(Please fill out in English and click the appropriate grey boxes)
UNU/BIOLACPriority Areas (Choose one)
1 Emerging and neglected human, animal and plant diseases
2 Environmental microbiology: Metagenomics as a bioprospection tool for bioremediation
3 Renewable sources of energy (industrial biotechnology)
For the biennium 2018-2019, UNU-BIOLAC is seeking to empower young scientists to make use of Big Data as a knowledge-enabling strategy to traverse across the above priority areas.
If your application does not fit in the above priority areas, please provide a brief justification/motivation in support of your proposal. Particular regional needs will be considered
Specific fields
- Title of the training proposal:
- Name and Address of the training host Institution:
- Name, Title and Institutional Affiliation of the training course Coordinator:
- Expected Commencement and termination Dates:
- Objectives of the Training:
- Course Description (Present a summary of content and specify the target audience. Attach more detailed information, if necessary).
- Organization of training (indicate modalities of instruction to be used – lectures, laboratory sessions, visits, etc., resource persons to be involved including those that may be invited from abroad, language of instruction).
- Collaborators (please include Full Name / Position / Institution / Phone / Fax / E-mail address and area of expertise, attached short CV’s)
- Identification and Selection of Trainees: (indicate the extent to which these functions will be delegated to the institution hosting the training and how the training opportunity will be targeted to a small number of core institutions in accordance with the UNU strategy for capacity-building)
- Expected output (indicate reports, proceedings or training manual that will result from the training).
- Estimated Budget (list the main budget expenditure items related to the training and identify all source of funding):
ITEM / USD- Air Tickets and taxes (For 10 students) UNU-BIOLAC
- Lodging and foods (for 15 persons) UNU-BIOLAC
- Laboratory manuals and materials UNU-BIOLAC
- Professors and internationa invited speakers lodging (Host Institution)
- Printed support material (Host Institution)
Total Expenditures / 17000
Source of funding: UNU/BIOLAC / 11000*
Counterpart funds Host Institution / 6000
Counterpart funds:
Important Notice: UNU-BIOLAC will privilege budget funds mostly oriented to the students’ mobilization, and exhorts course coordinators not to charge registration fares.
*UNU/BIOLAC will fund courses up to 15000 USD and will not consider proposals with no counterpart funds.