveling baseball leagues. The goal is to get more kids at the high school age involved in baseball.

Baseball is working with the city of Champlin to get a lit field - Andrews 5 for baseball.

CPHS is looking at getting lights at the varsity field and doing other upgrades to that field. The dugouts have been started at fields 5 & 6 at CPHS but there is a delay right now with the inspection.


Deon Stark updated the board.

The season is on the way. Registration numbers are similar to last year. Senior high registration will take place until the end of November. Those numbers are down but Deon anticipates the numbers will pick up. There are lower numbers in the girl’s high school league. Girl’s numbers over all in all leagues are down.

Mary wanted to know when the senior high coaches meeting was going to be held. Deon wasn’t sure but will let Mary know.

There is an open basketball director at large position. John Whalen appointed Marc Carter to the open position. Marty Carr made a motion to approve the appointment of Marc Carter to the open basketball director at large position, second by Michelle Tentis; motion carries.


Shane Steffes updated the board.

Wrapping the football season up – still trying to get equipment back from players. Shane asked the question if there was any way to flag in Blue Sombrero those participants who haven’t returned equipment. Technology will look into this.


Brian Bagwell updated the board.

Brian will meet with the soccer league board members in Brooklyn Park to discuss the possibility of CDAA and BPAA playing in a league together for high school.

March 15th is the start of registration for the upcoming soccer season.


Jenny Kral updated the board.

Softball is working on their budget. Laurie Zahlaka is resigning her position of softball director at large effective immediately. That position is now open.


Michelle Tentis updated the board.

Season is over. The CPHS volleyball team came over and help with the jamboree – set up and cheering on the girls. The participants seemed to really like that. Next year – volleyball is looking to expand to include teams from Anoka Ramsey, Andover and Rogers.

Track & Field:

Angie Bloss updated the board.

Angie has spoken with Kevin Moorhead and he is on board for helping with track and field. Angie will however, talk to the CPHS track team coaches to see if they have any interest in helping out.

Non-Sport reports:

Ethics Report:

Mary Betland updated the board.

Larry Hovind is heading the scholarship committee this year. Board members who offered to be part of the scholarship committee are: Angie Bloss, Cindy Dockendorf, Michelle Tentis, John Whalen and Larry Hovind. We will accept scholarship applications from 1/1/16-3/19/16. Voting for all board members will take place at the April board meeting (4/17.) Chad will get the scholarship updated on the webpage.

Mary Betland spoke to the board about issues with assistant coaches being in charge at games and they may not have had the proper paperwork completed (background checks) or training (concession etc.) How can we track this? We may need to look at on outside service to keep track of paperwork and training (i.e.: Trusted Coaches Services through MYAS.) Chad will take a look into getting more information. Each sports director needs to make sure to define who is a coach/assistant coaches for all teams.

Public Relations Report:

Liz Anderson updated the board.

Liz is working on a standard advertisement ad for CDAA. A discussion follows as to where does the payment from these ads come from.

Technology Report:

Chad Potter updated the board.

The redirect emails are set up.

Advising Directors Report:

John Whalen was present for the advising directors but had no report to give.

Old Business (Board):

Rick Kloeppner updated the board.

Rick is chairing the planning committee looking at facilities. The group has met one time. Rick outline the process/phases with this committee:

1.  Discovery Phase – interviewing sports directors to determine what their needs and goals are as well as opportunities and challenges. During this phase – the committee will also talk to local cities and other sports organization posing the same questions above.

2.  Reviewing Phase – reviewing all the data received during the discovery phase.

3.  Recommending Phase – making recommendations to CDAA board as well as others.

Rick expects these phases to be a yearlong process.

New Business (Board):

Cheerleading: Cheerleading is a minor sport that has not run for 3 years. Mary Betland made a motion to eliminate cheerleading as a CDAA sports, second by Shane Steffes; motion carries. We still have cheerleading uniforms – we will need to determine what to do with those (maybe donate?)

December board meeting: Our bi-laws only require we meet 10 times out of a year. Cindy Dockendorf made a motion to cancel the December board meeting, second by Michelle Tentis; motion carries. Our next board meeting will be on Sunday, January 24, 2016.

Motion to adjourn made by Cindy Dockendorf, second by Joe Hoffman; motion carries.

The regular board meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Next month’s CDAA board meeting will be held on Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rebel Youth Athletic Building. Please provide any agenda items to Gina McDonald at least one week prior to the meeting.
