/ Worthing Car Parks
Annual Season Ticket –Brooklands
Application Form
Please read the terms and conditions overleaf
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
Please identify which car park you are applying for- please tick one only
 Area A Brooklands - Western Road (£300pa)
 Area B Brooklands - Brighton Road West (£200pa)
Your details:
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Season ticket required
Is this a /  Private application Business application
If ‘business’ is this a /  Single vehicle application Pool car application
About your vehicle(leave blank if a business pool car application)
Registration Number
Vehicle Make (eg Ford)
Vehicle Model (eg Fiesta)
Payment method
Cheque / Postal Order - made payable to ‘Worthing Borough Council’
Direct Debit: Please complete the additional DD form and return with this application
  • Brooklands Western Rd:
    initial payment of £25.00, then 11 monthly instalments of £25.00
  • Brooklands Brighton Road West:
    initial payment of£16.66, then 11 monthly instalments of £16.66
BACS - please contact the parking services team for further information
Tel: 01903 239999 or email:
Before proceeding with your application, please sign and date your application here to show you agree to abide by the terms and conditions overleaf:
Signed: / Date:

I hereby declare that all the information given is true to the best of my knowledge. Iunderstand that if any information given is false, the Season Ticket will be cancelled.

Failure to sign and date above will render the application invalid.

Please complete and sign the application form and either return this application form to:

Parking Services Team, Worthing Borough Council, Portland House,
44 Richmond Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1HS
Tel: 01903 239999

Staff will be pleased to assist you with any enquiries should you wish to telephone or email the office.

Terms and Conditions of Application

Brooklands Brighton Road West & Brooklands Western Road Car Parks(overflow area only)

The season ticket holders must only park in the overflow areas as outlined in themaps.

The sale of the season tickets at the two car park locations are a trial for one yearand will be reviewed in 2017. Any season ticket purchased between 1st March 2016 - 28th February 2017 will be valid for a year from the date of purchase.

It is anticipated that there will be two occasions where parking will not be permitted inBrooklands Brighton Road West overflow car park. During these periods seasonticket holders will be allowed to park their vehicles in Brooklands BrightonRoad East, subject to availability.

Season tickets can be issued to an individual vehicle registration or as a pool seasonticket for businesses.

Season ticket holders should not park in the designated disabled bays and wherethere are no bay markings they should park considerately.

The Council requests that no loud music is played whilst parked in the car park.

Please clearly display your Season Ticket on your dashboard or in the windscreen,so that all details can be clearly read through the front windscreen, when you areparked in the car park named on the Season Ticket.

The Season Ticket is only valid in the car park specified on the season ticket.

This Season Ticket should not be copied, altered or defaced in any way; doing sowill render it invalid. Season Tickets must be returned to the Council if the vehicle issold or the holder stops using it. If loss of Season Ticket occurs, the holder must tellthe Council immediately.

Once each site has reached capacity, a waiting list will be put in operation. SeasonTicket sales are based on a first come, first served basis. There will be a limited setper car park area. This will be reviewed based on the demand in each car park areaand waiting list.

There will be a limited number of season tickets set per company in order to give anequal opportunity for each company.

The Council will monitor the situation to determine whether the overflow barriersneed to be locked at certain times and a combination lock provided.

Height Restrictions: There is a vehicle height restriction of 6’6” at both Brooklands Western Road andBrooklands Brighton Road West Car Park.

Speed Limit: There is a 5 mph in the Council’s car parks which must be observed.


It is the Season Ticket holder's responsibility to renew on time; if a Season Ticketexpires and a waiting list is in operation, the Season Ticket will be offered to theperson at the top of the list and the previous holder will be added to the bottom of thewaiting list, to await availability of another Season Ticket. There will be no graceperiod on expired Season Tickets.

On renewal existing season ticket holders will be given renewal preference subject tothe Company distribution.

Renewals should be made 2 months in advance to the Council.

Season Tickets are non-transferable between sites or vehicles except if they are apool season ticket, then it can be used between vehicles. Any holder wishing tochange site or vehicle must surrender the original Season Ticket and make a newapplication.

Season Tickets will only be issued for complete calendar months e.g. if aSeason Ticket is purchased on the 11th of the month, it will be valid from the1st of the month to the end of the month. Refunds will be given forsurrendered tickets but only for the remaining full calendar months.

As Season Tickets are for a vehicle, not a person, any amendments to vehicleownership must be brought to the attention of the Council. Season Tickets do notguarantee the holder a parking space, although every effort will be made to ensuresufficient capacity exists.

The Council accepts no liability for damage or loss to vehicles or its contents andvehicles are parked at the owners’ risk.

If a season ticket is found to be misused or anti-social behaviour is committed, theCouncil reserves the right to withdraw and cancel the season ticket.

Season Ticket holders must comply with the site's Terms and Conditions at alltimes.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Privacy Notice

Adur & Worthing Councils are the data controllers of your personal data for the purposes of the administration and maintaining your season ticket, town centre workers concession, markets/events parking concession. For full details of how your personal data is used please visit