(Please fill out in English and click the appropriate grey boxes)

UNU/BIOLACPriority Areas (Choose one)

1 Emerging and neglected human, animal and plant diseases

2 Environmental microbiology: Metagenomics as a bioprospection tool for bioremediation

3 Renewable sources of energy (industrial biotechnology)

For the biennium 2018-2019, UNU-BIOLAC is seeking to empower young scientists to make use of Big Data as a knowledge-enabling strategy to traverse across the above priority areas.

If your application does not fit in the above priority areas, please provide a brief justification/motivation in support of your proposal. Particular regional needs will be considered

Specific fields

  1. Title of the training proposal:
  1. Name and Address of the training host Institution:
  1. Name, Title and Institutional Affiliation of the training course Coordinator:
  1. Expected Commencement and termination Dates:
  1. Objectives of the Training:
  1. Course Description (Present a summary of content and specify the target audience. Attach more detailed information, if necessary).
  1. Organization of training (indicate modalities of instruction to be used – lectures, laboratory sessions, visits, etc., resource persons to be involved including those that may be invited from abroad, language of instruction).
  1. Collaborators (please include Full Name / Position / Institution / Phone / Fax / E-mail address and area of expertise, attached short CV’s)
  1. Identification and Selection of Trainees: (indicate the extent to which these functions will be delegated to the institution hosting the training and how the training opportunity will be targeted to a small number of core institutions in accordance with the UNU strategy for capacity-building)
  1. Expected output (indicate reports, proceedings or training manual that will result from the training).


  1. Estimated Budget (list the main budget expenditure items related to the training and identify all source of funding):


  1. Air Tickets and taxes (For 10 students) UNU-BIOLAC
/ 6000
  1. Lodging and foods (for 15 persons) UNU-BIOLAC
/ 5000
  1. Laboratory manuals and materials UNU-BIOLAC
/ 2000
  1. Professors and internationa invited speakers lodging (Host Institution)
/ 2500
  1. Printed support material (Host Institution)
/ 1500
Total Expenditures / 17000
Source of funding: UNU/BIOLAC / 11000*
Counterpart funds Host Institution / 6000

Counterpart funds:

Important Notice: UNU-BIOLAC will privilege budget funds mostly oriented to the students’ mobilization, and exhorts course coordinators not to charge registration fares.

*UNU/BIOLAC will fund courses up to 15000 USD and will not consider proposals with no counterpart funds.