Certified Family Home Provider Manual

Section I: Idaho Statutes

CFH Statutes Title 39 Chapter 35
Idaho Certified Family Homes

39-3501Legislative Intent & Declaration


39-3503Payment Agreements

39-3504Physical & Environmental Standards


39-3506State Certification to Supersede Local Regulation



39-3509Negotiated Service Agreement or Plan of Service


39-3511Advisory Council

39-3512Application of Provisions


39-3516Resident Rights

39-3519Access by Advocates & Representatives

39-3520 Application for Certification

39-3521 Issuance & Renewal of Certification

39-3522Provisional Certification

39-3523Denial or Revocation of a Certificate

39-3524Procedure for Denial or Revocation of a Certificate

39-3525 Effect of Previous Revocation or Denial of a Certificate

39-3526Rules Provided

39-3527Responsibility for Inspection & Technical Assistance

39-3528Operating without certification – Misdemeanor

39-3554Waiver or Variance

Idaho Statutes Title 39 Chapter 53

Health and Safety, Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Action

39-5301Short Title

39-5301ADeclaration of Policy


39-5303Duty to Report Cases of Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation of

Vulnerable Adults

39-5303AExemption from Duty to Report

Limited Application of Exemption

39-5304Reporting Requirements, Investigation, Emergency Access

39-5305Inspections – Right of Entry

39-5306Supportive Services and Disclosure

39-5307Access to Records

39-5308Interagency Cooperation

39-5309Coordination of Services

39-5310Report to Law Enforcement – Prosecution

39-5311Effects of Actions Taken Pursuant to the Natural Death Act

39-5312 Rules

Section II, New Admissions
Accepting a New Resident into Your CFH
Helping a New Resident Adjust
Recruiting a New Resident

Section III, Admission Records

Resident Records Introduction

Resident Admission Records

Resident Records Form

Admission Policy and Agreement

Introduction to Your Idaho Advance Directive

Advance Directives

Completing Your Idaho Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Completing Your Idaho Living Will

Advanced Directives Optional Signature Form

Purpose of Resident Rights

Residents Rights Policy and Notification Form

Resident Belongings Inventory Form

Negotiated Service Agreement

Medication Authorization

Application to Exceed 2 Bed CFH Limit

Caring with Dignity - The Basics

Certified Family Home Level of Care

Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI)
Progress Notes (Optional)

Section IV, Resident Records and On-going Care
On-going Resident Records
Resident Incident Form

Challenging Behaviors:
Causes of Difficult Behavior
Assessing Difficult Behavior
Approaches to Special Problems
Communication Stoppers

An Introduction to Developmental Disabilities

The Aging Process
Normal Changes that Come with Age:
Common Diseases Associated with Aging
Tips for the Hard-of-Hearing
Alternative Care Guidelines

Alternative Care Training Form

Section V, Home Records
CFH Home Records
Training Log

Fire Incident Report

Initial Certified Home Compliance Study
Recertification Home Compliance Study
Modification Request or Annual Recertification
Waiver Request

Section VI, Safety
Fire Prevention Tips
Fire Preparedness Log

Home Fire Preparedness Inspection Log
Infection Control in the Home
Assisting with Resident Self-Medication

Revised 03/01/06 Susan Scheuerer